First Official Preview for Love’s Ambition with Zhao Lu Si and William Chan Showcase Sleek Glamour and Tension

So it’s official teaser time for modern C-drama Love’s Ambition with Zhao Lu Si and William Chan. I swear this drama just finished filming in my recollection but the first preview is here now so I gamely checked it out despite being so meh on the male lead despite his very long career and starring with many an actress I like. Sadly this drama looks to be a pass for me on the substance alone, it feels so sleek and shallow and both leads look plastic in how posed and airbrushed to the nth degree. I also don’t like the story with the mutual using each other and then really falling in love angle. Thankfully if I ever need a Zhao Lu Si fix I can watch Love Like the Galaxy, a near perfect drama that I still rewatch anytime I feel like it.

Teaser for Love’s Ambition:


First Official Preview for Love’s Ambition with Zhao Lu Si and William Chan Showcase Sleek Glamour and Tension — 10 Comments

  1. So their relationship starts innocent and then the evil intentions arise but is this a revenge and slap drama. I guess people will watch for the dramatic elements but But unless this genre is done with an interesting twist it is all the same. The acting of hers seems trying to be more mature

  2. It looks awful. They look like they are desperately trying to pull off some sort of sophistication but all it does is make them look like emotionless mannequins.

    Hard pass.

  3. Pingback: First Official Preview for Love's Ambition with Zhao Lu Si and William Chan Showcase Sleek Glamour and Tension | Parlour News Korea

  4. Sorry but lusi played little girl roles way too many times so I cannot take her seriously as a woman. She is gonna need to convince me with her acting. I mean like her in love galaxy but that role was fitted for her but here we’ll have to see…

    And William Chan? Not a fan of his acting sorry

  5. I always give Lu Si a chance. She has only lost me once in all her dramas. I can’t wait to see her do something out of her usual box. It looks just the type of CEO drama I enjoy.

  6. Am I the only one who excited for the drama? Lusi gives matured vibe like she supposed to. Not WC fan. But I always thought his acting is decent at least. So will try to watch it

  7. A bunch of tencent dramas released trailers yesterday. Out of them all, only 3 made me look forward to their release – Moonlit Reunion, Love on the Turquoise Land, and Love Game in Eastern Fantasy. The rest look meh.

  8. I feel the trailer was poorly done, I get they wanted to keep the suspense but this is not it, anyway I will check this out when it airs, it has to more than this less 2 min trailer, which was just poses and kisses 😆

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