K-drama Good Boy with Park Bo Gum and Kim So Hyun to Start Filming in April for End of 2024 Airing
So Park Bo Gum is going from When Life Gives You Tangerines to Good Boy with a short break in filming in between. He wrapped the former drama with IU and next month will start filming the latter with Kim So Hyun. Both are slated to air in 2024, with Good Boy getting a definitive end of 2024 arrival. This gives Park Bo Gum two great female leads and two chances to dominate ratings this year with his first dramas in four years not since Record of Youth in 2020 during which he did two years of military service. That drama was just okay and actually made all the more watchable solely because of him, otherwise it would have been a major skip. I’m super looking forward to Good Boy which is about former Olympic medal winners becoming cops and using their athletic prowess to solve crimes.
His film with Suzy is finally getting released in June. After a long hiatus it finally feels like he’s back.
I’m pretty sure the drama with IU is a Netflix original. So it won’t have any ratings. The one with Kim So Hyun is a JTBC drama. Anyway it’ll be interesting if both are released with overlaps.
The way this may come before “Is it fate” is quite wild. Are they ever gonna release that one? Being a KSH fan is hard, she rarely posts on IG and hasn’t even made a single appearance since her last drama.
agreed i hope she posts more. there was something saying that is it fate would be airing on april 4 so fingers crossed.
It has already been March 23, I doubt they would release it in April. If they were going to do that then they would be releasing teaser by now but we haven’t got anything.
Finally Kim So Hyun with a worthy male lead. Feels like I have been waiting for this for years.
Wow! It’s been 4 years since PBG’s last drama and 3 years since his last film :-O RoY was so pretty to look at and interesting from a behind scenes of the industry perspective but the romance part was very boring. I really like Park So Dam as an actress but she and PBG and had so little chemistry as a pairing.
I am hoping with these new roles Park Bo Gum challenges himself a bit. He is a very good actor but his last few roles pre-enlistment had a very similar vibe playing handsome, smiley, good hearted, hardworking against the odds type character.
PBG is going to be busy until early next year. He has his variety show on JTBC out in June along with Wonderland with Suzy plus Baeksang host in May. Then this drama in Nov/Dec and the IU drama in early 2025. After 4 years he will be active again.
The end of the year will be intense with many dramas to look forward too. We might even get the KWB-Suzy drama this year, plus Squid Game 2 and the JJH-JYM romcom, his first in 18 years. Before that KTR will churn out another Baeksang winning performance with Jeongnyeon. Kdrama fans are well fed this year.
I’m excited about all these new drama mentioned. Not a fan of either KSH or PBG, but I recommend their consistently decent acting.
from the way the cast gushes about its quality, wlgyt seems to be the most promising project out of pbg’s lineup. it seems better suited to a weekly release format rather than the Netflix binge model, but its budget is actually insane so it’s no wonder that TV platforms couldn’t afford it.
i am cautiously optimistic about good boy as well, he’s finally trying out a different role and genre. but i wonder if his years away from the screen have hurt his ratings pull…
Sounds great but I’d also like to know when her drama with Chae jeong help will be released. It’s been a while if I’m not mistaken, I was really excited about this pair
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I adore these 2 artiste! Love to watch them in a production. Looking forward to this.
@Cahill, dont know if you will read my comment. But we mentioned Princess Kate a couple of days ago….she has announced today she has cancer…I felt immense sadly for her and family and everyone who felt the same.

Such sad news from The Princess of Wales. Her family must be so worried especially her young children. It sounds like they fortunately caught the illness early. Hoping and praying for her and her loved ones that she will be given the all clear after treatment.
It’s so infuriating people couldn’t just mind their own business and give her privacy when the Palace already said she was having an operation and would be taking medical leave. A lot of people should feel thoroughly ashamed right now about their entitlement, insensitivity and idiotic conspiracy theories.
@Sunny, I agree..
I am really surprised by my reaction to be honest…I felt more effected then I expected.
I dont know her personally but I can see she is doing a good job. She really tries to balance her duty as Princess of Wales, Wife, Mother and Daughter…
@HL , I was so sad , i’m not british but from what i see she seems to be the cement of the royal family , she always do her best , …and they harrassed her so much to the point that she has to announce it against her will . I do really feel for her children , some parents hide it from their children to protect them but she couldn’t do even that ,don’t real journalism exists anymore? There are enough topics to talk about ( wars, inflation, …) no need to persucute a woman just because she is a princess .
@HL @cahill: Exactly. It’s just so sad because even if she is a Princess, she is still a human being and the mum of three innocent little children now fighting a horrible illness in private but with the whole world watching her. People need to just give her space and grace.
I feel bad for Princess Kate, she’s only in her early 40s that’s no age to have a life threatening illness and the way people speculated about her absence while she was dealing with it, is disgraceful. Even sadder when you think she has 3 small children who need to be told ‘Mummy has cancer’. I hope it’s treated and she gets well :/
I agree…very young to have cancer. I hope she gets better too.
Will there be a long list of cameos for both dramas? The writer-director combination for both are S-class so its possible.
PBY was pretty good in Record of Youth and looked so good, but sadly the drama was quite bland. My Lovely Liar was disapointing and Hwang Min-Hyun is not a good actor. So I hope for both actors, the script will be solid!
@ Sayaris i agree with all your comment . They deserve a good script and directing
Record of Youth was blander than an unseasoned frozen chicken nugget, flabby script and no chemistry between the leads (good performance from him as always though). Really goes to show, sometimes good actors have no chemistry.
The less said about Kim Sohyun’s male leads after The Tale of Nokdu, the better. At least Jang Dongyoon can act and was not far off in age from her. Hopefully Bogum does better with her and with IU.
I really enjoyed Tales of Nokdu..
Me too! I really enjoyed TTON because she has the best chemistry with Jang Dong Yoon. I always thought that Na In Woo can act at least in River Where the Moon Rises but he’s just so boring in Marry My Husband. Either way, I still think that his acting was pretty decent as General Ondal.
For record of youth, I think the problem is at the script and directing because I have watched their bts and they have more chemistry there than in the actual scene. And the fact that they have more skinship when they’re still friends compared to when they have dated lol
It’s gonna be one busy year for Park Bogum. Starting drama filming just a week away now, then he’ll have a movie and variety show out in June, drama airing probably on November, and another drama early next year.
I love that he’s staying busy and hope he will not ever take a long hiatus again. He’s one of the best actor with star quality so it’s a shame if he wasted his talents. One drama a year is enough so hopefully he’ll maintain his working pace.