
Jang Seung Jo Offered Second Male Lead Opposite Yoon Kye Sang and Ha Ji Won in Healing Melodrama Chocolate — 22 Comments

  1. I liked him as the weak Chaebol son in Encounter and he had great chemistry with SHK which is quite an achievement because she doesn’t have great chemistry with her leading men except JIS. Love his sensitive doe eyes.

    • Really? Is Song He Kyo really that bad of an actress? Then who is the leading lady in Full House and World Within? The lady in those two dramas have good chemistry with both men.

      • No chemistry with HB in WW ( and they were dating for real at that time)
        FH was terrible with overrated Rain with his OTT one note acting. SHK was the only good thing about it because she was so vivacious and easy on the eye.
        No chemistry with her husband in overrated DOTS….they looked like boy scout and girl. ..nothing sexy about that.
        I hated AT except WB who had more chemistry with her than SSH who is the male version of SHK …very good looking but limited range in acting.
        Hope she picks a project where she lets go and is expressive and lively like FH.

      • @Jana LOL I just realized that if you don’t pick up a different roles than you’re a bad actor. At least better than some that took different roles but you still see the same performance. Her chemistry with Hyun Bin is amazing and Full House is one of the best Korean drama to date. NVM a waste time to say more.

      • @allie
        SHK had charisma in FH and she was likable . What I meant to say was she needs to pick the right projects because her acting range is very limited.
        I liked her in TWTWB …probably because she played a blind person and didn’t have to express so much .

      • @Allie
        I also liked her in E . It was PBG who ruined it for me with his baby face and aegyo . Also the cheshire grin. I wonder if a younger actor with a mature face would have been better…like LMH or LJS.

      • @jana how bland are you? The fact that you cant see the chemist between rain and shk, when mayority of people ship them. Seeing your comment in every PBG’s article talking bad about PBG’s face when he unfortunately one of beauty standar in korea, I can imagine how you live in your real life. You know what? You can dissing people with their attitude or judge an actor about his acting. But you’re not supposed to talk bad about people’s physique (even tho you’re as pretty as shk)

      • @poh
        I never said PBG is bad looking. All I meant was he looked like a teenager with his baby face and was miscast in E. They didn’t give him much to do except smile a lot. I actually liked him a lot in the first two episodes when he was playing his age and looked so sexy with the long hair. Then he they put him a suit with a crew cut. He looked like a little boy playing dress up.
        FH was repetitive and all Rain did was make faces and pout. He’s not as good looking as SHK to get away with just making cute faces.

      • @jana You need to blame the writer, the writer is the one who make a script like that. No, he’s not miscast because after 6 ep he become more mature. Replace him with other actor wont help the drama. Even the actor still need to do aegyo and will smile for every second. LMH will never taking a role like that, and LJS’s visual wont stand SHK’s visual (it will become FH 2 for you). But what worst, the rating will drop. I think you dont know why encounter still reached 8% in rating when mayority of people called it boring. Park bogum bring rating. You can checked every reality show he’s in.

    • SHK needs a OCN crime/thriller/supernatural/horror drama as lead protagonist with no romance line and she’ll nail it for sure. Then she will definitely break out of the Melo drama shell however maybe her multiple CF deals might contain a clause that she doesn’t do character roles that maybe detrimental to her brand? Who knows.

  2. i find it really interesting how yoon kye sang is still pretty hot in showbiz keeps scoring roles and high profile at times ( eg. Jdy in the good wife and now with ha ji won) even though pretty much all of his projects tend to have abysmal results

  3. I love the cast but don’t care for the writer. I haven’t enjoyed any of her work. Everyone likes to tout Nice Guy as a good representation of her work. But if you watched that drama, you’d think getting amnesia is as easy as catching a cold. I didn’t care for it at all despite all of the Song Joong Ki, Lee Kwang Soo, Moon Chae Won and Lee Yubi goodness.

  4. I love anything with HJW in it. Go Ji Won. Dying for her comeback. Thank Gid for Netflix playing four of her dramas now – SG, K2H, Empress Ki and Hospital Ship.

      • Yes, in Netflix New Zealand, a country with only 4.5 million people. There is certain algorithm in using Netflix search option. I watched SG multiple times & gave it good rating from last October till this year Jan. Then I constantly typed in Damo, Empress Ki, Hospital Ship, K2H in the search section. Then this year Feb, voila, Netflix NZ added K2H, EK and HS in a span of 2 weeks.

  5. Typo error -meant to say Thank God not Gid. So jealous of Malaysian and Japanese fans get to see her next week and week after in Malaysia and Japan fan sign and fan meet events.

    • Hopefully HJW confirms if she is doing this drama so that I can block this down and shove all other dramas aside and hoping she is a the top chef character. Also I want to know who the second lady lead will be. Can I put a request in for Hwang Bo Ra it sounds like this drama needs some comic relief and she would be the perfect antidote. She is so underrated and is ready for lead role status any time now.

  6. I think HJW will accept it. A fan uploaded a vid of HJW cooking pasta in a restaurant kitchen with a chef assisting her. Can’t wait for official announcement.

    • Ohhhhh yayyyy hope we get a announcement soon ❤️I hope the scriptwriter has the same consideration and vibe like Romance is a Bonus Book and the story is a nice flow and mix to see it through to 16 episodes. And no crazy psycho Mother in law!!!!

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