Gong Hyo Jin Celebrates 40th Birthday with Good Friends Son Dam Bi and Jung Ryeo Won

I don’t know if K-actress Gong Hyo Jin was good friends with Son Dam Bi before they did K-drama When the Camellia Blooms last year or become close friends after working together. Now they are super duper besties and along with Jung Ryeo Won it seems there is a cool quirky girl crew in K-ent that had a reason to gather recently – celebrating Gong Hyo Jin’s 40th (41st in Korean years) birthday! Congrats to Gong Hyo Jin, she doesn’t look her age in the least and also recently celebrated 20 years in the industry after debuting in 1999. Last year 2019 was an awesome year for her raking in ratings and awards for When the Camellia Blooms, too bad 2020 is terrible for everyone but I’m glad South Korean life is relatively normal so she can hang with her girlfriends to celebrate a happy occasion. So jelly.

She is having the time of life. S tier actress she is and last year her drama was one of biggest. Wonder what her next project will be! Such an amazing actress who doesnt fit beauty standarfs but made her way to top
Love this lady and her performance very much. Happy Birthday Gong Hyo Jin, my other favorite actress. Waiting to see your next productions.
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They are closed with each other even before the drama. Their girl squad is love!
Happy birthday GHJ but I don’t like you anymore after that attitude problem you displayed with telling your fans to remove old video clips of your dramas. Loser lolz
your acting wasn’t even that good in the first place, it’s your male lead that walked away with the show In camellia blooms.
Me too. I can’t stand her after those reports. She surely has psychological imbalance. She needs an attitude adjustment as soon as possible. Her apology was so weak.
I think you have a heart issue..saying nasty things out of your mouth from a deceitful heart.
Sorry to say that.U really need to consult a psychiatrist to check your mental problem.
Saying the truth is considered having a heart issue? Go and tell that to her, the one that who acted all mighty and conceited.
Get help girl, and take your meds everyday.
It’s her acting I cant watch, really, especially her last drama. She was so consciously acting that it got so awkward to watch. I think some people saw it too.
Me too.. cant stand watching her. But i think, she’s a good friend and i like her personality based on her ig’s pics lol she’s cool and friendly, unfortunately, she used to choose the same old character again and again, my fave drama of her was producer. Hope to see her comeback with something like that. A cool character.
i cant stand her acting too. her acting feels “too forced”. and she seems to have an attitude problem.
she does not fit any beauty standards.
Lol. She will not fit because she is no beauty at all.
That’s not true.She acted so well and she got the Daesang award.
I am proud of her.
She deserved the grand prize award.
If u cant say good things then be quiet.
Judge not and you will not be judged.
She got the prize because it’s a ratings hit not because she’s a good actress. Then what are movie and tv critics for if they can’t judge? Why can’t we express if we like something or not?
Are you cranky because you didn’t sleep enough? Go take a nap baby.
Felicitaciones Gong Hyo Jin. Como siempre eres la mejor?tu esfuerzo, amor y pasión por tu trabajo dan sus frutos. ¡¡¡Fighting!!!!
Lol all these people talking about beauty standards on Gong Hyo Jin. She’s beautiful in her own way, just like all the Korean godesses. Only Song Hye Kyo is what I called truly gorgeous. From SYJ, JJH, to KTH and the other actresses all looking like every girls I see around. Very baseless remark.
Yours is just as baseless. KTH ranks #1 in all SK beauty lists.
No wonder South Korean are so crazy about beauty standards because all the fans are as crazy too. What does beauty have to do with acting? Beauty alone won’t sale. Only to people in here. I have so many Korean exchang students friends and they are not raving about the beautiful Korean goddesses. Sad when they even admit they felt embarrassed about all the name shaming on anyone who gets criticized for not being beautiful in the showbiz industry. Even admit other Asian women are way more beautiful and attractive. When seeing all the goddesses pictures shown to me. They look like everyone around with very nice skin except for Song Hye Kyo. So to talk beauty standards on Gong Hyo Jin is baseless. The best way to say is they are beautiful in their own way.
@ imposter chi 9:31pm
Please stop using my username to express your opinions.
I don’t know where you get the “fact” that Kim tae hee ranks #1 in every list. GHJ is pretty. Her defect is her weak acting abilities and her bad personality.
An imposter Chi calling out to another imposter Chi. Someone is crazy to think there is only one Chi in this world. Too all the Chi’s here, cheers!
@lai that is ur opinion i donr see such beayties everywhere around. It is just racist comment that east asians look like same. Same way i dont find western women good but i dont go on saying they all look same and common
I’m not western woman. I am Asian basing my opinion on what I see… A facts from actual Korean exchange students at my school. When did I say all Asian look the same? I’m referring to beauty standards that people here are praising over. While downgrading others. I see a lot of girls around with the Korean godesses beauty standards. I don’t go places calling someone I don’t know a goddesses base on their look. Crazy man! Everyone is their own goddesses and beautiful in their own unique way. No wonder I said it only works for people in this blog. No one is rasic except you guys are hypocrisy.
@lai its like saying every white women i see on streets look like jen aniston. Koreans find them unique and want to look like kim tae hee irene ( new trend ) . My sem exchange koreams friends told me that.
And yes beautiful as well as uglies exist. Real world doesnt run on ur pc statements. There is reason most A list celebs are beautiful. There is reason suzy had most cf deals at one point despite having no talent.
Beauty matters
