K-drama Grandma Kim Ji Young Passes Away From Cancer
There’s truly sad news to report today from K-ent as veteran actress and everyone’s favorite drama grandmother Kim Ji Young succumbed to cancer after a two year battle. Her family announced the passing at the age of 78 after an acting career that started in 1965. Even if international fans never knew her name she must be face that everyone who loves K-dramas would recognize. Her most memorable Hallyu drama roles include being Rain‘s grandma in Full House and her most recent role was guest starring in Let’s Fight Ghost last year in 2016. I’m so saddened by her passing but hope that it was peaceful and she lived a full and happy life as her acting career certainly left a mark on the world that will last beyond her death.
Rip…she’s forever immortalized in her drama roles.
Sad… rest in peace halmoni, you will be missed :'(
Rest in peace halmoni
My condolences for her family and loved ones.
RIP halmoni. Loved the grandmother roles she played in the dramas.
oh very sad indeed.may she rip
Let’s Eat 2 Halmoni…cooked a.big of chicken soup in one of the episodes. RIP
She was wonderful at her craft. Such a loss.
Oh no! I am do saddened by this news. R.I.P. Halmoni! You will be greatly missed!
Oh my gosh! I’m so shocked by this news! I am so sadden for the loss of this wonderful actress and her family and all the fans of kdramas. I know my mom will be very sad, too, because my mom thought Kim Jiyoung was hilarious in Full House. Rest in peace, halmoni! <3 <3 <3
RIP, omg, I loved her in every drama of hers I watched.