Woo Do Hwan is a Charismatic Fighter in Teaser for jTBC Sageuk My Country
Every good sageuk hero needs an equally charismatic antagonist to truly make a memorable conflict worth watching. Yang Se Jong is picking up his sword this fall for jTBC drama My Country and locking blades against him will be Woo Do Hwan who looks ahhhhmazing in his first teaser. I loved Yang Se Jong’s sunset hued patriotic teaser poster and equally adore Woo Do Hwan’s fire and brimstone blue character poster. My Country pits two good friends turned enemies as they take different positions in the political warfare that is the formation of a new nation, and of course fighting over the love of the same girl played by Seolhyun.
Teaser for Woo Do Hwan in My Country:
That poster gives a goblin vibe
I was just going to say that!! It does have a goblin vibe. In fact I think there is a goblin poster like this
Ugh, why does the female lead have to be Seolhyun?!!
@Peppa – that was my reaction as well. Why her?
The trailer looks so good! All the actors look great in. I’m really excited to watch this drama!
Woo do Hwan is almost too pretty with long hair for an antagonist character ^^ He would make a perfect elf 🙂
Really excited for this to start…
The teaser remind me of warrior Baek dongsoo
YSJ and WDH wow! Its time for 92 lines to shine!