
C-actress Ren Min’s Team Reportedly Will No Longer Accept Period Roles After She’s Criticized Yet Again for Her Visuals in Recently Airing Period Drama White Cat Legend — 30 Comments

  1. Why are people still dissatisfied with Ren Min’s looks? Plastic surgery has done wonders for her looks right now. She looks so much better now as compared to the past. She better not bow down to pressure and do more plastic surgery coz she’s gon end up looking too plastic and fake. This right now is just nice

    • Nah ,she didnt any PS , the part CN always insult her with is her BIG NOSE the and she still have the same nose ,you can see in the pics that she has large base nose a typical asian nose ,I dont find it unattractive but the slim small nose is popular type of nose CN prefer

  2. No wonder so many artiste go under the knife…willing or unwilling, as long as they want to be a popular actress, they have to go under the knife. But after doing PS, they get called plastic… Honestly, this is a sh*tty practise.
    Ren Min is a good actress…she does not deserve to be treated like so.

  3. She already did plastic surgery and she looks much better now. Tbh, it’s a sum game in the end. If it is better for her mental health just forget about costumes and concentrate on modern dramas. She looks way better in these and I have never seen complaints about it. Plus it’s far better writing anyway.

  4. It’s the hair, she has the type of facial structure that needs hair to frame her face. I think she looks really pretty in modern styles but in period dramas, without the right hairstyle to frame her face, her flaws are highlighted. However I think that her face shape is also the type that ages well? people will probably start praising her looks when she reaches her 30s/40s. Also I don’t think people criticised her looks in white cat legend, but the current republic era drama where she’s the main lead. Unfortunately she really doesn’t look good in that show ( only seen the stills though).She looks fine in white cat legend.

    • Exactly some of these faces ages so well, it such a shame that there is this obsession with a certain particular face structure in k ent and c ent .

    • People did criticise her looks when White Cat Legend first came out. But her fans / the show’s fans were quick to clarify she was not the female lead and was just a guest actor, and therefore doesn’t deserve the criticism.

    • I think so too. She looked excessively pale with that unflattering makeup, or perhaps filters did a great disservice to her.

      • It’s hard to tell since these are just pics. I’d want to see the live clips before making a final decisions, but I’m too lazy to search for it.

  5. I always find she’s pretty. Probably her face is my type. She looks natural despite some might think she has gone under the knife. She still has her baby cheeks, she just need to hide them with her long hair. But she’s pretty, really.

    I found RM prettier than JJY’s current face in In Blossom. She looked prettier before. But still pretty but probably just not my preference. Both are pretty in their own ways.

    Everything you need to be pretty is MONEY. Those netizen probably cant afford it thus they hate on others.

  6. This so weird,I find her so pretty and cute and love her voice too ,lore importantly ,the girl can act,ppl just cant let it go, one bad role and it will haunt you for ur life

  7. She looked really good in White Cat Legend so I’m not sure what the brouhaha is about. She did look quite bad in The Longest Promise so I get the criticism there, but it may be that she looks better in some angles and with some hairstyles more than others.

  8. I am surprised to learn she had PS. She looks natural. I get it if people can’t accept her looks for Xianxia dramas but it doesn’t make sense for period dramas. I would think she’s more representative of how most people look. She looks more real and natural. I don’t think the exquisite ethereal look was common those days since they didn’t have plastic surgery then. That’s why it was so celebrated. Now it’s become so common in the entertainment business that they are all beginning to look like clones and mannequins.
    I liked her a lot in the Song Dynasty drama where she plays the princess who falls in love with her childhood companion/attendant enuch. She’s married off to a relative of the emperor. Later I found out that the drama was based on true events and her husband was an accomplished artist and one of his ink paintings can be viewed at the Boston museum!

    • Period female leads are rarely ordinary people so it doesn’t make sense to require them to have ordinary looks, IMO.

      I’m also surprised to learn she had PS – wonder why she didn’t go all the way and have the nose bridge raised (which is what throws us off since we’re so used to seeing plastic Korean and Chinese celebrities) if she was willing to have work done.

