
2016 Remake of 1% of Anything Drops Posters and Preview and Schedules Premiere on DramaX — 7 Comments

  1. Koala,

    I haven’t heard of Oksusu or DramaX. Is there a chance I’ll be able to watch this with English subtitles on Viki or DramaFever? The original holds such a soft spot in my heart, that I’m excited for the remake!

    • I don’t know about Viki, but it looks like it’ll be on DramaFever next month as they posted trailer #1 for it with the title “1% of Something” with Eng Subs and an Oct 2016 premiere! Here’s the YouTube link:

      I’ve seen and liked the original too, so I’m curious and interested in watching this one just to see how this will be updated and what changes they’ll make. I’m not fond with the main leads on this one, though I’m enjoying watching Ha Suk Jin as Professor Jin (his character is almost similar as far as his arrogant personality) in “Drinking Solo” with Park Ha Sun. Wish PHS is on this one too (as she would’ve been perfect as the main lead teacher here to update Kim Jung Hwa, who was very pretty and the main female lead in the original…though PHS is currently playing one now in DS, just different in personality, and HSJ is also currently playing the arrogant guy…they would’ve been great on this one too, lol) as I’m not familiar nor have I seen the female lead of this drama on anything before (or I may have, but just didn’t know which drama…).

      • Thanks so much, Jeane! I just watched the trailer, and I can’t wait! I’m also not familiar with the leads of the remake aside from watching one episode of Drinking Solo just now. I think HSJ will be great.

  2. The original 1% of Anything was the very first Kdrama I watched and it got me hooked on Kdramas ever since, kekeke! I’m really excited on how they’ll play the remake out.

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