Jung Hae In and Jung So Min Find Love Next Door in First Teaser for tvN Romance Drama
I like how the first teaser for upcoming tvN drama Love Next Door shows the leads just growing up together in a very lowkey way. Jung Hae In and Jung So Min are coming to the small screen next month on August 17th and we should all be so grateful to have a rom-com on the way especially when there are so few K-dramas I’ve been interested in these days. This teaser hits the spot so much for me and brought a smile to my face.
Teaser for Love Next Door:
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This reminds me of Weightlifting Fairy for some reason and thats as good a sign as any drama can give as far as I’m concerned. Not sure how well it’ll play the ratings game, but I’m more confident than not that it will have very good topicality. I’m excited!
I have a good feeling about this drama!!!
Get ready for the Jung-Jung couple!!
I’m more of a tragedy/mystery drama watcher, but lately when I watch slice-of-life or romance, man, do I get excited! This summer has been very uplifting for me lol, I guess when you go through health issues light-hearted shows become your style.
I’m not worried about this drama at all. Whether the script is spectacular or ordinary, Jung So Min and Jung Hae In’s sincerity and expression in their acting alone will save it. I can’t say that about many romance pairings as of late.
I wish I can express myself as well as you did about this CP drama…
. I agree with your comment wholeheartedly. Hope script is not bad…
May be the vibe is similar to Reply Series:Reply 1997 and 1988
I like Jung So Min ,she is one of my faves, i watched her in anything . I can’t say about JJI as i didn’t watch his works, but they look good . Actually i’m watching Miss night and day because of the 3 actors that i like , Good partner because of the 2 actresses and finally The Auditors…well it’s Shin Ha Kyung !
@cahill, I have those dramas in my watch list too…under rated but I watch previews and they look good.
@cahill, who is holding Olympic flame in your area? which is the date
? I wonder if it will bee a Idol?
3 dramas , 3 genres, nothing new but i’m enjoying watching them . Jang Na Ra / Nam Ji hyun are good together , Choi jin Hyuk has great chemistry with both ladies .
@ about Olympic games , 10000 persons to hold the flame but not big names as they wanted to focus on showing french mythical places , the most beautiful regions , but to be honest french people aren’t very interested in it . Even more Parisians because of logistic’s problems . Well… we are frenchies !!!
Finally someone mentioned The Auditors…well its’ Shin Ha Kyung! LOL. I have this as my NEXT to-watch drama. I’m currently watching Lawless Lawyer. I can’t say that I like LL but am watching it for Lee Jun Ki and Seo Yea Ji.
@Somebody, I’m enjoying The auditors , nothing great ‘but i like Shin Ha kyung’s character and Jin Goo is also good .
Not a fan for romance, particularly if school romance is involved. But I like JSM enough to check this out.
Jung So Min is coming back!!! I can watch all her dramas just because of her regardless of genre or quality of script. Just her presence onscreen can make any drama better. She’s one of the best actress for me.
Didn’t watch Jung Hae In’s dramas, hope he will be good too.
I like Jung So Min, so I’ll check it out. Jung Hae In, though, I find bland in romance dramas; he thrives in non-romance ones. I’m counting on Jung So Min for this since she can spark chemistry with a tree.
I’m not a fan of romcom but I’m seated for this because of Jung Haein. I just love him in everything. He’s so underrated, probably bec he didn’t go the usual route (start in romcom then do more serious roles). Finally, something light and fun for his fans! I can’t wait!