
Park So Dam Beams with Joy in March 2020 Edition of Elle Korea — 31 Comments

  1. Not only these girls are natural looking, they can act and i see wonderful career for them when so called beauty fades away. she has become a big star after parasite, IC is already buzzing with actress’s unique role for k drama as well as how she is rocking the role.. Kim go eun has been always a acclaimed movie actress, always have hit dramas and has a massive drama lined up this year. wonderful to see such good actresses coming out finally

      • @adyjunjihyun Instead of always replying to my posts by shading Suzy, maybe focus on your Kris Jenner oppa instead of being so pretty and obsessed lmao.

      • @Marie – @ady didn’t even mention the name ‘Suzy’, you are the one getting all defensive at even the mention of a flop and connecting it back to her, not anybody else ?

        But like the saying goes, a hit dog will holler even if the stone wasn’t aimed at it.

      • @Royal We It’s no secret that that user brings in Suzy into whatever comment I make. Just check the last Lee Min Ho article where all I mentioned was looking forward to KGE and WDH. Sorry, but I’m unlike you who will defend a hypocrite user like her who pretends to be unbiased and respectful but bashes on the likes of idol actresses like Suzy, Yoona, and IU because they supposedly aren’t popular and have zero talent or star power lol. I’m messy myself, but I never claim not to be.

      • Marie is the one not being respectful. IU is popular and has lots of talent. Besides being messy, stuffing your mouth with trash won’t get you anywhere here.

      • @Marie well, THIS time (please note the words “this time”) she made no mention of Suzy or anyone, again – YOU are the one who did that and is throwing tantrums like a fool. Congratulations, you played yourself.

        I have argued and disagreed with @ady before too but I’m not some immature little fangirl who takes every comment personally.

  2. Koala she already did Cinderalla and Four Knights….this is not her small screen debut…It had Jung Il Woo and Ahn Jae Hyun in it, its currently on Netflix

  3. PSD maybe weak in romance, so having PBG as her male lead is really good. I cant wait to see their chemistry! Youth record is one of drama that will hard to flop!

  4. How success changes people’s perspective! Only as recently as last year I read online comments bashing Park So Dam’s looks and talent, now the pendulum has swung in the other direction due to the success of Parasite. How fickle the netizens are! She’s someone I’ve always admired since Cinderella and the Four Nights, and I was sad when her last TV drama, A Beautiful Mind got canceled due to ratings that some dramas would wish they had in today’s market. I hope she comes back to drama land soon, but I can’t help feeling that the current views of netizens a tad hypocritical.

  5. And Beautiful mind !!! With Jang Hyuk , was a very good drama despite bad ratings . When she was in Cinderella and… netizens were so harsh with her looks ( i found her so adorable then). Parasite… and now she is a beauty. How fickle k netizens are! I’m happy for her and hope that it will help another talented young women without Ps beauty or incredible looks a la SHK or KTH.

    • Beauty is the eye of beholder. What you think is beautiful may look ugly in other’s eyes.

      For example, my friend, who is not East Asian, finds SHK basic looking and not good looking at all.

    • Besides, beauty is in the eye of beholder. PSD is natural beauty and she can acts. Beauty fades away in age, but talent never fades away.

  6. I’m an avid fan of PSD. She’s naturally beautiful and is a very talented actress. She gives all her best in every role she portrays. Looking forward to more of her kdramas in the future.

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