Guan Xiaotong Stunning in Image Change to Sexy Vixen at the China GQ 2022 MOTY Awards

A girl is bound to grow up and C-actress Guan Xiaotong has flirted with a more mature image in the past two years but at this week’s 2022 GQ MOTY Awards (Model of the Year) she really flipped that switch. Chinese viewers have watcher her grow up as one of the most famous child actresses turned still promising teen star to now young adult serious actress. She’s considered the top of the Post-95 Flowers consisting of her, Song Zhu Er, Yu Shu Xin, and Zhao Lu Si and I always thought it was more for her acting strength above the other ladies and also longer list of accomplishments rather than looks but I’ve heard so much raves about her top level beauty but always saw her as just a girl next door type. Well after this GQ look I see it and probably can’t unsee it anymore, she has unreal level visuals in both face and figure and now I understand why she’s so beloved in Mainland China. When she started dating Luhan everyone thought she got lucky but now the opinion is reversed, he totally lucked out.

I feel like her acting career has stagnated compared to her peers. I can’t even remember the last time she had a big hit. She’s kind of more known for having long legs and dating Luhan now.
Did she ever has any big hit?? As far as I know she is well known as a brainy child actress who came from showbiz family and especially as LH’s GF.
Is it me but most Chinese stars look like they are still in high school… both men and women!
It’s quite bizarre!
Guano XiaoTong looks great though.