
A Pink Member Namjoo Trending Over K-portals After Debuting Very Different Face — 20 Comments

  1. she or whoever made surgery,i’m pretty sure her look is no grace n glory until we don’t seen orginal face but God gift ur face is more better girl.. hwating.

  2. It’s her nose that is noticeably different. I don’t see the problem with her original nose that she needed to get a new one. She looks awful now. The price of not knowing how to be grateful and appreciative of god’s gift.

    Park Bom’s look scared me. She looks like a doll and I don’t mean it in a good way. If I were sleeping in the same room with her and once the lights are off, I will be scared to death thinking that I am in somekind of horror movie with a living doll trying to kill me.

    • I believe that namjoo loved how she looked. But for 7 years people have been criticizing her for being the ugliest in Apink. Anyone in that position will start to lose confidence and be traumatized and believe that they have to change to be loved even if they have very strong confidence in themselves .

      • How very sad for her. It’s unfortunate that they have worn her down.The flip side of fame is that every one feels they have a right to express their positive and negative opinions about you.

        Internet bullying and trolling can have dire consequences. It is not for the faint hearted.

        This is the career she has chosen for herself. It is not for I. To constantly be under the microscope and to be critiqued by everyone and anyone is scary.

        I really hope she has good people around her to support and lift her.

      • She has been had a few nose jobs too.
        As celebrities people will always criticize about their look no matter what. But she seems to care so much about it.

        PSH has a uniqe nose and although many don’t think she is pretty. I’m glad she is confident enough to stay natural unit now. She know how to be happy and satisfied with herself.

        Other should learn from her.

  3. I think it’s just the make up that make her look different.

    She could have done the PS along time ago. You never know unless you see her bare face, which only then you can come up with reasonable comparison.

  4. She was very pretty to begin with. But she’s clearly done something to her nose to make it look so pinched. In comparison, her original nose was cute and perfectly suited to her lovely face.

  5. That’s one of the most tragic nose jobs I’ve ever seen. She used to be pretty.. I’m sure she must be feeling so bad right now..

  6. She was lovely. She’s still good looking now, just unrecognizable. For someone who makes money with their looks such drastic changes are ill advised. The public always has to be able to recognize them, else how will they spend their money on them? Hence the uproar. She looks so different, a stranger could take her place in Apink and claim to be her with none the wiser.

  7. She was lovely. She’s still good looking now, just unrecognizable. For someone who makes money with their looks such drastic changes are ill advised. The public always has to be able to recognize them, else how will they spend their money on them? Hence the uproar. She looks so different, a stranger could take her place in Apink and claim to be her with none the wiser.

  8. Hope those are just fillers, which can be dissolved or will eventually dissolve in the coming months. Her body language though is so sad, she looks like she has low self-esteem. I hope she gets the intervention she needs before she falls into depression…

  9. Honestly the media there handled this worse than most netizens. There were nonstop articles like this one. Anyway I hope shes doing OK. I hear she was noticeably called ugly and made fun of for her nose so I guess it got to her. The kpop beauty standard can be extreme and its sad that this was the result to her.

  10. OMG, cant she go back the way she was. She was beautiful and i loved her nose the most. I think everyone is Apink is beautiful. Nobody should fix themselves.

  11. She knows what has happened. Instead of constantly having to remind her of what’s happened let’s support her guys and stop reconfirming the negative. Try and put yourself in her position and how she feels.No wonder so many K Celebs have mental and self esteem issues…A cruel insensitive world indeed.

    • ?? The world is becoming so image conscious that even young girls are suffering from depression because of IG, FB and other social media sites.

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