
Dilraba Dilmurat and Ju Jing Yi Fans Get Into Online War of Words Over Who is the Top of the C-actress Pack — 37 Comments

  1. Definitely nothing to debate about… fans are too bored and just want to vent their personal boredom, frustration online.

    Digressing… Veteran actress Cheng PeiPei passed away… I am feeling very sad about it. She is such a lovely, beautiful and gentle woman. One of my favourite veteran actress. Her death news have shock me… RIP Cheng Peipei….

    I hope @Koala can a piece on her…

    • Oh no! RIP Cheng PeiPei, she was my first kungfu kickass FL. I would copy her moves while play-fighting with my brother, LOL. Ahhh, the memory. Her most iconic look with the veiled hat, the lone female entering town and going into a restaurant full of men and then proceeding to kick their leering ass all over the tables and chairs, had been copied over and over in wuxia movies/cdramas.

  2. 捆绑 is a well-known tactic in C-ent. Basically a lesser known celebrity will keep trying to bind their name to other more popular celebrities to make it seem like they are of the same status. It’s disappointing that Ju Jingyi’s new agency started doing this binding tactic and pouring massive water into her data ever since she joined them.

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  4. I mean, I don’t follow C-ent but I still always hear about Dilraba. It’s like when I wasn’t a KDrama watcher yet, I was already hearing about Lee Min Ho, Jun Ji Hyun, IU, and Song Hye Kyo. I think that’s a sign of being an S-tier star. Never heard of Ju Jing Yi. Looks-wise, Dilraba also wins because she has a goddess-tier visuals while Ju Jing Yi is pretty but in a generic C-actress way (I googled her pics)

  5. DLRB is looking a little different to me lately. Did she get some work done? Her face just looks thinner and more plastic somehow, I can’t put my finger on it. Could just be weight loss and make up I suppose.

      • Agreed. Dilraba is serviceable. JJY is literally the same in every drama: a modern influencer who travels into a book or through time and landed in a far away land.

  6. I honestly think Dilraba’s popularity is overhyped. I am not finding her attractive, maybe because I am from Uzbekistan and every second Uzbek girl looks like her so for me she has a very ordinary visual, and her visuals do not always suit the drama’s heroines with her height and looks, especially voice. Can not say anything about other actress I am afraid to say this but Chinese entertaiment has lack of natural beauties, so fed up from plastic visuals and over skiny bodies, with make up so think and uneven the only thing I admire in Chinese dramas is the special effects of nature and costumes may be few beautiful actors but that as well can be doubtfull

    • Same here, I can admit she is beautiful but not my type of beauty and she got really thin to the point her features are taking over her face.

    • Same! I find Reba boring to look at cos here in the US, she would just look like a girl next door in my neighborhood. LOL.

      • @Somebody Many Chinese actors, including your fave Xiao Zhan, would be boring to look here in the US to be honest.

      • @Somebody Most population is the world is average-looking. How a woman who has objective pretty features is not attractive? She’s not my type though. As @🌱 has mentioned Xiao Zhan, I also find him to have a generic type of visual, I don’t think he would stand in the West. Even in K-pop, I can’t find a stunning beauty (male or female).

  7. In terms of looks, I think both are beautiful in their own ways. Dilraba has the gorgeous Westernized looks whereas Ju Jing Yi has charming ethereal youthful beauty.

    For acting, I prefer JJY coz she always pick the same kinds of roles all the time: intelligent, sensible and steady. People may complain about that, but I am contented with that.

    I respect and like Dilraba a lot but I am a bit conflicted over some of the roles she picked although they made her very popular….I don’t enjoy her cutesy character in Three Lives or aggressive sleazy persona in Legend of Anle…

  8. It’s embarrassing for JJY’s fans. I would just shut up. But both fandom need to know that their actress sucks at acting. HAHAHA.

  9. It is a well-known tactic in C-ent where lesser known celebrities will keep trying to bind their name to other more popular celebrities to make it seem like they are of the same status. It’s disappointing that Ju Jingyi’s new agency started doing this binding tactic and pouring massive water into her data ever since she joined them.

