Categories: TW & C dramas

Hit Wuxia Romance C-drama Who Rules the World with Yang Yang and Zhao Lu Si Wraps Run with Mixed C-netizen Reviews

That addicting but kinda hot mess of a fantasy xianxia C-drama The Blue Whisper with Allen Ren and Dilraba Dilmurat definitely opened the door again for my interest in period C-dramas. Right after The Blue Whisper a big budget highly anticipated C-drama Who Rules the World aired starring Yang Yang and Zhao Lu Si and I checked out the first two episodes last month. It wasn’t bad but I’m still waiting for the right mood to get back into it. The drama was huge in China during its airing with massive viewership numbers so clearly it is a hit. But C-netizens are not happy with the ending, along with other changes made that differ from the novel, saying that the changed ending from the novel sucks and mars what is otherwise a pretty solid series. For those who watched, please share some thoughts!


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  • I only read some parts of the novel… I wish I can find a full English version of it.
    So, yes, there are quite a bit of changes from the novel version which might be due to the limited length of the drama or they may just want to keep the characters consistent. The novel version is a little bit more complex so perhaps it’s hard to flesh that out to the general audience.
    However, I really like all the actors. I absolutely adore the show and I like Zhao Lu Si’s portrayal of heroine Bai. Yang Yang looks elegant as Hei Fengxi and the guy who plays Yu Wuyuan is new to me but he does well in the drama. I do wish Leon Lai gets more screen time but then again, it’s Bai and Hei that own the show.

      • I watched the whole thing. I was so-so with it. I guess I was missing a bit of the romance part and these two are all visuals and have some moments but not enough for me. Lol

    • I read the novel on wattpad, i think the drama is way better than the novel. This drama is so funny, YY and ZL interaction never failed make me laugh.

    • I don’t the ending in the drama as it’s a sad ending where Hei Fengxi has only 10 years left to live. The drama ending should have followed the ending in the novel which would have been a better and happy ending. In the novel Hei Fengxi’s remaining lifespan is not restricted to 10 years. Hic hic..

  • I actually like the drama better vs the novel. The changes vs novel (read from mtl) is smoother than what had happened in the Blue Whispers (which departs way to far vs novel). The ending indeed a bit rushed, otherwise overall pace is good, the action is solid, acting wise also on spot, and I really like yy in his loose hair and the antic of zls as bfx. Overall this is a drama that i will rewatch.

    • @citan
      I agree with you regarding Who Rules The World. I am satisfied with the delivery of the actors in this drama.

      I watched Blue Whisper. Is the ending the same as in the book? I don’t understand the ending

  • I watched it and I like it, really really like it.
    I didn’t read the novel so I’m watching from different perspective.
    I like it because we have both badass characters, ML and FL are equally smart, have extremely well trained martial arts skills, balanced royal statuses and constantly supporting each other without any stupid misunderstanding.
    From beginning to episode 32, I enjoyed it a lot; however after episodes 32, I feel like storyline getting in rush (due to Chinese sensor that cut down 45 episodes to 40 episodes( that is a lot of things to cut), s)
    Also the CGI is very bad toward the end.. the fighting scenes is too quick and badly editing that makes the drama got criticized for.
    I like both YY and Zhao Lusi, and they are super cute and adorable together.
    Because I’m watching to enjoy the golden relationship between FL and ML so I can overlook for any other part.
    I am rewatching it because YY is so eye candy.

    • @Ta, same here. I really enjoyed Who Rules the World. Both leads, Yang Yang, Zhao Lusi and all supporting actors are are wonderful to watch. I am glad to see the actor playing Zhong Li (aide to Hei Fengxi) after performing a memorable part in Ancient Love Poetry. I also adore little Han Pu.

    • I fully agree, it is obvious the change of director, the rushed ending - excellent cast / performance and superb chemistry of Bai Hei Fanxi. Zhao Lusi can express positive and negative emotions, from innocent to warrior - while Dilraba is suitable for tragedy only

  • nahh.. I've read the novel. and it's soooooooooo boring the drama is way more better. the complaints were mostly came from the fl fans coz the novel was a female centric but the drama is a male centric. they felt her screentime was reduced, but i don't think it's a problem here coz yangyang is the 1st billed and had a bigger name. the novel author already mentioned to separate the novel and the drama. and literally fl important scenes in the novel have been included in the drama. i told u, the novel is sooo boring, and only some scenes were really stand out for me, and all of it were related to the fl, all of them were adapted to the drama as well.

