Hook Entertainment Shares Simple and Lovely BTS Pictures from Park Min Young’s Promo Shoots for Forecasting Love and Weather
All those climate analogies in jTBC drama Forecasting Love and Weather have been a breath of fresh air, something different in describing the ebbs and flows of human relationships and work place travails. Leading lady Park Min Young really pulled this one out of a hat, or maybe she was always just this solid in her niche, either way she’s the mature, thoughtful, but also spirited heart of this drama. There’s a balance here that pulls from her rom-com characters who are sassy and capable to her melodrama characters who are reserved and practical. The short of it is that I really love her Jin Ha Kyung, the character and performance, and it showcases that even into her mid-30’s (she just turned 36 on March 4th) she can still evolve steadily while still highlighting her own beauty and visuals.


So many hit dramas showing at the same time this year. I can’t choose which one to watch first. I am waiting for all to end so I can binge watch. Aside from FLAW, there’s 2521, Thirty-Nine, Business Proposal, Military Prosecutor Doberman. All doing great rating-wise. 2022 is a lucky year for drama.
Can’t wait how Kill Heel will do tomorrow.
She’s indeed a chemistry queen
I never think I would like song kang and pmy pairing. But now I’m waiting them like crazy for FLAW and hoping saturday will cone faster. But I don’t want FLAW to end.
Park Min-Young always delivers. She is a blockbuster queen and raises the popularity of her on-screen partner. Indeed she is a star-maker. Whatever her role is, she delivers well. Not to mention, she is super beautiful, pretty, cute, charming and bubbly. Love her to death
yes shes beautiful, thanks to her doctors!
Ahh…You’re so petty! It’s SK, nearly everyone has had something done.
Koala, I’m waiting for ar article about Military Prosecutor Doberman and its ratings. I remember u bashed its poster and actors before starting. Now its latest rating is 7.9%. Without any A-lister, candy boys; overhyped actresses, famoys idols with big fandom, this drama achieved this result. I hope u will write about it. Cauz it deserves buzz instead of high school romance or clichè office romance
Min Young is really talented. She is well mannered and she doesn’t hide her plastic surgery which is common among celebrities. I hope she meets a man who is non- celebrity. intelligent, responsible and a God-fearing Catholic, so she could settle to a simple quiet life. I hope to see her raising her children Catholic. May God bless her even more for being a good daughter.