It is not baseless remark. I said what is true she doesnt fits korean standards never said she is ugly. U r the one who passed a racist comment here degrading other actresses
Sorry but not Sorry too. I’m not gonna bother with you and all your beautiful goddesses here. No one is racist here. Have a good day worshipping your godess. Acting like you haven’t degraded anyone. Stop being hypocrisy.
Check my first post n tell me how am i degrading gong there? It was to praise her that depsite being not called beauty she reached the top. Get ur eyes checked racist
Gong hyo jin is beautiful.She is talented and she is very humble
I LOVE her good personality.
Ppl criticized her is because they are jealous of her.
Critics wil never say good things.
Indeed! Gong Hyo Jin is unique in her own way. Beauty and talent are too different things. Not gonna bother with who is jealous over what. These people here are crazy and they are what causes the Korean showbiz industry to behave the way they are.
U took my comment in weird way. I was praising her for not fitting beauty standards ( i was friends with sem exchange students from korea and china and they told all about it as well)
To get success without looking like the beauty standard but go on with negative statement. It was praise for her success and longevity and testament to her talent
I think you’re a scarecrow without a brain if you think she has a good personality. Were the reports about her behavior made up? So delusional. Get help. Wash your hands and wash your brain. Idiotic.
I love Gong Hyo Jin. I love all of her dramas except Camellia blooms. Drama made her character a little stupid. I dont care about her recent problems with her asking fans to remove old videos. No big deal. Hope she gets married soon.
Can’t agree more.
It should be a big deal. It showcase her arrogance and inflated ego. She needs to tumble back to earth. If she would genuinely apologize, maybe, but no it was more of a brush-off. Having insecurities does not excuse her of lashing at innocent bystanders.
Big deals are our life problem itself. We cannot do better, but we still critized other people to do what we think they should.
That is illogical thinking. I think your meds are expired because your lack of critical thinking is absurd. So everyone can do whatever bad thing they want to others because “we can’t do better?”
That is outrageous and dangerous thinking. She messed up and you want to defend that behavior? Get help instead of kneeling down to your repulsive queen.
I love Gong Hyo Jin too. She is a great actress. She’s very chick and funny. Something about her I find very attractive and cool. She is not people’s picture perfect South Korean beauty goddess. That everyone is heart dropping for. Sometimes I find all the big names goddesses not as pretty as Gong Hyo Jin.
To each their own. But she is very beautiful indeed, which make her unique.
Can see ppl having behaviour problems themselves giving such bad and negative remarks over Gong Hyo Jin.I believe ppl are envy of her.That’s why they said bad things about her.To me she is the most amazing actress.And winning the Daesang Award is her great achievement.She is a versatile actress.She deserved it.God bless u and keep u always, Gong hyo jin
Gong hyo jin is beautiful.Her beauty is unique. I am not the type who is not easily attracted by any actress but Gong Hyo jin attracted me the most.I watch korean drama only if she is acting.I love her and i enjoy every of het drama.I had watched when the camillia blooms many times.She is an amazing actress and i never find bored watching her acting..Great drama and great actors/actresses when the camillia blooms.Gong hyo jin had acted well in this drama and all her previous dramas as well.
Why spoil another person’s day of joy with these negative comments. Say things that will make them happy not things that will suggest negativities to them, please. Be kind with what you write. Don’t kill with your write-ups. Thanks
So what? The negative things are the truth. Brushing away such behaviors means enabling them to act again in the future. Good parents correct their kids naughty behaviors by calling out on them. So we should all do the same time until she actually learned her lesson.
Calling out Chi! You crazy girl, go home and stop imposting on other Chi’s. You have multiple personalities and talking negatives to these nice people here. Learn a lesson and stop talking nonsense.
Nice people? It’s like saying dirt is clean. Most people on this website are hypocrites. They get salty when their bias are criticized but badmouth others whenever they have the chance and stay silent of others bad actions when it serves their purpose . I on the hand criticize and call out others with facts. It’s a fact GHJ lashed out others due to her insecurity. I’m not making it up.
So omma or appa, back down. You’re just spineless jellyfish.
Get a life
I am Indonesian. I watch kdrama first in 2007. But never watched KHJ drama in the past since its not easy to find and not available many kdrama discs are sold in my country at that time. Then for some years i quit to watch kdrama due to my busy activity. But by accident I watch the funny scene of jealously incarnate in our national television during this quarantine…I become interested with KHJ. (which I never give much attention to any kdrama actress and actors before). So, from that I look for all her old kdrama. And wow, I become her big fan now.

I just want her to stay humble and to be more carefull with her opinion in social media. And the last… I want her to get marry soon. Cos you are not getting younger KHJ… I want to see a little KHJ too.
I like the way you comment. I feel the same way about Gong Hyo Jin, too. I started liking her when I first saw Its Ok, that’s love OR Don’t Dare to Dream. Shes very good in acting. She seemed not acting at all. Very natural. I have never been a fan ever since, local or international. But seeing her made me a big fan of her. I started searching her drama list and watch these one by one. For Gong Hyo Jin… Good job, Gong Hyo Jin. Long life… Stay humble. My wish for you is to find your better half to settle down and have your little Gong Hyo Jin. God bless!