Dilraba Dilmurat and Chen Xing Xu Start Filming the Search for Immortality Mystery C-drama Love on the Turquoise Land

After more behind-the-scenes drama before it even started filming than needed to be, the C-drama Love on the Turquoise Land kicked off production this week with leads Dilraba Dilmurat and Chen Xing Xu. Everyone involved seem happy with this, her fans like him, his fans like her, both sides are good with the billing order, and the production gets to move forward not feeling worried about future drama to come. The story is a modern tale but surrounding the mysterious legend about immortality and a treasure hunt mystery search for it. I don’t know why Chen Xing Xu is styled like a lazy HK detective who is really very capable but I’m liking the whole vibe.

So it is official… Chen Xing Xu looks good next to Dilraba. I am really glad we can move on…
Good for everyone
I love Chen Xing Xu drama choices he is a very diverse actor some say he still didn’t get the success his peers did, but I don’t understand why every actor gets “success” stuck with the same idol xiaxia drama over and over,like Bai Lu , Hou Ming Hao, Cheng Yi ….
My 2 favourite actors. Both are equally freaking good looking and good actors. So please be a good drama
Visuals are usually not my top reason to care about a drama but both of them are just so visually stunning together this has me praying that the director actually gives them good lighting without those silly filters.
CXX got the looks and the talent. Love him with Reba, their visual is pleasing to the eyes.
And not only looks and talent, but also the charisma to really shine when he’s on screen.
Looking forward to it!
That man’s age vs face really confuses me lol
Anyway, they look great visually, here’s hoping it has a good plot and that he can pull out at least decent out of her.
I hope this project is good. Chen Xing Xu doesn’t have an agency behind him, so every job he gets was hard earned. He is truly a star. Everything around him in a drama can be so so, but he always commands attention. Let’s hope this project allows him to fly to new heights and better projects. 😊
He’s not my cup of tea looks-wise but he looks way better in modern attire…he looks younger and more attractive. He doesn’t suit costume dramas imo, he looked way older than his age in ‘The Starry Love’ for instance. Though I won’t watch it, I wish them success.
Watch him in goodbye my princess and you may have a change of heart about CXX in costume dramas😊
He reminds me of Deng Lun, as actors who are not conventionally super duper attractive… but are handsome enough and with talent to command attention from the viewer.
Frankly that is so much better to me than a very good looking actor (or actress) with no actual talent or charisma. I’ll check out this drama for sure.
@Cool Will give it a shot…thanks for the recommendation 🙂
CXX is an actor that the popular white filter and skin smoothing to make everyone appear flawless really does a huge disservice to. He looks best when the lines and shadows show on his face and are allowed to exist, just how it is in GMP and some of his other non-idol drama roles. Starry Love especially in the heaven realm did him dirty.
@Guest, I love this comment of yours…I recently have been watching afew J-drama…I saw natural lines on Tamaki Hiroshi and Sorimachi Takashi in their latest dramas… they may not be best examples but I do feel Chinese really need to embrance nature more. It is so unrealistic to smooth out all lines especially in male. It is those natural line that gives them the chiseled look.
I’d rather everyone just start looking more human in general
@absurd 🤣 So very true.
CXX has great presence in his dramas and he looks so good with Dilraba. Hopefully the drama will be good. I will definitely check it out.
Finally a drama with eye candy. Reba is too gorgeous that most C actors look basic af next to her. Only actors that look mixed make a good match for her. I’d like to see her with Luo Yun Xi and Joseph Zeng next
This is the first time he is acting very traffic actress opposite him. He acted with Victoria but their age gap 9 years and that drama released when other idol drama ongoing so many skipped that drama. His modern drama script selection very bad and this is first time he found good script in modern drama. I liked his chemistry with Zhang Jingyi and Li Landi. He didn’t acted with any young raising star actress yet like Zhao Lusi, Shen Yue, Zhou Ye, Tian Xiwei,Wan Peng etc. Still he managed to hit some dramas. I hope for the best for him.
CXX has been stuck with lousy scripts for awhile so I hope this one makes a difference for his career. Goodbye my Princess was his break-out hit but it was so many years ago and when he was so much younger, and his career didnt get that much of a boost then. Since then, his drama selection has been pretty much dud after dud of more random period dramas and ‘rich boss man’ roles. He was always acting circles around most of his female co-stars in terms of on-screen intensity so fingers crossed this is his next big break, because this guy is an Actor with capital A.
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