
Jeon Jong Seo and Han So Hee Cast in Heist Black Comedy Thriller K-drama Project Y — 57 Comments

    • Hahaha even though personally I don’t think Han sohee is quite at the same level of scandalous-ness as syj and jjs though…yet

      • @Tim – You know there was no proof of the bullying allegations from work or school, all done with malicious intent against SYJ? Scandalous yes over a private text chat between 2 adults that got leaked by the ex’s side because he was embroiled in a dispute with his agency at the time? That a redacted version was given to Dickspat to print but hang on wait a minute no one wanted to know the full story that just ran with it.
        As for JJS can’t comment sorry as I don’t know anything about her allegations.

    • I hope Seo Yeji can come back. She’s a fine actress. Her personal life is irrelevant to her performance on screen.

      • Thank you @somebody the most sane and logical poster on this blogger’s blog.

      • Using that logic, rape and assault are crimes but technically they are part of the private life of the perpetrator and the victim (if kept silent) lol.

      • In any case, her personal affairs are not sufficient for her to have been cancelled. In private life there are artists who commit horrors, but she is not one of them.

      • Really @JKMH please this blog really ripped SYJ to shreads back in 2021 so I’m just being consistent and repaying the kind. Koala really earned her stripes reporting on all the lies that followed that text debacle with the ex. If you have KBS making public apology about how they reported on SYJ regarding all those allegations and how they kinda just dropped off without solid proof then it goes to show how shoddy as SK media really are.

      • LOL, are you serious? 😂 Do you not remember what you wrote here about Ryu Joon Yeol? Wow, so hypocrite, I’m impressed.

      • @30/04/24 LOL. Your comparison is out of proportion. Rape and assault are indeed criminalized by law, but not someone’s dating life, whether a damsel emotionally abuses her partner or not. If he accused her of doing so and brought the case to the court so that she go a “guilt” verdict, then it’s legit for her to be cancelled for a crime she committed. Tell me what law did she violate? LOL

        Ok then. Say, you manipulate your bf to avoid any close contact with his female coworkers within 1 inch from each other and that causes his underperformance at work. Then you should be fired from your own office instead. LMAO. This is your logic.

      • @Olesya1, you’ve got triggered. LOL. So bitter! Did I ever say anything to cancel RJY? Unless you suffer from amnesia, I clearly expressed my personal dislike of this guy and that’s it. I dislike him on screen already before knowing all the gossips. That’s my personal opinion I’m entitled to as a drama viewer. Did I say he should be cancelled? LOL.

        Here we’re talking about cancellation due to dating gossips etc. How’s this even relevant to trigger you to make relevance to RJY? LOL. Stop making mountain out of a molehill.

      • @Somebody
        Yeah, I was triggered, because you just showed how hypocrite you are. L

      • Are you already going to cry over an ironic comment? LOL. We know you are an obsessed fan of your goddess Seo Ye Ji but not everyone has to share your personal preferences. Don’t be immature.

      • @Mumma Bear 015, just a kind reminder. Ignore a lot of trolls and rabid fans of certain celebs on this site. Otherwise, you’d easily make your keyboard life miserable cos their tongues can be fire from the hell. They are always amusing to me, nonetheless, cos how delirious they can be. LOL.

        I’m not SYJ’s fan though. I’m just fair about her acting compared with others including some of her popular costars. She’s a talented actress. It’s a shame she’s got cancelled.

  1. Aren’t they the “public enemy number 1” now?

    I guess it’s good for them that they were casted. Their image didn’t suffer from their “scandal”.

  2. This is perfect casting for both of them. For HSH, you can’t design a better script: female led, action-heist-thriller. This is way better than that vampire show she was going to do.

  3. HSH overreacted with the dating stuff, but she didn’t do anything that would be considered abusive like bullying. I hope people can have a bit more grace for her. Not even a fan but just empathetic towards her situation. None of us are perfect and probably have acted emotional at some point in our lives.

    • Well said. She did not commit any crimes rather just being getting out of hand. If there’s any chance for her to amend her career, let it be.

      • @Somebody, lol, if you think that way, why did you wrote total opposite comments about Ryu Joon Yeol then? He didn’t commit any crimes either, and yet you were all active cancel him.

      • @Olesya1, my goodness you’re obsessed! LOL. Chill out! Your man RJY is doing totally fine without me being her fangirl. LOL. What have I done to cancel him? I’m not even an online influence like Koala. Am I running a campaign against him? Or you’re calling out me to run one? LMAO.

        Per your accusation, everyone here is at some point actively cancelling certain actors cos we all have our own preference and whom we dislike as drama viewers.

      • @Somebody, he’s not my man, stop it mysogynistic thing.
        About the rest, I have nothing to answer, because you avoided my question and started pulling manipulative thing with “What have I done? I’m not influence like Koala” and “everyone here cancelling somebody”.
        I don’t care about RJY or SYJ personal’s lifes, just wanted to write you, how differently you reacted to similar cases of two people. I said that I wanted, keep going.

    • @Soph, I laughed when I saw the first comment as I really dislike Seo Yeji… But I too agree HSH is not in the same category as the other two. Her upbringing was very tough thus she over reacted when she thought she was losing her hard earned career over dating the wrong guy. That is just sh*t!