    and abt the endings, many felt it's an underwhelming but so how it did in the novel. there isn't really different. both ending stated that the leads left the politics and roaming around the world. but i do agree the drama contains so many plot holes with the addition to the crappy production, problematic producer and director. the quality were reduced greatly coz the director left in the middle of filming due to the dispute with the producer. will only watch it once. i also don't really like the romance part there coz i sense lack of chemistry, contrary with many ppls think. but I've to say yangyang's acting skill is very2 good. his emotional scenes in ep 28 and 40 proves it. little did i know he can act well in such scenes.

    actually, i already expected this drama to be a hit in china despite the scandal it faced coz yangyang's drama always a hit. before who rules the world was airing, his another super hit critical acclaimed military drama glory of special forces was already airing in 4 different broadcasts and gained another massive viewership. I've read in twitter that the total viewership exceeded 8 billions, with the rating tv was more than 1.000 rating. it was on youtube as well. so i guess many still can't move on from him. i don't really follow zhao lusi projects, but i think she also had some popular projects under her belt like tbe romance tiger something.

      • i don't think u r in the position to tell me what is wrong or not. coz this is my personal opinion, and i don't even insist others to accept my opinion. idc what u say coz it cannot change my personal opinion abt the chemistry. i felt they're just incompatible in some things like visuals, vibes and aura. sometimes i fast 4ward their scenes together.

    • I'm in agreement with you on their romance chemistry, no sizzle there, well maybe in the last few episodes they were a little more convincing,she has more sizzle with the Hong Li, Zheng YeChen or Li Shen.

      But I love the drama nonetheless, it's up the with all my favorite WuXia drama. Why ppl say it's XianXia,IDK.

    • I agree with the chemistry part. I like the actors in their scenes individually, I think they did a great job but the romance is just Ehhh to me because I wasn't sold with the chemistry. I find myself skipping romantic scenes with the couple.

      Maybe because I just finished marathon You Are My Glory before starting this drama so I couldn't help but compare, but I find Yang Yang had better chemistry with his leading actress in You Are My Glory.

  • I'm loving every minute and hope it has a part 2 for this iconic duo. Whenever I see a great Drama with my favorite actors and want a second season it never happens and they were bad butt in this action pack show

    • I wish rhey could be together again in another project. They're so perfect together.. Watch behind the scene too.. the chemistry is good

  • I thought it was a pretty drama. Did pretty well considering all the obstacles it came across. The behind the scenes drama/scandal was spicyyyyy. Made sense why we never saw the evil queen's maid, lol.

    • Why did we never see the evil queen’s maid? I kept wondering why they never showed her face.

    • I missed the vehind thr scene drama, what was about ? I like this couple, good chemistry.

      • According to the below article:

        Supposedly the female producer and male director got into a relationship a couple dramas ago, even though both were married to other people. The female producer got divorced. The male director still hasn't divorced his wife. They started fighting all the time, so the director quit the production before it finished.

  • I would not even classify this drama as wuxia it spoils the name of wuxia as the number of fighting scenes are so few. What a pity. The fighting scene in the last episode with the bad guy was bad, so CPG and cartoon. So unlike the fighting scenes previously in other episodes which I enjoy. China dramas always talk more than fight. But I kind of still enjoy this drama and watched all of it

    • I agree. Till episode 39 I was satisfied but episode 40 was a big letdown. Especially when I finish C Drama I rewatch it but this time I didn't. I love Yang Yang and Zhao Lusi but I feel the end for me was very normal and nothing special.

    • You get!
      The final episode could have been a lot better it was a big let down considering the fact that the fighting scenes were so good before.

  • Totally enjoying the show, good plot, pacey, fun dialogue between the leads and amazing fight scenes.

    Read the book too, both are just as interesting. But for some, the real bts and rumoured relationship of the leads were most fun to connect.

    • @Ta, same here. I really enjoyed Who Rules the World. Both leads, Yang Yang, Zhao Lusi and all supporting actors are are wonderful to watch. I am glad to see the actor playing Zhong Li (aide to Hei Fengxi) after performing a memorable part in Ancient Love Poetry. I also adore little Han Pu.

  • I really loved who rules the world. I'm rewatching it a couple of times. I didn't read the novel so I just watched the drama with anticipation and enjoyment. I laughed and cried with the characters. I love the dedication of yy and ZL in portraying their characters. I am a fan of yy and ZL by the way.☺️

  • coz i’m a fan both of the actors,hopefully they make a session 2 of this drama…they have a strong chemistry 💚 love the way they act

    • Clearly, YY and ZL did a great job carrying this movie. I hope there is another season of it and that Netflix picks it up.

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