C-ent Wonders if Actor Deng Lun is Making a Return After a New Glossy Picture of Him is Posted Online
If the biggest tax evader in C-ent history in former top actress Fan Bing Bing is allowed to make a comeback, albeit overseas, then I don’t think it’s impossible for the other actor/actress tax evaders to one day return. Former leading man Deng Lun has been MIA for one year four months after he was cancelled post a tax evasion and back taxes owed scandal. It was a lot of money and honestly once a good reputation and image is lost it’s hard to get it back, and I’m guessing only his die hard fans still hope for his return. This week there was a brand new glossy PR shot of him posted online which led to C-ent wondering if he’s potentially poised for a return. I dunno but this past week he was also ordered to pay additional penalties in the unpaid taxes court case so I think it’s more realistic to keep expectations low.
Ah C ent is so cruel. The cancel culture is horrible. I almost forgot him. I liked him a lot. There’re already so many rising/promising younger actors. Yeah, it’s hard for him to regain the popularity he used to enjoy.
I hope so, everyone deserves to make amends. Plus, he’s such a charming actor, he’s born for this job
I hope he gets to return. Night Wanderer just needs to be released. Just watching him with Ni Ni in that trailer. They look amazing together.
After being benched for bad behaviour, which undoubtedly was a warning shot as to consequence of avoiding paying govt taxes. I personally think that in this case after adequate bench time there’ll be a comeback. I personally like his acting style and his films shows he’s talented with an undeniably gift for acting. It would be a tragic loss if he himself decided not to return or wasn’t given the opportunity to make a comeback. With this said janI await his early return along with release dates for those unreleased movies.
Ist die Judend nicht eine Zeit des Lernens. Ich denke Deng Lun hat aus seinen Fehlern gelernt, seine Strafe akzeptiert. Er wir diesen Fehler sicher nicht nochmals machen. Ein so talentierter Schauspieler und Sänger , mit einem Charisma zum dahinschmelzen darf sein Talent nicht wegwerfen. Lasst ihn in Gottes Namen endlich wieder weiter spielen. Was das Alter betrifft, er ist jetzt gereift und fähig seine Rollen noch authentischer zu spielen. Wir wollen ihn wieder sehen, wir lieben ihn.
I think that everyone should be given another chanche if they make a mistake, it is a principle of democracy. As such a good and charismatic actor, I really hope that the Chinese entertainment system can give to him the opportunity of come back.
Everybody can mistake do. He is charming acteur and i want seen in movies. I am from Latvia. Sorry for my English.
Who that is without sin cast the first stone. Some of those said tax invasion officers in the governments system are the biggest crooks and underground criminals on plant earth. When these young actors made a mistake and they apologize earnestly they should be given a second chance. I love Deng Lun he is a great actor next to xiao zhang
I wish he is given a chance to make a comeback because he’s a great and promising actor