Republic Era Vampire Romance Drama Snowfall with Gao Wei Guang and Ouyang Nana Unearthed From the Vault and Airs to Expected Poor Reception

Getting released right in the middle of the Summer Olympics is always a sign that the platform treats the drama as a throwaway, and this one definitely performed as such. The Republic era fantasy vampire romance drama Snowfall adapted from a novel was filmed over 3 years ago and starred Gao Wei Guang and Ouyang Nana and was shelved reportedly due to lack of advertiser interest, pushback on the big 17 year age gap, and Ouyang Nana’s poor acting criticism after a few of her dramas was released in the interim. This drama was filmed when she was at the top of her nepo baby phase and getting lots of female leads and thank goodness her stream has dried up and this is also the last drama in the vault so we don’t need to be tortured with her as a female lead ruining more dramas going forward. Poor Gao Wei Guang reportedly did his darn best but nothing can save this hot mess from all accounts. The viewership was very low and the criticism continued against Ouyang Nana per usual.


Republic Era Vampire Romance Drama Snowfall with Gao Wei Guang and Ouyang Nana Unearthed From the Vault and Airs to Expected Poor Reception — 39 Comments

  1. Nana’s acting here was actually good, not the best but it was okay to watch and better than some of the other casts

    • From clips I’ve seen and other comments I’ve read, it really seems Nana did fine in this drama–a miracle attributed to director Li Muge, who, by all accounts, even managed the amazing feat of getting a decent performance out of Yang Chaoyue in “Heroes” (certainly a unique and admirable feat), so he’s really special.

  2. Guang is 41 whereas Nana is 24…..he already look so mature and she has a baby face….since it was filmed a few years ago (?) so she must have been barely out of her late teens….

    in a way it’s acceptable with him being a vampire….

    But as what koala said there’s a few factors including a pushback on the big age gap…leading to poor ratings.

    • Right on the point there with him being a vampire. I mean, for once they finally cast age-appropriate actors for the characters they portray – older (by I dunno how many digits) world-weary vampire vs a blind girl in her teens. The visuals are all on point, and netizens still complain. Maybe they can just stop watching xianxia and supernatural dramas coz the age gaps are always HUGE there.

  3. Some people on tiktok really likes this so I thought it was quite popular. Turns out it didn’t do well. The plot isn’t new and has very similar feel to those short drama so it make sense

  4. It’s quite entertaining to me. FL’s acting really isn’t a big deal enough to ruin the drama at all, because


    her character is pretty cool: she’s blind, she’s domestically abused, but has the bravery and smarts to save him and herself time and time again. Their interactions throughout are very sweet and innocent.
    It’s a good drama when you want to just relax and not dissect a drama.
    Big plus, Gao Wei Guang, like Jing Tian in Rattan (same director), is adorned in all sorts of outfits and he’s absolutely hot and I greatly enjoyed watching him around the screen :). Unlike most, I didn’t think he was the hottest thing as Dong Hua in Eternal Love, but I think he looks very striking in modern getup.

    • Wow no wonder I thought he looked hot in the stills. His costume actually looks well matched with the era and very bold.. now this makes sense

    • You can’t trust TikTok at all. According to it, it’s a big hit and everything Chen Zheyuan does is massive hit. 😂 That’s why I like this site; it gives accurate account of ratings. I got impression it was trying to a Goblin like series but didn’t quite get there. There is big age gap in Goblin but people still love it.

  5. Seriously, I dunno why there are plenty of commentators here in koalas playground who love uncle-niece pairing as a couple. Well Chinese viewers like what Koala stated, don’t agree.

    So it actually doesn’t do justice to the older seasoned male actors to be paired with a much younger female actresses, worse when they are lacking in acting skills.

    There are plenty of actresses who are older but at least have more experiences in acting. A balanced couple would appeal to a larger audience.

    And also to be fair to younger actresses, most viewers tend to like a younger male lead so they may like seeing the pair end up as a couple in real life. Like it or not, a good on screen chemistry between the pair will help in ratings.

    • I just love a good DRAMA, not Uncle-whateveryoucallit. If it’s good and acted well, with a good script, I will watch it without prejudice. And I don’t know why you say Chinese audience has no tolerance for Uncle-niece dramas–just go on Youtube and check out all the short Douyin dramas being uploaded…it’s all “Seduced by Uncle” and “Flash Marriage with Uncle CEO” by the dozens left and right. Obviously there are people on Douyin who love that trope too.

  6. I thought it was popular internationally by the response on Reddit and my drama list. Definitely not popular domestically.

    • Reddit is the absolute worst measure of anything. They love trash and they consume it in great quantities while they believe their idols who can’t act at all are some sort of international stars. Never judge anything by Reddit.

