Categories: K-dramas

Laughter and Thrills Aplenty in Newest Preview for K-Bu Bu Jing Xin Featuring Sprawling Cast

Okay, I’m officially in love with Lee Jun Ki‘s version of 4th Prince from Bu Bu Jing Xin. I know it increases the odds for disappointment to fall for a character in advance of watching the drama but holy drama gods is he’s insanely gorgeous and dangerous in all the right sageuk male lead ways. In the newest preview for Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo (Bobogyungsim: Ryeo), he’s the prince that captures my interest the most with the combination of sexiness and subtle sweetness, it’s going to be so easy for IU as the female lead to fall for him. I’m excited also for more sprawling cast photos as the BTS sneak peek teases at, there is so much camaraderie and excitement to spread the infectious expectation for the drama which arrives in two weeks on August 30th.

Fifth preview for Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart: Ryeo:


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  • I am watching even if it only ends up being for the actors and the director, who I think makes beautiful dramas regardless of the story.

    Three of the princes will be on a future episode of Running Man (including Lee Jun Ki) so I'll watch that too!

  • @koala : I know your biggest crush is lee jun ki, but seing your update post about saeguk BBJX, just boring to the hel*. Boring updates, especially for female lead. #sorrybbjxfans.

    • Please Koala, continue to update on K-BBJX and Lee Jun Ki. It's your blog and you can post whatever your heart fancy.

    • Please koala, stop to update on BBJX. You should update more to Bogum drama. Bogum and the female lead look adorable, and watchable.

      • Sweet child of sunshine, as a huge Park Bogum fan your comment horrifies me and the majority of people who stan this kindhearted actor as well as other levelheaded fans of MDBC's cast. If u scroll through the archives Koala has been nothing but generous with her updates about MDBC but if you there's feel something lacking and want to ask something from her, please do so politely and not like petulant child. You will find that you will more likely get your way by using nice words rather than nasty words. This is her blog btw and she can post whatever she wants so don't feel bad or throw a tantrum if she doesn't bow down to your wishes. The internet is vast, your free to check out other resources.
        If you want to support MDBC, by all means do so. Cheer them on! Boost it up without resorting to bringing SH down. IMHO, it's not fair to pit them against each other even tho their both sageuks and both boast excellent cast. Bec one has the luxury of huge budget and good amt of time to produce and the other one hasn't had the luxury. I am cheering MDBc on while I don't stop myself from admiring all the pretty that I see on SH. As a drama watcher, i feel blessed to have 2 epic dramas to look forward to. Thanks for keeping us all updated Koala.. Keep the goodies coming!!

      • @pixiemoondust
        thank you for such a sensible comment. SH and MDBC are on competing slot but it is yet to be seen which one will score the gold. None has aired yet and I say excitement is high for both from what I've seen on various SNS. I am just glad that I get not one but two dramas in one slot to watch and fingers crossed that I have to drop none. As an international viewer, I will have no say in the ratings game so I have decided to sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. Let the best drama win and fangirls fight it out, I plan on making the most of the all the good stuff that is coming my way.

      • @Air, Ms Koala just updated on Bogum's drama just 1 day ago, only 3 posts before this post. Did you miss it? It's right on the front page! It's fine to ask Ms Koala to update more on your favorite drama, but why ask her to stop updating on others' favorite dramas? And why are you not posting on updates about Bogum's drama to support it?

        Please don't make use of Bogum or his drama as a scapegoat to drag down others for your own ulterior motives!

  • @Koala : Koala, please update info about yoo eun hye, I miss her so much or won bin (my ultimate crush).

  • I'm confused. Should Koala add fireworks and glitter-covered unicorns to make this post more exciting? I thought it was just supposed to be a quick update introducing the latest trailer and photos. How should she have written it to add more excitement? Additional exclamation points? I'm sorry I posted this, but negative comments just for the sake of it takes away the fun having a spot to get more information on various fandoms. Koala provides the meeting place and beginning introductions and we can continue the conversations which can be fun (or should I write "fun!"). ????

    • I think the broadcaster agrees with you that "less is better" since they have been really slow & behind on their promotion of Scarlet Heart, they only started promoting in August with the 1st teaser and only released this 2nd teaser 2 weeks later. Since there's only 2 weeks to go before airing, the broadcaster's ramping up the promotions as with most other dramas.

      I remember Ms Koala reported that the 1st teaser garnered 700k views in 5 days(?). Well, the 2 week-long wait for the 2nd teaser made the viewers so "hungry" that besides trending on Naver top 10 for most of today until now, it looks like the 2nd teaser may reach 500k views in 1 day!

  • It's weird to see that the comments now mostly on the negative sides. I don't think it's overhyped at all since the drama is close to its official broadcasting date and the fact that it was such a giant investment, of course the promotion has to be going full throttle by now. DOTS dropped so many teasers and stills on the month that it was to be aired and even released the first teaser as early as Christmas and so I think this is pretty normal for a pre-produced drama.
    The second teaser is cute except that I dislike the background music which sound out of place for a saeguk but I super agree with you Koala, Lee Jun Ki is too mesmerizing even in the stills, teasers and trailer alone. He was just so captivating as the 4th Prince. If stills, teasers and trailer could made you fall in love with him, what more to say if you watch the entire drama, I am sure I will be completely swept off my feet.
    I wish this drama the grandest success and it sure is very promising. Waiting eagerly here.

    • It seems like some antis have decided to gather here and try to hype the drama down, it's laughable how they think they can dictate Ms Koala on what to post on her blog. Find the article boring? Then skip it and scroll down.

      • They should read the banner of Ockoala "A koala's Playground - I will talk drama's if I want to" and BBJX original are one of ockoala favorite's drama.

        Anti's comments won't down the hype. The more they comment the more people will curious about it. I'll bet they are the first one who will watch the 1st episode.

      • Totally agree with you. If it's boring, why did they even click into this post in the first place? =.=

        Super excited about this drama, can't wait for it to air!

      • Exactly. Haters comment won't diminish my excitement for this drama and my love for Lee Jun Ki will keep me glued.

      • @shin You're right, the antis' comments will generate more interest for this drama instead. And if I were Ms Koala, I will post even more updates on this since it's gathering so many clicks and views from the antis.

  • Okay....this might just be the show which I can finally appreciate LJK. I am liking what I see in the video and for that matter, the other princes. Can't say the same for IU. No, I am not her anti and haven't spoken a single negative word about her but her acting seems a little too childish. I don't remember thinking that way of Cecilia Liu. Hopefully, it's not too exaggerated.

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