
Kang Tae Oh Cast as Male Lead in Period K-drama The Moon Flows Over the River Which is Reportedly the Sageuk Version of Secret Garden — 17 Comments

  1. Pingback:Kang Tae Oh Cast as Male Lead in Period K-drama The Moon Flows Over the River Which is Reportedly the Sageuk Version of Secret Garden | Parlour News Korea

  2. He has a lot of fans thanks to EAW, I hope this time his role will be interesting because in EAW, his character was just there…

    KYJ was offered another sageuk (not sure about the period) 100 Days of Lies. It looks interesting with the PD of EAW and the writer of “Do You Like Brahms?.

  3. How on earth? So body swapping? lol secret garden was unique as is so I can’t imagine how it could translate as Sageuk. Main lead should be royalty and main girl a body guard or warrior of sorts. Second male lead would be a performer of sorts yah not sure if they meant literally so maybe it is just the body swap.

  4. I love him in EAW and after watching his other roles before EAW I was surprised by his range. Even in a small role he delivered. My fav was in a movie he played a stutter man, lol. Secret Garden hype is a huge shoe to fill in, but I have faith he’ll do well as long as the plot doesn’t disappoint. My wishful thinking is the fl will be Shin Ye-Eun, they got good chemistry before.

  5. Nah, I want neither of the two girls. Would be nice to have someone in their 30s instead. PSH in a sageuk drama would be different. She’s never done one I believe. Or KJW, GMS, JEJ would all be interesting choices. They’re all super talented and imo, would match Kang Tae Oh far better than KYJ or KSH.

    Not sure I want to see another SeGa if I’m being honest. I feel like that only worked because the chemistry of the leads was absolute fire. The drama itself was pretty nonsensical as is the case with many KES dramas. But maybe a soul swapping drama with an actual plot would be good.

    • I get what you’re saying. But visually, I thought Kim So Hyun looked good with Kang Tae On in Nokdu. She’s very soft and feminine while he looks very masculine, especially compared to the typical flower boy male lead. It creates a really good visual contrast lol

  6. It’s Kim Se Jeong they’re courting and that is as splendid as it can get. I love this pairing already and what a big drama to for them both if it can live up to even a quarter of the hype of Secret Garden.

  7. Confirmed for Kim Sejeong. I prefer her over the 2 kim child actresses because I just do not like their romance acting. The body swap should be funny. Both are idol crossovers with legit acting chops. Kim sejeong in sageuk will be crazy.

  8. C drama titles are obsessed with LOVE and K drama titles with MOON while in American films, one definitely will not connect moon with love. LOL. Spooky things are expected to happen more often when moon appears in western films.

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