
Arrested PD of Produce 101 Admits to Vote Rigging for Season 1 IOI and Season 2 Wanna One Results — 3 Comments

  1. what I can see is that the vote rigging has become so obvious in season 4 that even a teenager can tell something is wrong. I am glad that he finally got caught. We should now realize that corruption is probably everywhere in SK and likely also everywhere in the world (e.g trump news), it only depends on time when the truth can be revealed….

  2. 2019 had made me realize just how corrupt SK is as a whole. No country is perfect and no matter how ‘perfect’ SK tries to depict itself to be, there’s always room for improvement. Hopefully these dark days will lead to improvements in the future. Just sad to all the trainees who worked so hard for these shows thinking they had a chance.

  3. I watched only the first season and it was for reasons, different fo K-pop, as I am Jang Keun Suk’s fan. So I am truly unbiased towards IOI. It irritates me that this PD actually is tarnishing the first season, that was created step-by-step in front of our eyes.
    There is many info that now, 4 years later, people are now aware and even worse, will not believe. But how many of them even know that the first season was created by the executive producer Han Dong Chul, who had the control over the show and actually Ahn PD was only a staff-member?
    How many remember there was a free international voting and fans knew at every moment except the finale which girls entered the top 20?
    And don’t we forget what massive fanbase recieved Kim Sohye to talk now she wasn’t supposed to be in IOI?
    I am not saying there weren’t attempts to influence the show from outside parties. Maybe some people started recieving little bribes and favors in the moment when Produce 101 hit this massive success.
    But how exactly Ahn PD rigged the show being not the person in charge??
    Doing little tricks? Giving more screentime to one contestant than the others? Sabotaging the real voting?
    I really want to know.

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