Ji Chang Wook and Yoona Rocking Their The K2 Drama Characters On Way to Spain for Location Shoot
This is the best case of K-drama character acting I recollect ever seeing so a huge kudos to Ji Chang Wook for being so darn entertaining. The leads of The K2 jetted off to Spain this week for location shoots prior to the drama’s premiere in mid-September. It’s cutting it close but I have faith in PD Kwak Jung Hwan to take full visual advantage of the overseas splendor. Ji Chang Wook and Yoona were on the same flight and both rocking their character looks – he’s a military man turned hired bodyguard with the code name K2 while she’s the rich illegitimate daughter of an aspiring presidential candidate with his actress paramour. She’s looking beautiful in her casual plane attire but he’s full on being the spy with the sunglasses and face guard, lol.
koala can you comment or post on their second trailer including song yoona? their teasers seemed intense and dark, i can’t wait for the k2!
ji chang wook’s trailer was good
yoona’s… i have no words, girl just oozes awkwardness.. her tone is nice though
What are you talking about? Yoonas trailer was much more intense and telling than JCW trailer. His was just him being hot, hers actually showed glimpses of her personality. I liked both hers and Song Yoonas trailer better than JCW tbh.
you saw the other yoona’s teaser? now that’s intense without being awkward.
it looked decent, I normally dislike her acting but her acting in that trailer delivers, the problem is it was too short so I can’t judge her yet
Mean ?
Maybe it will be another Yong Pal where male lead is the key of drama success. I saw Yoona’s teaser but I still just feel so-so towards her. But Yongpal has Joo Won. Don’t know whether Chang Wook as good as Joo Won in terms of acting. Lets see.
The presumption makes sense to me since similarly the drama is titiled K2, the code name of the hero, just as Yong Pal referred to Joo Won’s character. JCW certainly can carry a drama alone and he has star power to draw i fans thanks to his rising popularity with Empress Ki and Healer. I also hope a substantial amount of screen time will be given to JCW albeit the other two costars are established veteran actress and a popular idol. Besides, tvN offered JCW the highest pay each ep among all the cast for all the tvN dramas in history. What’s the point to invest a large lump sum in an actor if he isn’t expected to nor can he make it a success?
Well, Ji Chang Wook is indeed popular overseas but not in Korea. And he’s not popular as great-acting actor like Yoo Ah In or Joo Won. So, depends on what team production aim, but I’m sure it will be a hit in China. Yoona alone is extremely popular in China.
@Gaby, JCW is very popular in China too. After Empress Ki and Healer, he ranked top on some Chinese polls about K celebrities, along with LMH, KSH, LJS, SJK, etc. I’ve never seen YAI or JW in those polls, however, albeit they might be more popular in S Korea. Also, as I said, what’s the point for tvN to pay him all time high, even higher than Gong Yoo. There are reasons.
JW is alo popular in China otherwise the Huayi Brothers Entertainment in China wouldn’t invest on his company labe, and has been awarded the Most Influential Asian in China..
yeah I noticed that too,it is like she is trying to act tough or something hope she delivers , i guess you have to have a face that can display a variety of emotion, i would like nana for this role , the girl has a badass face yoona is too soft
I actually prefer Yoona’s trailer. Usually, Yoona does nothing for me, I am just not taken by her looks or the way she acts. Surprisingly, she looked different in the clip. That said, it was too short to judge if she has improved or not in her ability to act. At least she delivered the lines pretty well. Ji Chang Wook continues to give Healer vibes.
Let’s hope Yong Pal writer learnt a thing or two from his last work. YP started so well and it’s a pity the writer lost his way in the second half.
I see Yoona haters are in all force already here. Literally everybody are praising her trailer, it was first time seeing Yoona actually delivering emotions with just her eyes. I loved the shorter version where she looks more determent.
Song Yoona lookd amazing i her trailer too, her smile at the end gave me chills.