  10. Never liked Dilraba’s visuals, but the same could be said for JJY and I hardly watch these two as an actress as I’m not fond of their acting.
    From what I can see they both have massive fandoms, but Dilraba has been holding her A list status for a long while now and is more known out of the two so of course she wins.

  11. Lol… what a joke. Even for non Cdrama fans, they still know Dilraba. JJY isnt even in the same level with Zhao Lusi. Let alone Dilraba. Lol at JJY fans, they do have thick face tho.

  12. Both are mediocre in acting, looks-wise they hold their own — beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all, but let’s be real in terms of popularity Dilraba is on top

  13. Why go at Reba? They’re not in the same bracket (looks, age, acting skill, advertisements etc).

    Her team should have gone full on with Esther Yu or Zhao Lusi. That will be more entertaining to see.

    • She is going at Reba because her agency is doing the age old linking to a more popular actress and trying to cause controversy which in turn gets people talking about her.

      It’s always been disgusting but it’s done all the time.

    • To be fair, Ju Jingyi is far closer in age to Dilraba than she is Zhao Lusi. Also JJY and Reba have also been in the industry a more similar amount of time compared to Esther or ZLS. But yeah it’s crazy that her team even tried to compare the two. Reba is in such a different league.

  14. C-ent is just C-ent! C netizens are C netizens! They are not gonna change, like they always fight for frivolous trivia. I thought The Double had given me hope for C drama. But that expectation is short lived. LMAO. The Double is just rare among so many boring plots premiered this year. Even C blog is back to gossipy mode as usual cos there’s nothing much interesting from C drama to blog about. LOL.

    • @Somebody, Wang Xing Yue is in a new variety show Wonderland 4. He looks good in the show…apparently he has “Emo” moments.. He is said to be 1.83m tall…in the program, he does not look that tall but I may be wrong..It could be due to the outfit he wears..

      I dont watch Wonderland 4 but the clip pop up on my YT Feed.

      • LOL. I’m not interested in his activities outside drama. There’s one and the only celeb whose activities besides drama I’d ever follow. That’s XZ cos I like his vlogs a lot and constantly check when his studio will release next one. But I may check out this clip of WXY. LMAO.

        Not sure if WXY is that tall. He can stand by XZ to verify. LOL. XZ is 183.6 cm tall, no more and no less out of his own words. C fans used to use his height as a measuring stick to tell which actor is honest and who’s not about their height. LOL.

      • BTW, do you recommend any good C dramas that I may take a look at? Not old ones. I’ve basically checked almost all the old C dramas and only a few I mentioned weren’t snoozefests. LOL. I’m really bored and now back to old Kdrama shelves. LOL.

      • @Somebody, WXY does not look he is tall as Xiao Zhan…again, I am unsure by watching on screen.

        I am very disappointed with current C-drama. I am watching the underrated dramas like ‘Interlaced Scenes’. It is not a idol drama, thus may not be worth your time.

        I watch 2 eps of ‘Legend of Heroes’…Gosh, production is just not great. Dont bother. Remakes, instead of getting better..often it just gets worse.

        ‘Princess Royal’, I found boring… Even ‘Follow Your Heart’ is better then ‘Princess Royal’ as ‘Follow Your Heart’ is light hearted.

        ‘Tale of Rose’, not my type of story. I watched about 5eps from start to end.. only 5eps… 🤣🤣start, middle, end.

        ‘Reblooming Blue’ Boring, no chemistry.

        I stick to K-dramas for now. And a couple of J-dramas.

      • @HL, C drama is so hopeless. The Double is just like a gem among a tomb of dead rocks. LMAO. I have checked some of those which you mentioned and none could I stick to more than 3 eps without feeling a huge waste of time. I’m watching Lawless Lawyer for Lee Jun Ki initially. I didn’t like it so much at the beginning but now it’s getting intense and interesting. Both LJK and Seo Yea Ji are really great actors.

        I was asking you the recommendation cos I’ve been in the mood to watch C costume dramas with some romance since The Double. Guess I should get out of the mood soon. LOL.

        What J dramas are you watching? Anything interesting? I used to watch some J movies and dramas with my dad long ago.

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