
First Teaser for KBS Romance Black Knight Showcases the Beauty of Slovenia — 12 Comments

  1. Everything is so pretty!! Everyone is so beautiful! This is giving me Package vibes! As long as this drama stays in Slovenia I’ll be watching every frame! Now time to plan a trip to Slovenia!

    Too bad its going up against Yoo Seung Ho’s new drama! It won’t be able to win ratings because his popularity is too much.

      • No drama this year except Defendant and Whisper last episode broke 20% and SeungHo is a lot more popular than RaeWon. Bogum is riding the nation’s son high so his dramas are doing well. It’s just a bubble. SeungHo is the real actor and the true national son. You’ll see how his new drama will crush the other two just like Ruler did.

  2. KRW and SSK look surprising good in that top still and the poster is beautiful. I’m watching this for KRW and Slovenia and the lovely autumn wear.

  3. I am a sucker for melodrama so this is my most anticipated drama for the rest of the year and I know it will be a hit as I trust Kim rae won choices.its part historical and part modern,really intriguing premise.

    for some reasons I like shin se kyung,she seems quiet and humble and she did well in six flying dragons and deep rooted tree so there is a chance she can excel in this too, fingers crossed

  4. SSK actually tried to emote in six flying dragons but then there was Water God…her somewhat blank expressions in the trailer are not good signs though. Slick production and scenery will only distract from shallow acting for so long.

    I also hope the writing is more than decent and that the drama doesn’t get boring or falls apart halfway through like SO many dramas this year. It’s been happening way too much recently.

    • Honestly, she isn’t bad if you watch SFD and TWDR. She really needs strong co-actors to pull off the scenes with dialogues. It’s just that BOTWG that showed her weaknesses. Also, she was the only actor in When A Man Loves that was good. Her choices of roles are different although she may be mediocre

  5. Kim Rae Won looks like Park Jung-hwan with that styling. I wish he had taken some better drama than something from this writer but I guess he trusted the director

  6. Shin Se Kyung, by all means prove me wrong and act the hell out of this character. Please, prove me wrong and improve your acting skills. Couldn’t they cast Soo Ae or lee Yo Won here or Kim Hee Sun for this?? These ladies are awesome. These age gap romance, Agghhhh.

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