      I personally dont think public dislike her as much as reported. I think her acting career will continue…but CFs will take time to build back again if she is lucky. Her rice bowl is still in tact.

      • @HL Yeah yeah just move on why don’t you. Yj’s 500K followers on IG say hi.

      • @Mumma Bear 015 Why don’t you, who are in tension every time you read that someone doesn’t like Seo Ye Ji, move on?

      • Yes on her name alone. International fans have flooded her page wanting to know when she is back. That speaks volumes. It’s a big deal for all her fans + non fans actually.

      • @LOL well at least @HL is honest and doesn’t mince her words just like I’m allowed to defend my fave here. Again I have moved on to her IG so Thank you for asking.

  4. I am honestly quite impressed by JJS’s agency. What power they wield to have all these rumours squashed for years and now land a role for her when every other bullying scandal always has some reflection time no matter how insincere.

    • IKR? The allegations are resurfacing again along w/ the other actress. Good thing the drama didn’t do good, so no one really paid attention to her. But then her scandal came w/ the Marry my husband actress bully scandal; however her name quickly drop off the news and gradually disappear like when it 1st popped up. There’s something in the water.

  5. I watched both acting and they didn’t impress me . Scandals or not, there are a lot of better actresses but i’m not a director or producer . I suppose that they fit the roles .

    • I agree. I don’t think what HSH did is cancellable (dunno about JJS tho, I don’t know much about the bullying scandal to comment on it). But these two aren’t really that great actresses. I’m going to be honest, I think both are hyped up by international fans more because they played stan Twitter-appealing Badass Female Characters™ type characters than because of actual great acting skills lol. I think this drama will do well internationally if Netflix picks it up because this is the kind of drama international viewers eat up, but will most likely flop domestically

      • @Summer: Agree the international stans on Twitter hype them up because of so-called “badass female characters” they have played but neither is a great actress. Although I do think JJS is much more talented than HSH who is painfully one note in everything. Neither actress is popular, both have bad reps, neither can carry a hit drama, plot is nothing new, also this director includes lots of gratuitous sex and violence and smoking in his works too so highly unlikely a network or cable channel picks this up. They will do some good-looking photoshoots along with the usual mediaplay, easily impressed Twitter international stans will be easily impressed, if NF picks it up it might get some international audience but this drama will be another flop.

      • JJS won tons of awards since 2018 and films and dramas, but you guys only watch romcom and think thats what good acting is. More talent than her is impossible, but is not your melodrama or romcom…

      • “International fanbase is basic, they will eat up, not like the almighty koreans and their basic romcoms and melodrama with terrible acting and predictable storys”. The shows who had sucess in Korea are the same with international fanbase. Squid Game, Glory, etc. koreans are changing their taste, well its normal that show that call a more teen audience are still getting more views, but thos numbers are lie. I dont genuine understand what you mean, but your whole comment show ignorance so i believe thats what your meaning. Also this site is full of mysogny and you are one of them. The comment next to you just describe Squid Game, you now that show who was a huge sucess in popularity and call a director with a lot of awards a flop who still didnt have a network lol, so i can see what type of people are around here. Still, insane the certainty and audacity of this comments and amount of lies and ignorance in them. Strong women scary you?

    • I’m an international kdrama lover and i still say that their acting is meh . They can be considered as beauties but not for me , i prefer actresses with talent and charisma . Aside her scandal , SYJ may play the same kind of roles but she is not plain and is charismatic .

      • Again, JJS won tons of awards for Burning and other projects. She is charismatic and talent, but i doubt you know that that is.

  6. @somebody Thank you for the kind advice but this blog is actually tame compared to 7 years ago lol. SYJ was considered cancelled post 21 April 2021 but word is that she’s on her way back but who knows. Her IG is testament to her popularity. 600 000K and still rising.

    • @Mummabear, Wow, it was worst before!!! I stopped reading comments in between years… I never knew it was worst before.

      I guess, we learn not to deal with different people. So as not to get overwhelmed.. @Somebody is mentally very strong. She really fights her ground relentlessly. I am hopeless at that. I can only do it sometimes.

      • @HL, Hahaha. Did I mention I have an unlimited trash bin (for crap not even worth recycling LOL) in my head for all the gibberish to go in? LOL. Those pieces of delirious rambling out of rabid fans’ undisciplined mouths may be like fire from the heck. But they all went into the trash bin incinerated. LOL.

        As long as we keep the same principles and values to voice our opinions consistently, freely, and calmly, incoherent keyboard trolls have no power with their scathing nonsense. They even lack grass to touch. LOL.

    • @Mummabear, I hope nobody including those who have different opinions and preference than mine feel comfortable and free to voice their opinions frankly on social media. The reason why I’m a fan of quite a few actors but will never associate myself to any fandoms is that fandoms are crazy, reek of mob culture with bullying and trolling mentality going out of control when they hear something they dislike. It’s not worst on Koala’s playground, but it still felt like cesspools from time to time. LOL.

      I hope no one feels intimidated by trolls and bullies.

      • Dang! typo* correction: I hope everyone including those who have different opinions…..

    • @Mummabear, I do hope SYJ comes back soon. She has a unique aura and presence on screen. Her acting in It’s Okay to Not Be Okay was pretty impressive, way more impressive than her costar TBH. LOL.

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