
Luo Yun Xi Reportedly Loses Role in Period C-drama Opposite Yu Shu Xin as Producing Company Tangren Replaces Him with Own Agency Actor Lin Yi — 35 Comments

  1. I was happy for a while seeing Hu Bing Qing in costume drama rumor but then saw that its as secondary lead… Im kinda tired of rewatching Legend of Dugu everytime I wanna see her in costume drama. She was quite good both acting & her own character. I dont know what happened but its like she disappear from costume dramas after that…
    Im sorry but I cant even picture or feel any CP feeling reading these two names side by side: YSX & LY..

  2. Crazy. LXY is bigger name, bigger star. Probably more expensive tho lol. I watched a few Lin Yi dramas. Not exactly bad actor. But I can’t feel his chemistry w his costar

  3. Lol at the rumor about Leo Luo and Esther. It sounds like a script. People did have wild imagination.

    Hu Bing Qing used to be the female lead. But she is downgraded because of the ‘cheating’ rumor. She’s a good actress tho.

      • It’s not about her cheating on someone, but she was rumored to be the 2nd party in Xu Lu and his bf. I forgot his name. But she said there’s no cheating. But after that, her career is never be the same.

      • @Yui
        Did xu lu ever clarified that it’s not her? If she didn’t then it explain why she is frozen, since it might be the truth

    • @Yui, oh.. no wonder her career stall for a while. If such rumours are not proven, will viewers still judge her? Such rumours if are false can really affect a artiste…

    • This reminds me of Zhang Xueying tangled in the rumored affair with Yang Zi’s ex. ZXY is a talented actress IMO. But it was said that her career got tanked since that rumor.

  4. They seem compatible age wise but we will see if this stays or changes. I don’t know if visually Esther and Leo would look believable. He’s just so skinny but who knows maybe it could have worked 🤷🏻‍♀️.

  5. It’s a costume drama, even if he was skinny, LXY would be buried in costumes and the average viewer wouldn’t notice. LXY does like wearing heavy grandiose costumes for his period dramas at times. He’s the bigger star, undoubtedly talented and would have brought more traffic to the drama. At the end of the day it’s probably due to budget constraints and how much money they have to pay the lead actor.

    That being said I dislike the pot shots being directed at Esther for something she has no control over, just because she’s an easy target as her family is rich. The girl has worked very hard over the years to prove herself, just because she’s rich doesn’t mean she doesn’t put herself out there to do what needs to be done entertainment wise. So it’s time for these folks to just give it a rest, already. Anything more, just reeks of jealousy as she’s not going anywhere.

    As others have said Lin Yi is a steady actor but not strong in the chemistry department. I’m yet to see a drama of his where I consider him having good chemistry with his female lead, and before anyone brings up his ‘hit’ drama, Put Your Head on My Shoulder, I didn’t think he had chemistry there either and eventually dropped the show.

  6. To be honest, if I were a casting director I doubt I would ever cast Luo Yunxi and Esther Yu as a CP. I mean, I like both well enough, but … yeah, weird. Unless Esther dropped the cute voice (that I enjoy very much, mind you) and LYX dropped the overdramatic acting (that I also enjoyed in, let’s say, TTEOTM, but opposite Esther … no).

    • Ditto! You pinpointed their major weakness on screen. To add to your points, Chinese opera style makeup doesn’t look good on LYX but he seemed to do that a lot.

    • Precisely. Not even remotely a fan of LYX, but this isn’t even a loss for him. He should be relieved lol. YSX is a terrible actress and only has a career cos of her rich father buying her way into c-ent.

  7. Yeah, choosing their own actor is very common in cent. It is how Cheng Yi, ZLH, etc work. Anyway isn’t LYX supposed to do some crime drama for Youku? He can’t do both.

  8. Ski Into Love haven’t aired and they are doing another pairing ? Doesn’t sound plausible.
    I’m waiting for Ski to drop soon. I’m excited for this pairing.
    LYX is filming a modern crime drama, with very good cast mates, looks promising.

  9. Luo Yunxi have recently added more bulk and looks better now. I am aware he knows his weight is a big concern for his fans and viewers thus he is diligently working on his health. To be honest, I wish I had his high metabolism…

    I have tried to watch Lin Yi’s project as he does look good. But I really find him a boring actor… I cannot finish any of his recent dramas. I am aware he is aggressively promoted this year as he is in a few sketches in Chun Wan… and rarely a idol get so many screen time on Chun Wan.
    They even promote him with popular Kpop New jeans but that may just cause a small ripple… Lin Yi is good looking but he still lack a element that makes him sparkle. He lack strong screen presence that even his good looks cannot replace.
    Again, no offends to his fans… I am just speaking my opinion.

    • Yeah bulking up for high metabolism people is as hard as dieting for those that easily gain weight. I wish I have body like that too. Haters will always have something to say but as long as he gets to normal range of weight it shoul be okay.
      While for lin yi, I feel costume looks is unflattering on him. He is suited for modern drama particularly school and coming of age ones, he looks too young

      • Agree…very similar. For Leo to add bulk is as tough as me losing weight..

        Lin Yi really does not look that great in period costume…

    • @HL, I am not sure if this is only a case of high metabolism. I think he just doesn’t eat enough (not claiming he has any psychological issues, mind you). For instance, I have always been slim and with a high metabolism but as long as I eat properly (five meals, including carbo, dairy and sugar) I still manage to be only slightly underweight (now at 55 kg being 174 cm tall). However if I am stressed or work too hard and stop making the extra effort of adding a little extra sugar or bread to my diet, I can fall as low as 51 kg, which is super thin and also unhealthy. I saw that LYX has apparently adopted healthier eating (healthier for his case!)and consequently gained some weight, good for him and let’s hope he’ll keep this up!

  10. That’s unfortunate. I will watch anything with LYX, but definitely not a fan of YSX, so will be skipping this one when released.

  11. LOL, gotta love that accusation “she doesn’t think she is super skinny!” Seriously? She totally is. I who am average must be considered seriously obese. Super skinny shouldn’t be the norm. Makes me mad. That’s why there is so much issues in society with annorexia and self confidence!

    • Yeah she is already super skinny. I hope she doesn’t try to thin her face or something like zls. Some face are better with some cheek fat, and they look much more youthful

  12. The cdrama industry sure has a lot of casting rumors. I’m glad they reported the real reason instead of letting the rumored reason hurt Luo Yun-xi and Esther Yu.

  13. Lin Yi in costume…. He should grow out his hair because a wig on the scalp would bring his hairline down, drawing more attention to his nose.

  14. I don’t feel upset at all LYX wasn’t chosen for this one…Esther gives me his little sister or even his daughter vibz..not a love interest one at all😅…

    Good luck to her and Lin Yi…he looks awful in costume drama and Esther need to cut that baby voice…it’s creepy and irritating…LBFAD days are over… she isn’t a fairy anymore where her voice could be overlooked

  15. I really like LXY’s acting. His weight is a real problem, maybe not for Asian viewers, but as a European woman I feel it even more. I read his information, just today, and according to public information, he only weighs 57 kilograms at a height of 1.77 m! That’s 10 kilograms underweight! BMI 18.19. That’s a high-level health risk! He can definitely gain about 6 to 7 kilograms, ideally in muscle. But I prefer the 10! If I were his mother, I would hire someone to supervise him every day and fatten him up. I’ll give you a fast metabolism. You’ll sit here and not move until you eat it! 😀

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