    • I think the expectation for xianxia is also crazy. Everyone’s perception of who is beautiful enough is always different. Liu Yifei is called “fairy sister” but tons of people think she’s not that pretty. Also, not all female lead characters are described with extraordinary beauty, but people still complain. Ren Min can play period characters. I thought she looked fine in Serenade of Peaceful Joy.

      I agree with you that a lot are starting to look like mannequins. It’s scary for me to look at some of them on screen, so I tend to skip those dramas.

  9. She also had another costume drama aired recently with Darren Wang as the lead, and netizens think she’s ugly there too. At this point I’m glad her agency knows when to give up since she obviously don’t fit her country’s beauty standards. Even the popularity of XZ didn’t distract people from her looks so I don’t see how she is going to find success in that genre.

  10. Her visuals in The Longest Promise did not bother me much. But the writing and the directing in the 2nd half of the drama went south IMO. She got a lot of flak from obnoxious XZ fans and antis as well. Sometimes sick ppl’s ego just can’t let go their preys whom they already targeted. XZ antis attacked her nonsensically to wish a big flop of XZ’s drama. Some of XZ’s crazy fans expected TLP to be a huge hit. When that didn’t happen, they unwittingly blamed her and have continued to be critical of her since due to resentment.

  11. She was fine in 清平乐, which is a period piece, but she also wasn’t playing a character who was known for her beauty in there. She can do period pieces if they’re the prestige sort. She doesn’t suit xianxia dramas, which require a very specific ‘look’.

    She’s a solid actress and should go the Zhou Dong Yu, Ma Si Chun career route and do more films and contemporary dramas.

  12. Ren Min’s facial features albeit a bit pudgy still look way better than Liu Yi Fei and Zhou Dong Yu. Those 2 look too chinky but nobody dares to say it to their face coz they have money and power behind them. Such is the harsh reality of society

  13. I think it fine , she can got opportunity more in modern drama. The requirement for costumer genre indeed are too high, specially for fairy genre.

    I also think so, because most FL beauty always discribe with a beauty who can shake the whole nation. So it unbelievable just use ordinary beauty.

    For me there only handfull of female actress who can be discribe like that. Like Liu Yifei, Liu Shishi, Dilraba Dilmurat (she a bit turk tho), etc.

    Even it hurt but i am glad she choose to admit it. At the least before more bad think happened and before more sfl make her as step stone.

      • Nope, you gotta compare it when they all wear traditional clothes. LYF and LSS are miles ahead from basic looking when they’re in their traditional attires. Compare younger Dilireba pics or vids in traditional attires to younger Liu Yi Fei when she was playing as Zhao Ling Er/Xiao Long Nu and younger Liu Shi Shi when she was playing as Long Kui/Shuang Shuang from white snake; definitely a big difference. Dilireba may fit a modern standard of beauty, but still lesser of a classic beauty in ancient costume in comparison to LYF and LSS.

      • Liu Yi Fei and Liu Shi Shi in hanfu or not ARE basic looking. Like basic even when compared to the rest of the population in China. I’m talking about their face specifically. They are plain looking period. Nobody dares to say that in their face only because they have money and power behind them. Even pudgy Ren Min has better facial features than them but she’s the one who gets called ugly.

      • Reba looks so awkward in C traditional costume. Her visuals and physique are more western, just like those Caucasian girls in my neighborhood.

      • LYF’s individual features are not outstanding but she has that elusive combination of both having facial harmony and being 耐看, or basically looking better and better the more you look at them. 99.99% of people don’t have that, the longer you stare at them, their flaws start to appear to you. Unfortunately this is more true for those with striking features, no matter how beautiful they are. The only other actress known for such attributes is Song Hye Kyo.

        I think LSS based on face alone doesn’t stand out much but she has impeccable grace due to her dance background which gives her a very alluring aura in motion, which is perfect for period dramas.

  14. She was perfect in longest promise1 what is WRONG WITH PEOPLE! GET A LIFE! SHE IS ADORABLE. I hope she doesn’t pay attention to these people with negative comments! I don’t see them in any dramas!!!!!!

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