Lee Jun Ki Strolls Through Jeju in March 2021 The Star Pictorial and Renews Contract with Namoo Actors

I can’t believe it’s already March 2021 and seeing these new pictures I know (1) I’m ready for another Lee Jun Ki drama and (2) I’m even more ready for a drama set on picturesque Jeju (or another outlying island). Better yet, make both happen in the same drama lol. Lee Jun Ki has been chillaxing since his last drama outing the thriller Flower of Evil. It was suitably dark, twisty, angtsy, and didn’t try too hard with the is-he-a-serial killer question before letting us know that he was just abused and misunderstood. Poor baby Hyun Soo. I think Lee Jun Ki’s long time agency Namoo Actors has been doing a swell job with his project choices so it’s not a surprise that he’s renewed his contract with him that was expiring this year, signing another 7-year term. He looks so fresh-faced and casual boy vibes in this March The Star pictorial, it’s pointing me towards thinking he’s due for a rom-com drama.

It’s high time for him to return to sageuk, prefarably in Goryeo setting. Can’t wait for his next project.
Yes! It’s Sageuk time again! He is always the brightest star in the sky, but when he is in a Sageuk he is a supernova! I just want him to have an age appropriate and GOOD leading lady. And lots of awesome fight scenes!
I hope not. Rom-coms are not doing well. Just look at Hello, it’s me ratings.
Even fantasy comedy like mystic pop up bar only got 3%.
I could imagine him in something like OCN’s Missing: The Other Side. Supernatural mystery or even straight up horror.
No idea why fans would want to see him in a rom com. Honestly speaking, that wouldn’t bring her anywhere when it comes to a career as an actor esp for actor his age. That genre is good for vanilla and if lucky, yeah popularity with international fans but that’s all about it. I think it’s time for him to go back to a big screen
He was soooo good in FOE. Rom-com is not his thing. Sageuk is. I want him act with JSM. She’s experienced with dark, angsty misunderstood anti-hero types. Speaking of Jeju, Koala you’re in for a treat. Pix leaked out showing PBY filming DAYS there. Perched on stand coz she’s so tiny. It was a hoot.
Flower of Evil was epic. I got chills watching it each week when it aired. Another sageuk would be a great, but I really hope we get a leading lady that matches his intensity. I was hoping for oppa to be paired with Park Min Young ever since I saw them in that tvn variety show- their chemistry was no joke. But Park Min Young is like always doing rom-coms now, don’t know if she’s gonna pick anything else besides that genre. If not, I’m always recommending Lee Se Young. She’s versed in both modern and sageuk dramas.