
Fantasy Romance Drama Mama Fairy and the Woodcutter Continues to Drop Adorable Stills — 8 Comments

  1. the plot where a groom/bride can identify true identity of other lead reminds of goblin.i hope this story would be much better than goblin n i hope they didnt focus too much on triangle love or it will be boring.

    • I hope the drama follows the webtoon’s narration because the “who’s the husband?” was really a surface plot to a much grander arc.

  2. MCW is so pretty and the color of hanbok suits her well. I like the male lead YHM also, so this is a must watch for me 🙂

  3. I need some good news in my K drama watching life right now and I’ve decided that this drama will be it. AfterThe Guest and The Smile has left your eyes I need to be rejuvenated with a sloppy rom com and showered with a good old fashioned love galore fairytale.

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