
Decent Long Preview With a Side of More Crappy Posters for Sageuk A King Loves with Im Shi Wan, Yoona, and Hong Jong Hyun — 9 Comments

  1. I’m not convinced by the trailer… The only think I remember it’s ISW has big ears :p

    This look doesn’t suit any of them. Their hair look fake…

    For the story, I will have to watch the trailer with english subtitles to understand and see if it seems interesting.

  2. that first poster look like yoona’s mind was somewhere else 🙂
    everyone looks georgeous, but at the same time little bland

  3. I’m getting Hwarang vibes. Handsome guys with bad styling. Shi Wan is a great actor but look wise he’s not suitable in sageuks. If it’s not Yoona and Jonghyun, I may watch it. Plus I also don’t feel any chemistry from the otp. I think I’ll pass.

  4. The longer main trailer on Naver is better, I think I will watch the first few episodes. Siwan doesn’t look the part on still but the trailer shows quite a different vibe. Story still a blur to me. I see drama fans talk about the book on OH. Seems like this could be HJH’s breakout role.

  5. iirc, the drama love story is between yoona and hong jong hyun while im siwan is the 3rd wheel.

    So the king have to watch how his best friend like each other and get jealous

    • Yeah, that’s how the novel goes. But I wonder if that’d be the case on the drama as well. The teasers pushing the other otp more, but the posters always has yoona looks disinterested so it’s possible they keep that original love line.

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