
Gu Hye Sun Goes Full Goth on Film Festival Red Carpet — 16 Comments

  1. She looks like a vampire. Seems like, she never feels tired of this makeup.

    She just looks chubbier. It’s ok since she’s not that active in tv. People sometimes are just too much. She’s happier with her hubby.

  2. I am not familiar with her works, but everytime I see her pictures, she never looks put together, always ill fitting clothes, bad makeup and bad hairstyle. I recall seeing a similar look at an award ceremony, but with a red shirt instead of black.

  3. Did she undergo plastic surgery or simply just surgery due to her illness (as reported last year)? Bloating is common especially if you are on medication cause I experienced the same thing. I am not sure if she had any work done to her face or maybe just the effect of the bad make up coupled with the bloatedness.

    • No, she didnt do plastic surgery(or at least from what her canp said).She gained 10kg thats why her appearance looks slightly different from the way we were used to seeing her.

      As for styling and makeup.She rarely gets it right since she does it herself.Maybe if it was professionals doing it, it would make all the different.But what is important is her health and marital happiness.As for her professional life, she suits variety shows(especially when they feature her hubby?) and she would suit talk shows and editorial modelling too.Just not acting.

      • @Puff – she is 2 sizes bigger from the look on those photos. Maybe wearing black is hiding some of her weight? Goth look is no longer in, just saying, and she is missing the black nailcolors and black lipstick… she looks weird!! This does not look Goth to me.

      • I know Goth… her haircolor is not Goth, her lipcolor is not Goth, her nailcolor is not Goth… All I can see is her using black to hide her weight gain.

  4. Sigh.. the ugliest look on her that I’ve seen in a while.. is she missing that vampire medical deama she did with her husband? What a random couple…

  5. I don’t know who she is and yeah if she’s channeling the whole goth look in the middle of summer over in Korea in all Black then she’s game.

      • Thank you for the post. She looks very young in the BOF poster but alas I’ve never watched it so can’t comment on her acting.

  6. Wow, I can hardly recognize her in that last pic. Personally, I think the pants are fine, but I don’t like the blouse nor the lip color.

    She’s someone whose styling has always made me scratch my head, wondering “What were they thinking?”. Having said that, I’ve also always admired her for being a non-conformist. So many k-actresses end up looking alike (long hair with no layers, super short skirt, high heels, etc)– it feels like they’re k-barbies sometimes.

    In any case, I hope her health has recovered and that she and her hubby are still giddy in love.

  7. Actually she is prettiest in her natural self (or with light make up). Like when she was in the Na PD variety show with her hubby.
    I’m not a fan of her acting but I like her. I like that she is not bothered by what others think, that she goes about pursueing her interests and was even able to joke about her chubby self

  8. She needs to fire her stylist. I thk she was credited with good skin and very fair skin tone before. But her makeup is off.. and i mean the entire face- base right up to the lip colour. Considering shes on hiatus and was previously ill, its good to know shes eating well and gaining a few pounds for that.

  9. It could be meds for her illness. Some of the strong stuff cause a round face. Even after healing, sometimes, they may still have to take maintenance meds for awhile. It could be anything but I think she looks fine. I am not a fan of her looks or style but as long as she happy and healthy – who cares what others think. It’s her life.

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