
Viewers in Awe of Writer Im Sung Han’s Prowess as Episode 12 of Marriage Lyrics and Divorce Music Season 2 is 70 Minutes of One Couple Arguing About Fidelity and Cheating and Still Got 10.688%, 12.538% Ratings — 13 Comments

  1. Pingback:Viewers in Awe of Writer Im Sung Han’s Prowess as Episode 12 of Marriage Lyrics and Divorce Music Season 2 is 70 Minutes of One Couple Arguing About Fidelity and Cheating and Still Got 10.688%, 12.538% Ratings - Kpopnchill - All About K-pop News

  2. I’m watching a different show, I guess, because I thought the episode was boring and the acting was weak. The actress was okay but the actor is just not good. Dude is so monotone. The writing and acting was not nearly as good as the episode where the teenage daughter lit into her father in Season 1.

    • True, he’s not so good an actor. But the actor who plays the radio show’s engineer invented monotony. By gawd, he makes me yawn whenever he appears onscreen! So lifeless. Up till now, we still don’t know his purpose in the drama except maybe to end up with one of the wives (the writer) or mistresses (the translator).

    • Couldn’t be more agree. Hyanggi’s rage to his father was so far the best scene in this drama and the others are just meh.

  3. I had a ton to complain about this drama in the beginning and I still do BUT SHE IS A GENIUS!!! The full episode consisting of dialogue between two people reflecting on their marriage and what went wrong was AMAZING! I LOVED IT! it was so theraputic and satisfying to see the wife stand her ground a move on despite still loving him. That husband of hers did not deserve her at all. I still enjoyed watching him say all his patriarchal none sense because I am sure that’s how many men view cheating. Great acting from the actor and the actress!!!!
    The Making Queen is back!!!

  4. Pingback:Viewers in Awe of Writer Im Sung Han’s Prowess as Episode 12 of Marriage Lyrics and Divorce Music Season 2 is 70 Minutes of One Couple Arguing About Fidelity and Cheating and Still Got 10.688%, 12.538% Ratings – SanIsidro

  5. Above all the craziness of the drama, their dialogue makes a lot of sense.
    The more he speaks, the more she should divorce him. Good riddance!
    If I were her, I will have no patience to hear all his utter craps and just give him the silence treatment for all his care, words only going to waste for people like him.

  6. I was much more impressed by the writing and acting when the teen daughter lit into her father in Season 1. I thought this episode did a good job showing gaslighting but IMO the actor is not good. I’ve never been able to get past his monotone delivery.

  7. The first half an hour was great… the rest of the 40 mins the husband kept repeating himself. I was so bored that I gave up and fast forward to the last scene. Seems to me that the writer is trying to prolong the show to a 3rd season.

  8. Special two-hander episodes in dramas (or rather soap operas) are common in the UK, particularly in things like “Eastenders” and “Coronation Street” – act like mini plays. Over the years, there have been some amazing two-hander episode, genuine sad gut wrenching acting tour de force. In fact, “Eastenders” has had the only – so far – one hander where it was the character and a tape recorder talking about her and her dead husband.

    So its quite interesting to see the developments in makjang – bringing something a bit original to the usual escapades.

  9. Innovative and quality writing, my ass. Putting aside all the issues with this drama, that icky storyline with the creepy, pervy grandpa ghost ogling and groping young women at the poolside is just NOT it. And up till now, that ghost has still served no purpose in the story. I assume he’ll eventually possess a young hot stud to seduce his murderous widow for revenge. But WTF was Im Sung Han thinking?

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