Jo Jung Seok and Yoona Win at the Box Office with Disaster Comedy Movie Exit
This is a surprise, super duper surprise hit of the summer, with disaster comedy movie Exit premiering top of the box office this week. Watching the trailer after I heard about how well the movie did made me realize it was totally primed to succeed, Jo Jung Seok and Yoona are hitting all the right comedy and scared buttons as they try to outrun a toxic gas spreading through Seoul. It also has the hapless male lead turning into a hero at the critical moment with the life of his crush and other folks at stake. Not to mention his formerly useless rock climbing hobby suddenly becomes a life saving skill set lol. This would be a great summer popcorn flick and for me the perfect plane movie to watch.
Trailer for Exit:
Yoona is primed to be the next box office queen.
It’s a super surprise hit, indeed. Even as a fan of both leads, I didn’t expect much since the hype was originally low. But then Exit got rave reviews from critics and viewers alike during pre-screening period… and the mouth-to-mouth recommendation really works wonder! It even hits 1 million viewers faster than mega-hits like Extreme Jobs and Along With Gods.
Jo Jung Seok would have acted with all the very famous female idols: Suzy, IU, Hyeri and now Yoona.
Omg the trailer looks so funny.. no wonder it’s a hit..
I’m glad for Jo Jong Seok ? and if Yoona’s acting has really become good, then she’s done great. Looks like this is a fun movie, I hope it gets to a screen near me.
This will the time for jojungseok to shine, he will working with shinwoo PD for his next drama. I watched the trailer and its looks so funny!
I mean Shin won ho ?
It’s been a long while since Yoona had a hit acting project. Hopefully people will stop calling her poison ratings queen…
They been out promoting together so it’s not a surprise. Saw them promoting on Running Man and Knowing Brothers, the two variety shows that I do watch.
JJS is always good. For @Sayaris mentioned idol-actresses, I like IU > Yoona >>> Suzy >>>>>>>> Hyeri. LOL. I have finally caught up on my Japanese movie watching on my last flight to Europe. Next will be this K-movie if it is shown on the plane the next time I fly (in December).
I have the same order of idol-actress preference too, except with much more >>>>>> between 2 and 3 ?
International flights are always a good place to catch up on Korean movies, they always seem to have at least some movies from the last year or so, sometimes from the last 6 months. Hope your flight has it!
Yes my flights usually have a good selection of world movies but more Japanese than Korean.
Seeing them in Running man and knowing brother, They were working hard promoting their movie. While PSJ too lazy for that and prefer using his superstar friend, BTS V. But I guess army like PBG more than him pfft.
Park Seo Joon’s movie is doing quite respectably, it’s sold a million tickets already according to the Korean Film Council website.
Depending on the budget it’ll probably do well enough, I predict they’ll sell at least 2 million tickets, with a chance of reaching close to 3 million.
I think I can safely say that too much buzz almost always end with dissapointment.
Lowkey kmovie and kdrama always surprise me lately
Yoona antis must be foaming in their mouth.
Few minutes appearence in Confidential assignment had more impact and adorations & praisal from netizens than hour long roles;it should have been an indication how well yoona suit movies rather than draggy kdrama.Kdramas which are poorly produced and hurried in comparison and male centric in premise never managed to captitalize her natural charisma.