Junho and Yoona Bring their King the Land Drama Romance to the Pages of Allure Korea July 2023 Edition

This Sat is the head to head premiere of two romance K-dramas both on my watch list. tvN has Meet You in My 19th Life going fantasy while jTBC brings back old school classic chaebol and cinderella romance with King the Land. The leads of King the Land are in the upcoming Allure Korea July edition doing their darndest to be smexy together, it kinda works but I’m still vibing these two as besties first. I think they would be fantastic in the K-version of In Time with You if it was adapted (or adapted again). Both stars have expressed a desire to work together so hopefully this drama is worth their involvement and doesn’t waste their star power or onscreen charm.

The black and white pic IS smexy, if you ask me… Its like a prelude, a mere seconds before a passionate kiss. The tension in their gazes it is. Hope the drama does well.