Categories: K-dramas

Alchemy of Souls Part 1 Consists of 20 Episodes with Jung So Min’s Story as the Center, Part 2 with 10 Episodes Changes to Go Yoon Jung as Female Lead

Omo, come again? Like, way to harsh my buzz Hong Sisters! News broke today about the structure of Alchemy of Souls, which announced prior to airing that it would consist of Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 is scheduled for 20-episodes and the subsequent Part 2 would have 10-episodes. Now the production is explaining that Jung So Min will not be returning for Part 2 as her character’s story is central to Part 1 and Part 2 will have Go Yoon Jung, who played OG Naksu, as the female lead. The filming has been done for Part 1 before it aired and now filming is about to start for Part 2 with all the rest of the cast from Lee Jae Wook, Minhyun, Yoo Joon Sang, et. al. returning for Part 2.

The production claims that Jung So Min was only ever signed on for Part 1 and this change in female leads was planned and center to the story being told. It has refused to explain why she was signed on for Part 1 only saying to explain that would spoil the drama story line. Man, it’s going to suck if Jung So Min generates all that chemistry with all three male leads only have a different actress continue the story after. I guess all I can do is hope the Hong Sisters know what they are doing, otherwise this is a Big in the making. My vote is to have the two girls swap souls permanently so Go Yoon Jung is playing Naksu’s body with OG Mu Duk’s soul, or worse case a prequel. Cuz my OTP better have a happy ending I CAN SEE ONSCREEN HONG SISTERS!


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  • Omg I totally agree with you!! I’m already attached to Jung Somin as Mudeok and Naksu…

  • OMG. I can't wrap my head around this! Why treat Somin like this. GOSH. Talk about murdering your own drama Hong sisters! Why drop this news on us now? I feel soooo angry and cheated. It's like AC all over again. Man this sooo sheeety.

    • I this i should stop watching this show. I'm so attached to So min that if you going to kill her at the end then what the use of watching it. It only add miserability. Thanks for the show so far. I'll going to discontinue this show. Hope writer's next series has good sensibility. Bye bye alchemy of souls. Finally 1 show down from my watchlist.

  • But... they burn Naksu body... How the actress can come back? Where is Mu-Deok? She's not really dead.

    • Wow this is a Twist I never expected! But it's quite interesting and different, so I'm looking forward to the outcome of it all! All in all, Alchemy of souls is a great kdrama series and I'm enjoying every moment of it! 👍🏻🤗💜

  • I actually like Go Yoon Jung in first few episodes.....I rather they don't listen to noise and focus on story telling.

    • I am ok if Mu Deok ends up happily with Jang Uk …
      and Naksu patches things up with Seo Yul…
      As for Crown Prince…hmmm anyone really deserving of him but not Cho Yeon coz Dang Gu loves her…

  • The only way Mu Deok who is Naksu can happy ending is that she stays Naksu in MD's body.

    What does Naksu in Naksu's body in part 2 do? Since the body is gone. Burnt.

    • is she some kind of ummm phoenix?
      if part 2 is not a prequel i refuse to watch it
      because i really really love jaewook and somin chemistry
      idk anymore

  • WHAAAAAAAAATTT!?!??!?!?!! OMGAH!!! Man, it's been too long since I've been impressed with the Hong Sisters, my absolute fave writing duo! I could tell early on that they changed up their style and formula with this one, so though I *am* shocked, I'm also excited. Weirdly enough, I think the two leading ladies were casted perfectly. They are of similar caliber. I actually think Jung So-min has been strangely mediocre. I haven't been the hugest fan of her line delivery. I haven't seen much of Go Yoon-Jung's work, since she's newer on the scene, but can't say I don't like what I've seen. She's good. Like Jung So-min. I like that they have similar voice timbre too. Lol. I feel like the two ladies have channeled each other well, and often get the sense that original Naksu has been in Mu-deok this entire time, so 🤷‍♂️. I guess we'll see!

  • I think people forgot the current soul in Mudeok (Jung So Min) body is Naksu. The person Jang Uk is in love with is also Naksu. Naksu is falling for Uk too.
    So why should Uk end up with Mudeok who is he barely knows.
    Uk + Naksu is my OTP. I'm okay with the original actress too.
    Don't worry Lee Jae Wook is an ace when acting with female actresses who are older than him, he naturally come out great chemistry. He will do a good job with Go Yoon Jung too.