JCW was him being Healer all over again lol. Hot as ever but i didn’t get any preview of what we might expect from his character in terms of personality.
more like yoona defenders are in full force here
You are attaching her based on two minute trailer though.
lol you guys have weird definitions of “attacking”
i said she was awkward and complimented on her tone and you guys already branded me as a hater lol
How can JCW even breathe with that mask on? It covers nose and mouth.
I naturally don’t like yoona’s acting. Always awkward like suzy’s . I hope wookie oppa saves dis drama. Looking forward to it
Yoonas acting is not nearly as awkward as Suzys tbh.
No offense to Suzy fans. Any idol turned actresses I’ve watched so far is better than Suzy. Yoona is pretty decent in Prime Minister and I.
typo – *are* better than Suzy.
Why comparing with Suzy? Anyone is better than Suzy imo… LOL… Please stop mentioning unrelated idol in this drama thread.
i’m so excited for this new drama !!! i hope it will be good enough to compete with healer xD
They r one good looking pair! I actually want to watch this lol
I remember when Park Min Young was cast in Healer, JCW fans were like, ‘Why her…she’s not strong enough. His acting is too good. He should be paired with a better actress.’ And I agreed. But, that girl delivered. She totally transformed herself. So, who knows? Maybe Yoona can do the same. This is a great opportunity for her to prove herself.
To be honest yoonas teaser isnt much to go by..you cant say shes improved but you also cant say that shes terrible.
Give JCW more lines and screen time. That won’t be wrong. LOL
What the heck is that mask. It makes him look like Hannibal.
Now it seems to me that he is being type-casted into this type of role. It set to look like Healer 2.0. Yet people not making a fuss out of it.
Everytime idol turns actress being casted in a drama, there will always be endless negative comments on their acting. Please just give them chances and time. They will eventually polish their skills.
JCW is so short, can’t he take some growth balls? ??
Fans don’t care. He is hawt anyway. Muscles alone are enough for fans to glue to the screen. LOL
Same goes to you. Grow up, already.
Pot calling a kettle black?
JCW is not short by Asian standards. To me, as long as an actor looks taller and bigger than his co-star, I am fine. I always thought JCW looks bigger on screen, could be those broad shoulders and a v-shaped torso. I only knew he wasn’t as big as I thought when he stood next to Joo Won in one of the KBS Awards show. That’s not the problem because his co-star won’t ever be Joo Won
I read in dramawiki that he stands at 182cm. That’s considerably tall. LJK and SJK are both shorter at only 178cm and yet they still look tall to me. But most importantly, they have huge charisma on-screen. Just like RDJ, Ironman could not have been hotter despite him standing at only 5’9″.
I will preface my comment by saying, “I do not dislike yoona, I do not know her, so how could I hate her.” If having an opinion about someone isn’t acceptable, than no one on this site should comment. I personally, have never thought Yoona was all that attractive, or was good at acting. Suzy, in my opinion isn’t either. Her boyfriend leaves me feeling the same way. But all of them have backers who have plowed a lot of money into their careers, making their acting skills not important at all. If that isn’t the case then how did these three get so popular when there are so many other talented beautiful actors waiting to be discovered? China isn’t a favorite country of mine so I skip their dramas, for the most part…where as I love South Korean Dramas. To bad JCW has decided to make his career in a country like China.
Haters like “truth” are pathetic, seizing every opportunity to spread their disease. They are an extremely small minority, who fail miserably at disguising their venom with tactics such as faint praise. Their methods are known to non-haters, so they can’t fool anyone. The irony is that the hours they spend every day searching for any and all opportunities to denigrate Yoona is a direct testament to Yoona’s prowess as a performer. In other words, IF Yoona were mediocre or poor in talent, no one would bother commenting. Hopefully these haters will realize that, in the end, the only people they hurt are themselves.
JCW isn’t short.
I had the rare and luckiest opportunity to see him in person. I was just about a meter away and he stood really much taller over me in his sneakers.
I stand at 5’5 ( I was in my sneakers, too )
Oh, my! He is much more handsome in person and really sexy in his well-proportioned built.
Just sharing.