
Former AOA Member Mina Deletes SNS Account After Posting Apology for Alarming Public with Her Self Harm Pictures and Promising to Get Treatment and Heal — 3 Comments

  1. Honestly this doesn’t sound like she actually got any closure, more like she was threatened or guilt-tripped into apologising….that’s her, the victim and not the management that created hell for her. Scumbags, FNC.

    I also didn’t see a single word indicating that ceo or anyone on behalf of the company apologised or anything, it just looks like they brought in the big guns after realising sending those girls over to Mina’s house just pissed her off more. This was their effort at damage control, guess it paid off. Anyway, I just hope she’ll be okay and isn’t suffering any more (slim hope 🙁 )

  2. She should go to the Police station and report this as a bullying since she has many evidences. The damage is already there, she needs to heal it but first, she has to be brave enough to fight Jimin. Writing the long stories on SNS needed a strong courage, but social punishment isnt enough for her 10 years struggles. Go ask Policemen to help you investigate it. Put her in the jain. And all those bystanders who laughed with her while bullying her.

    They didnt even apologize for it. I hope, mina can be brave enough to put her bully in the jail.

  3. Honestly, nothing in this story is clear. I don’t trust totally Mina because she’s depressing and the informations she gave are not completely true and FNC and AOA’s members never gave their own version of the story.

    I’m happy she decided to stop Instagram because it wasn’t healthy. She need to take care of herself.

    She doesn’t want an investigation. It’s sad because it could have been better for every member.

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