
Kang Min Hyuk, Jung In Sun, and Song Jae Rim in New Kakao TV Tues/Fri Drama Not Yet Thirty — 8 Comments

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  2. City Couple Way of Love really picks up in the later half. The weird manic pixie dream girl vibes are (I believe) actually kind of intentional in the first 4-5 episodes.

    I started the first 2 eps since I love bot Ji Chang-wook and Kim Ji-won and HATE it. Weeks later started skipping through it on Netflix due to boredom and got hooked. It’s actually quite a meaningful drama. Give it a shot! 🙂

  3. City couples of love was really boring it was a snooze fest drama (esp eps 1 and 2). 30minutes seems forever when watching the drama.
    it was not bad but its just an ordinary drama, story wise.
    If the actors werent JCW and His FL nobody have paid atention to it.

  4. I love that webtoon! But yikes, I think KMH is going to be that character who is a huge huge jerk. Can’t wait for it to be out!

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