Disney+ Superhero and Villains K-drama Moving Concludes Run with Epic Showdown and Wonderful Ending

SLOW CLAP. Seriously, slow f*cking clapping here as I just finished watching the just released final 3 episodes of Moving, the little K-drama with the superpowered heart that may have just given Disney+ a new leash on life. Sadly the drama in the US is airing on Hulu which sucks donkey balls with commercials every 5 minutes leading me to roll around the bed screeching while watching with Koala Girl who goes on Instagram for 2 minutes until the commercials end. Anyways, back to Moving, it’s legit the best K-drama in 2023 so far and it would take a herculean drama in the next 3 months to change my mind. With an absolutely stacked cast of veterans as parents and teachers and three young stars perfectly cast as the main high school trio, the drama makes superpowers not as important as the humanity that continues regardless with family connections, school ties, and found love. I can’t praise this drama enough as it took a well received webtoon and made it come to life perhaps even better than expected and kudos to the excellent PD for the tense and taut directing when needed and the warm soft moments in between. Run, don’t walk, to watch this drama.


Disney+ Superhero and Villains K-drama Moving Concludes Run with Epic Showdown and Wonderful Ending — 9 Comments

  1. Honestly, it rested on the casting of the adults and not on the story. There were way too many characters with their past stories… There was way too much violence for nothing, it didn’t bring anything to the story or the characters. And the parents would do anything for their kids didn’t work for me. Their silence put their kids in danger.

  2. The final battle on then school was really tense. I was holding my breath when Lee Mi Hyun was fighting against the villains cos she doesn’t have super strength or regeneration powers but surprisingly she was really awesome on agent mode. So proud of Bong Seok for making his own choices defending his mom and learning to use his powers to save people. I was relieved when Kang hoon’s dad and Bungaeman came at the right time to save the day.
    This show humanized the villains that you somehow sympathize with them. I thought the guy on the suitcase was like Cyclops on Xmen because of the shades but it’s sad that he was just used to darkness.

    Kim Doo Shik is alive!!! I liked that their family reunion was not too dramatic and has no cheesy lines.

    After the ending credits, they showed Frank was still alive. I think it’s okay if they don’t make season 2 because I feel good about the ending and there’s a sense of closure.
    There’s a buzz of a spin off about the student that can stop time featured on ep16. I don’t really know if that’s true though.

  3. Pingback: Disney+ Superhero and Villains K-drama Moving Concludes Run with Epic Showdown and Wonderful Ending - MOCHiPOP

  4. although i like the drama, i was put off by lengthy battle scenes in school with the villains. I much prefer the back story of kim doongsik and gruypyo as black agents doing spy things. I also liked that its in the 90’s era as the technology is not too advanced yet and the style is nostalgic.

    If there would be a spin-off or season 2, I prefer the 90’s black ops missions abroad

  5. As someone who watched the drama because of Jo IN Sung, I was disappointed that he was missing for such a long time. He was great in every scene and so charismatic.

    I waited for him to make a comeback and yes he did. But it was way too short and rushed.

    I would definitely come back for a spin off with him.

    And yes, agreed with what Sarayis said about the back story and parents keeping silent. I was feeling burnt out with the back story of, what felt like, every cast member in the show past the mid point.

  6. Slow clap, indeed, for this gem. The love stories were all so different but especially loved Bongseok levitating when Huisoo tries to hold him down. Only Juwon can look back and say that it was a happy ending after losing his eye & the love of his life. And Jaewan, always checking his son’s arrival because he never wanted to be late, ever, in saving him. Human beings first, before superheroes.
    Apologies for all the spoilers … it was a great show.

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