Kim Yoo Jung and Song Kang Serve Up Steamy Stares in First Teaser for SBS Fantasy Romance My Demon
K-dramas have been on a lull for me last month but I’m loving A Good Day to be a Dog (so silly and cute) and now I also have a date set for SBS fantasy romance My Demon with Kim Yoo Jung and Song Kang. SBS released the first teaser today and confirmed a November 24th premiere which seems still far off but knowing how fast time flies I’m sure will be here in a blink. The teaser is exactly that, nothing more than falling rain and two gorgeous eye candy leads standing under an umbrella making intense eye contact. They make me want to yell “get a room!” and also maybe grab a romance novel for old times sake to scarf up some heart thumping feels like these two give off.
Preview for My Demon:
I keep forgetting about this one. Thanks for reminding me. I’m definitely looking forward to this drama!
Oh, they look good together, I will check this one out
Kim yoo jung is so beautiful. The umbrella scene gives me Goblin flashback
Kim Yoo Jung is extremely beautiful… I really enjoying watching her drama when she was a kid… but I do nott understand why I no longer enjoy her recent shows… Maybe this will be good.
Watch her most recent movie, 20th century girl! Best that she has done since Moonlight.
Oh…will search for it. Thanks!!
I find her adult transition has been difficult because her face looks exactly the same as 10 years ago and she tends to pick roles that infantilize her. Her male leads have also been terrible actors apart from Bogum who stole the whole drama. Song Kang is gorgeous to look at but his overall charm starts to fade after the initial episodes. He’s a dull actor and even here I’m getting only blank stares vibe from him but her since Kim Sohyun, Han Sohee and Park Minyoung literally hard carried him on their backs it’ll be up to Yoojung to do the same unless Lee Sangyi steals the show and all his thunder.
I agree with you on roles selection…Of course how Bo Gum stole the whole Drama!!
So true. I find her almost the same in the recent shows, not very interesting.
What other K actresses of her peers are more promising? I took a break from drama and am picking up K drama again. There are quite a few new faces to me.
I told a break too…but will look into artistes I know before..
Oooh it’s Yoojungie, I’ll try it out.
Romcom but still wish it can showcase the acting chops of the two! What a short teaser and yet all the sizzles and sparks are already there!
The famous umbrella scene, it’s crazy how it became iconic. I need to rewatch Temptation of Wolves :p
I’m happy with a new drama of Kim Yoo-Jung. Not really a big fan of Song Kang but he’s not bad neither.
Kim Sohyun and Kim Yoojung serving visual chemistry with Hwang Minhyun and Song Kang. The comparisons will be crazy but let’s go for more pretty!
Uh somehow it does looks really beautiful
I’m gonna be following this, looks like they have chemistry.
the word “steamy” and Song Kang should never be in one sentence
ohhhh they make a gorgeous pairing, and the chemistry is very promising! I really love the bgm and the way this was shot! looking forward to it!
This is surprisingly a good pairing
I like Yoo Jung, noooooot so much Song Kang, both look wise (he’s not unattractive but there’s just something about his facial features that takes me out sometimes) and as an actor. I don’t know why I keep seeing him on some Netflix k-dramas. They should expand that roster.
Nonetheless, can’t judge just yet. They do fit visually. We’ll see how it goes.
Why oh why does Song Kang always looks like a blank sheet of paper?! He’s so bland, it actually shows on a 5 second trailer.
I’m not sure where the “steamy” is coming from other than the mist created by the literal water but ok lol.
There’s another teaser koala!!! Post it too, go!!!
A good day to be a dog is super freaking cute and hilarious. Glad that you’re watching too.
I’ll watch but i’m not into Song kang ‘s acting . I’d prefer KYJ acting with a “meatier ” actor , there are so many charismatic and good actors about the same age . If it’s going to be as Kim So Hyun and Hwang Min Hyun in My lovely liar , i’ll pass, i like visual couples but what i like the most is seeing two actors blending well in acting . Creating a solid chemistry in a good drama . Visuals alone aren’t enough . Nothing against SK or HHM but they were given lead roles too much early . Someone talked about Temptation of wolves , great movie with Lee Chung Ah who wasn’t considered a beauty at all but was good and created great chemistry with Kang Dong Wan ( one of the best looking actors back then ) and Jo Han Sun whom i like very much too in the movie sweet lie and the drama April Kiss . Theses days many dramas are flat because producers seem more interesed in searching a beautiful gift box than the gift itself .
I love the last sentence of your comment. Such an accurate analogy.