      • Cdrama Reddit is very weird. All they do is complain and trash popular dramas. It feels like they don’t like anything. The only cdrama that I’ve seen have positive opinions on there was The Double.

  7. Pingback: Republic Era Vampire Romance Drama Snowfall with Gao Wei Guang and Ouyang Nana Unearthed From the Vault and Airs to Expected Poor Reception | Parlour News Korea

    • @aya
      Hmm that’s true. I think the casting and production team have small budget so they can only hire one established actor instead of two experienced leads.

  8. This is what happens when little girlies are cast based on popularity instead of skills. I really feel for Gao Weiguang!
    It is an insult to any seasoned actor to be paired with these kids and it is cringeworthy to watch. Previously, these would-be actresses barely out of puberty were regularly inflicted upon Jeremy Tsui, but since he’s had enough of it and quit, other actors will have to suffer.
    Why can’t they pair experienced actors in one drama (which I would love to watch) and do another show for the traffic kids (which their fans could watch).

    • It is probably because of the first billing fights that seem quite frequent as of late. They don’t want to deal with the drama. So we might see this more frequently of older lady and younger man and vice versa. Until they figure a solution to it I doubt we will see the last of such pairings.

      • @rero
        Yes you are right. It’s either billing or the budget….unless they are very popular even though they are young so they can demand top billing next to veteran make co stars lole Zhao Lusi

        Younger actors also want top billing so they have to find less popular female stars, vice versa

  9. I was put off by the age difference so didn’t attempt to watch this, but I read some chatter over Reddit and the viewers there seem to like this drama. I’m thinking of giving it a go when I have time. Right now my plate is full. But I echo a lot of the sentiments here as in why couldn’t they cast a more age appropriate pairing? I’m okay with 10 – 12 years age difference, and can even ignore larger age gaps if both parties are mature but 17 years is really pushing it when the FL is quite young in real life.

    • Cdrama Reddit has unfortunately become an echo chamber where the same redditors post the same things over and over again. By the discussions there, one would think Snowfall is God’s present to the world. Also, they have entered a phase since some time now where every two days there’s a post bashing Love like the Galaxy of all shows – it is unexplainable why they all need to bring down a show that aired 2 years ago.

      • It pathetic really, u wonder why some people want to disect every inche of a drama. This are shows to entertain and there is abundance and taste for everyone to enjoy. If u don’t enjoy a show, why do u finish it just to give it negative criticism in all aspects. I was surprised too with those negative criticism on reddit on shows that has already earn it due.

      • Bashing Love like the Galaxy? LMAO. Perhaps those Redditors are fans of someone else who’s a rival of ZLS or Wu Lei. LLTG is one of the rare C dramas I’ve finished within the past few years and ppl all know how critical I am of C dramas in general.

      • True! What is really weird is that until recently LLTG wasn’t so attacked. In general, ZLS has a lot of fans on that sub.

        Then suddenly, it was post after post, I got whiplash. I don’t even go there much because I don’t like the place but even I noticed.

      • @ Huh , are u sure ZL has lot of fan there 🤔 because from what have read of her so far is, she is not one of their baised actors, which I understand because we all have the actors we prefer.

      • @Mercy

        Yes, ZLS has a huge fan base there, huge. It’s why this thing is so confusing, it shouldn’t happen.

  10. I watched the first episode because I love vampire shows, it was bad, then I watched two more because the show is super hyped on Reddit and I thought I might be missing something. But no, it’s a hot mess indeed and to my eyes it has no redeeming qualities since I am not particularly charmed by Vengo Gao to begin with. I can’t say that Ouyang Nana was particularly bad however. What was bad was the decision to style her like a 12 year old, she even carries a doll around ffs. So the pairing with the middle aged ML came across as particularly icky. However, redditors tell me that later on she drops the childlike appearance, so there’s that if someone feels like checking it out.

  11. He actually looks good and fits perfectly his role as vampire,dont see many pulling this role, I would say this has nothing to do with their age gap, Nana is just not a reliable actress, ppl just can’t tone in any drama she plays and she has zero chemistry with her leads, an actress with no charm or screen present I dont even hate her acting I just have no feeling or opinion on her acting.

  12. Not a fan of vampire stories, neither a fan of GWG nor OYNN. But the girl does have some talent in music. I wonder why she made a foray into an area where she doesn’t seem to be gifted with like her actress mom. She could have found a niche in music if making extra efforts beyond instruments.

  13. The age difference is unpleasant for me. Almost 20 years old. But if they were proud of that, they wouldn’t have put filters on Vengo to make him younger.

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