Youku Announces Premiere of Revenge C-drama The Double with Wu Jing Yan and Wang Xing Yue for June 2nd

The entire month of May felt interminably long and yet also wild that it’s near the end. This weekend stars June and on Sunday the 2nd we will see another big C-drama arrive in The Double. Produced by love him-hate him troll extraordinaire Yu Zheng and starring Wu Jing Yan and Wang Xing Yue, from the latest preview and all the stills alone the drama exhibits the hallmarks of the showmanship and extra that makes viewers feel excited to keep watching. Probably the opposite of the ennui feeling that Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red Moon Pact is generating with its viewers right now. Wang Xing Yue is super young still and remains one of Yu Zheng’s most promoted current crop of actors so whether this succeeds or not won’t affect him much, but Wu Jing Yan desperately needs a hit here to regain her footing and I’m curious to see if the story, her character, and her performance will make that special sauce which catapulted her to the big leads the first time with Story of Yanxi Palace.

Trailer for The Double:


Youku Announces Premiere of Revenge C-drama The Double with Wu Jing Yan and Wang Xing Yue for June 2nd — 11 Comments

  1. Wu Jinyan had the help of a good script to make her mark in Yanxi Palace. It was a classically constructed costume drama with a spunky heroine who overcomes adversity step by step along the way. Call it the Dae Jang Geum model. The actress hasn’t had that luck since. All I see here is flamboyant costumes. Time will tell if there’s a script to go with them.

    • This is being adapted from a good novel. Female centric with rebirth and revenge story…. Hope it works out for WJY. Anyway I will watch it for the sake of the novel and Wang Xing Yue

  2. In the words of the great philosopher Marie Kondo, I love mess, so I will be checking this out. But not on Youku, will not be contributing to the success of YZ.

  3. The trailer looks intriguing although the color scheme of the poster is tacky. I don’t dislike WJY or WXY. At least they’re not overexposed and as boring as those popular C actors who seemed to film nonstop.

  4. So happy this finally has an air date even though I wanted Wang Xing Yue’s drama Shadow Detective with Wu Jia Yi to air first. Wu Jing Yan as the female lead of The Double is a plus. I’ve enjoyed her in both Yanxi Palace and Royal Feast and love her chemistry with Xu Kai even though Royal Feast didn’t make the most of it. Tried Legacy, but none of the characters pulled me enough to keep me watching even though it was nice to see so many familiar faces in the cast. I’ve enjoyed watching WXY in everything I’ve seen him in. He’s definitely young enough to build his name up to become a solid lead actor. He can balance between taking lead roles and taking supporting roles if it he gets the chance to work in quality projects. The leads chemistry for this drama looks good so far, so I hope the drama is worth the watch.

  5. Wu Jinyan is a reasonably good actress, and could reasonably well play a 16 to 37 year old Wei Yingluo when she was 28. But as far as I understand the show, she has to play a girl (or woman) aged 16 again and she now comes up to her mid thirties. That somehow shows that she can’t help being typecast mostly by her looks. So far the show is just average. It won’t help Wu Jinyan to expand her career as an actress very much, but at least she has a big role in a big show. It will keep her in the business a bit longer.

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