
The Leads of Hit K-romance Movie The Classic 15 Years Later Have Competing Movies at the Box Office — 4 Comments

    • It should make more with its huge budget twice the amount of the other 2. The Great Battle is also showing on more theatres.
      As far as I can see, they are all doing well.

      • In the same time, The Great Battle is a war movie, with a lot of action scenes that are expensive when Negociation is filming in two places. Just the type of movie makes it more expensive.

        I’m happy for the 3 actors ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. I hope The Great Battle tickets sales will further increase. Itโ€™s one massive big production movie that probably needs at least 8.5million admissions to breakeven. Currently, it hasnโ€™t reached 4 million admissions yet.

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