
Her Private Life Ends Perfectly as the Drama Really is 16-episodes of Kim Jae Wook and Park Min Young Making Out — 29 Comments

  1. This show was just pathetically weak in terms of plot and writing and they tried to cover that by those make out session galore. Geez….Period!

    • Well @Gem , you speak my mind. i dropped after ep 8 so i can’t say about session galore . Sad because i like Kim Jae Wook and have nothing against Park Min Young as she is hardworking actress .

    • I need more then..i hope they stay connected even the drama already finish.i hope one day i wake up n read the rumours that they are dating just like song song bfore my labbit couples

  2. One more time, PMY has nailed her title Queen of Chemistry. Her chemy with KJW is spectacular!My wednesday n Thursday will not be same anymore. I will miss this OTP very much. I hope they will have another project together. Maybe melodrama/saeguk

  3. I Loved every minute of this drama the leads did a great job. It was very entertaining and anxiety free. Wish more dramas were like it. I did not need to take any anxiety pills just happy ones lol

  4. Not much of a story but Ryan Gold and the mature romamce make up for it.

    Kim Jae Wook is so good in his scenes when Ryan Gold back story is unraveled in the last few episodes.

    Park Min Young is consistently watchable… she is an actress who can generate chemistry with most of her co-leads, including KJW here.

  5. True but no complaints here! Lol. They delivered on the ROMance and COMedy with a lot of extra good stuff so I’m a very happy camper. Thanks to this drama I found a fav new couple. KJW and PMY are both so gorgeous and have an amazing chemistry. Aside from them, I’ll miss the crazy director Eom and the cute little kid.

    • Totally agree with this view. I wanted to watch Rom Com and got lots of those. Kudos to the team for delivering a show that had a couple that had chemistry and fun characters (Director EOM).

  6. Well I wanted a rom com and I got a rom com.

    It’s not as if I signed up for a high brow drama. It had heart. It had great acting. Great casting all round.

    And enough romance to satisfy me.

    Pish tosh to all those grumpy bums. PS is prevalent in the entertainment industry. But her height, acting and great figure are products of hard work and talent. Don’t go on to me ‘re breast surgery for anyone. So many ordinary people do it I even see elderly octogenarians with it.

    PMY’s acting is good but her voice is also so suitable for being SDM. She is lovely. KJW is swoony.

  7. I need more then..i hope they stay connected even the drama already finish.i hope one day i wake up n read the rumours that they are dating just like song song bfore my labbit couples

  8. 16 episodes of making out…hahaha.
    Both PMY and KJW did well despite not much of a storyline.

    Can we have that evil KJW back? LOL before we suffer from toothache from too much sweetness Ryan Gold brings!

  9. ERrr … kinda like Secretary Kim went – after the epic Ep 10 kiss, it kinda fizzled out and got boring.

    Great chemistry, but basically it went nowhere wonderful in the last 2 weeks – for me. Even the bed scene which they got round to eventually, was so lacking any passion of the ep 10 intensity.

    OK drama, great chemistry and plastic or not – I always enjoy watching Park Min-young. She’s so animated, but in a good way.

  10. Gosh.. just shut up already if u dont have anything better to say.. ya’ll just come here shouting plastic this and that. bring out ur face let me see

  11. Rom-com writers seem to be creatively spent nowadays. What’s with all these boring romance dramas with paper-thin plotlines and the only saving grace is chemistry between the actors?

    • agree. empty plot. boring. dropped at ep 10. I cannot see PMY as a serious actress anymore, same same for 2 dramas in a row, really boring. Time for her to go to daytime makjang dramas. Yawn.

      • She has always played these boring romcom female lead. Her only saving grace is her ability to make certain level of chemistry with her co-stars but her acting is always the same. Except Queen 7 Days her acting resume is copy oaste.

    • Well, it depends what someone likes. No need for something that makes the plot more exciting or intruging. It is just how adults get together. Normally there isn’t a scheming 3rd wheel, no evil mother-in-law or other things who have they to fight against. I really like that we got more Slice-of-Life type of romances lately. Probably boring for many but I prefer to have a few RomComs who have people who can build healthy relationships on their own.

      • What you’re talking about is makjang elements and romcom doesn’t usually have makjang elements those are romance dramas without comedy like Encounter or Mask. The standards for romcom is so low now that people don’t even remember what a good romcom is anymore. Just to refresh your minds Coffee Prince, Full House and You’re Beautiful are the classic examples of good romcoms. They all have some specific plot instead of being just empty fluff which is the standard of romcom these days. If HPL pulled in less then 3 percent on tvn it is basically a flop.

      • and kim Sam Soon, City hall, Marriage over dating, What’s up fox?, Hello my teacher, 9 end 2 outs, My girl…

  12. Loved the first 12 episodes and was fine with the last four. Some tired tropes but at least the drama had characters act their age re: no noble idiocy. Ryan Gold is probably one of the more relatable male characters to be in a k-drama. It is definitely a rewatch if I need a rom/com though I wish the comedic element would have been more a part of the end of the drama especially as it relates to her being a “fangirl”. However, honestly, that’s probably a 13 episode drama which is the real issue with not just k-drama rom/coms but other genres as well.

  13. Whoever named PMY as RomCom Queen is a joke. PMY thought she can emulate her WWWSK success in HPL but she should know that WWWSK success was purely attributable to PSJ’s RomCom King image and the comedic moments were delivered by him, KKY and the office crowd. PMY’s role there was so simple that she should thank her lucky stars that she had managed to ride on and rekindle media interest in her.

    HPL is watchable due to suave KJW but gosh, it garnered one of TVN lowest ratings for romcoms.

    • I like PSJ well enough but a rom/com doesn’t work because of one actor. Chemistry is key and I think PSJ and PMY had it in spades. (I think KJW and PMY also had it.) Ratings involve a bit of luck and HPL I believe went up against a very popular drama that was already airing. That’s just the way it turned out. The drama seemed to get a good bit of buzz for KJW and I’m happy for him.

  14. We got a real RomCom with characters who felt real and an OTP that had a healthy relationship who was based on trust, so that they still can stay together when the steam went off. And based on the BTS both actors were comfortable with each other even in the kiss scences, differently to the Secretary Kim. It shows on screen since their body language isn’t off.

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