
Queen of Tears Special Episode Part 1 Gets Astonishing 5.027% ​​​Ratings on Just BTS Scenes and Lead Interviews — 34 Comments

  1. Lol….the so called popular drama Lovely Runner could’t even reach 5%..😂 as expected..a drama for kids always overated!!

      • @bn Maestra and Captivating the King which aired on Sat-Sun had ratings in the 4-5% range while Marry my Husband hit double digits on Mon-Tue.

      • So wt youre saying is if Lovely Runner was airing during the weekends it would get higher ratings? IJBOL you are woefully out of sync with reality then. It is a HS drama with zero star power along with being catered to teens.

        FYI there is a current weekend drama at 2-3% range literally lower tahn Lovely runner and MMH as @Guest mentioned was 10%+ on mon tue.

    • Genuinely wondering what the correlation is between both for you to mention Lovely Runner here. There isn’t beef between fandoms either so ¿?

      (I love both btw so I’m happy about their separate and particular popularity)

      • +2 I am currently also enjoying Lovely Runner. The story and genre aren’t even similar, and are starring less established actors and actresses. To compare the two is comparing apples to oranges.

    • Tropical buzz does not always equal ratings and neither do these reflect quality. Weightlifting Fairy, Our Beloved Summer, I am not a Robot are just some examples of super low rated dramas that had high topicality and were – if anything – underrated.

    • Is there a reason to target Lovely Runner specifically? Hide starring LBY and Resurrection 7 starring Lee Joon and UKJ have dismal numbers. Those are big names compared to the leads of LR

      • A bunch of Lovely Runner fans and/or Queen of Tears haters spammed QoT MDL page saying LR is better and has a higher MDL rating than QoT (9.0 vs 8.9). Int’l fans really think MDL ratings matter.

      • Give it a rest! Stop ruining the flow of comments with your smart arsed comment. You must have an entire mortgage out on YJ.

    • @doe, Leave kim ji won alone. She isn’t dating kim soo hyun so you can rest assured. It’s just all media play to promote the series. Her career is in the rise so I doubt she wants to have a public relationship yet. You can continue to fantasize Ksh with seo ye ji if you want lol.

      • Doe mentions awkwardness and you immediately jump to YJ. Why? Just go about your day n leave YJ out of the mix.

    • I think the dramas are too far into the run that nothing can recover it. Maybe Hero can do better than Grad but Grad does have tears momentum.

    • They couldn’t work out the schedule unfortunately since these guys finished filming months ago and moved on to different schedules

  2. Lol yea this drama has everyone by the neck right now. You’re right about only the major fans tuning in for this, so I suppose 25% of QOT viewers are big enough fans to watch it.

    I did not watch it all. Just snippets and bloopers which are usually funny whenever PSH and KSH are involved. But I’m also happy to see how much love it’s getting. It was such a great run and after this week, it will be truly over.

  3. Not only for shippers, but I’m really interested to watch how they talking about their characters and scenes. While watching Bts and interviews I was impressed how the whole cast know everything about their characters. Although they had already finished filming, they could explain any emotion and feelings of their characters without getting lost in questions. They answered not just to get rid of the question, but enthusiastically talked about the shooting.
    I was even impressed their “house tour”, because stuff did a great work.
    And after watching BTS I’m a big fan of director Jang Young Woo (whatever his next drama will be, I’m all seated). So I hope in 2nd special episode they show his interview. I wonder how they created this drama and paid attention to the small details.

  4. Its maybe off topic a bit. It would have been smarter for MBC to delay airing 1958 until this week. It is 10 episodes only so when Tears finished, it was already almost half way completed. Many feel too late to catch up or dont want to because it is ending soon. This week it was struggling to get to double digit and yesterday Tears special did 5% vs 9% for 1958 is so bad really.

    But actually the Tears special ratings is highly usual too. Over 5% on a sat with packed schedule is very high. tvN must be so happy haha

    • 5 percent for a special i.e. just behind the scenes clips and interviews – is actually insane, as koala said that’s higher than some actual airing dramas are getting at the moment. Just a testament to the popularity of the drama I guess. But I did like getting a look at how the directors worked, I feel like a lot of QoT’s elevated feel is down to directorial choices – I was already a stan for Kim Hee Won from Vincenzo but now I’ll be watching for Jang Young Woo’s next project too.

      Chief Detective 1958 is doing good numbers but could have done higher I suppose. Lee Je Hoon seems to have found his niche in these crime/detective dramas, it suits him better than trying to be a romantic lead (good actor =/= good romantic lead, not all the time anyway.

  5. @mumma bear, doe talks about it’s ok not ok drama a lot and ships them so I brought up seo. You should tell doe to stop bringing up kim ji won in every irrelevant article not about queen of tears. I only mentioned Seo once

    • @Macy – But why would you want to reference SYJ when she has nothing to do with QOT. Stick to the programme and stay on topic. An opinion, an observation is given then all of a sudden SYJ name is referenced and for what reason? This blog is about opinions but for some reason I do not know why anyone would harp on about SYJ when she is one of the FL KSH has acted with in the past. BTW Kim Ji Won was mentioned years of being involved with Yoo Yeon Seok which was refuted. No ones says boo about that.

      • what is with seo yeji stans being as psycho as she was rumoured to be, what is up with bringing up some rumour that’s almost 10 years old to prove what? that KJW maybe dated?

  6. I was actually trying my very best to finish this drama as it gets boring and predictable but still finished it for the hype. As of now I’m super enjoying Lovely Runner I don’t even care the low ratings but as for me, the story of LR is more complex and that’s what’s make me more engaged to the drama and I even ended up making a lot of theories. No hate to QOT tho, but if only the leads are not Kim Soo hyun and Kim Jiwon then it wouldn’t have achieved such a high ratings since CLOY is a much much better drama than QOT.

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