
Joo Won Wraps Filming for My Sassy Girl and Confirms May 16th Military Enlistment — 12 Comments

  1. I hope his relationship with BOA can withstand the 2 years of his enlistment. We’ve seen many couple broke up because of this.

  2. What exactly is the enlistment deadline? It seems pretty flexible to me. Ji Chang Wook who’s older than Joo Won by months is even shooting a new drama. I know Yoo Ah In and Lee Min Ho have some health issues but the likes of JCW are healthy, so the deadline can’t be before age 30. Is it the year they turn 30 or 31 for Korean age?

      • Then why did Koala said it’s near the enlistment deadline? Also, there are many celebs who are enlisting near age 30 so why not 31, 32…if deadline is 35?

    • My understanding is the deadline for all Korean men is 35, but most Korean men do their service when they are in their early 20s. The Korean entertainment industry is encouraged by the Korean government to spread their culture via entertainment thus imo the popular celebrities have been allowed to delay longer. The celebrities have been allowed to request exemptions but Dramafever reported that a new law starting later this year will no longer allow that. I still think they will be called up later, but no extensions, allegedly, will be granted.

      Why not later? Because the wear and tear on the body is harder as you get older.

  3. I don’t understand those those celebrities with health issues insist on serving for active duty while those perfectly fine health are on administrative service. I think it’s jusy their way of delaying military service. But I don’t know if delaying military service is really good for their career. They would be too old when they get back. Yoo Ah In is going to be 34yo Korean age when he gets back if he is enlisting this year. Ji Chang Wook & Lee Min Ho are going to be 33yo when they return.

    • I think Yoo Ah In should have followed the doc’s recommendation and done administrative service. I’ll go one further and say the person shouldn’t be given a choice; just do what the doc says. Apparently YAI thought he was good to go and even cut his hair.

      My understanding is celebrities delay because some celebrities never return to their pre-military level of success. Thus they (or their management companies) try to get as much done in their 20ies as they can. The exception are the child actors who enlist in their 20 and come back with a new, manly imagine. People can be really harsh with them, but the entertainment industry tends to be youth obsessed so I get their concerns.

  4. I just wish and pray for Joo Won safety, like other of his fans around the world. I will wait 3 years for his new dramas or movies. He needs to do this to serve for his beloved country. Stay safe, healthy & happy my favorite actor. 🙂

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