Tan Song Yun’s Tang Dynasty Female Empowerment Drama Brocade Odyssey Tentatively Scheduled for End of November 2024 Premiere
So the reception to the female empowerment, growth, and overcoming adversity aspect of currently airing C-drama The Story of Pearl Girl isn’t getting a lot of love from viewers. But the genre remains a frequently tapped on and earlier this year there was Blossoms in Adversity and coming up next is Brocade Odyssey. Youku has reportedly scheduled the Tang dynasty drama starring Tan Song Yun and Zheng Ye Cheng for end of November so three weeks away. Full promos haven’t started yet so I really don’t know what to expect but Tan Song Yun remains a very strong picker of projects and also is always very easy to watch onscreen so I’ll keep my expectations measured and see how this one looks once it arrives.
She is not my cup of tea visually. However, I loved her in Master of My Own. She has a great and lovely on screen personality that sucks you right into her character. And good timing for comedy.
I take acting abilities over visuals any day. I’m rooting for her
Seven Tan is by far my favorite C drama actress. I love the roles she picks and of course, her acting is always so good. I can’t wait for this drama to come out.
I hope this drama really is about female empowerment rather than another drama about the male lead making leeways for the female lead and then the female lead becomes the female boss of the merchant group after getting romantically involved with the merchant male lead. Yes, I’m specifically referring to TSOPG.
I’m also not feeling much female empowerment about PG being a rich merchant’s gf. I’m so glad the latest episodes undergo a reset, and there is hope again for some real female empowerment.
Cant wait for this cdrama im excited after The Story of Pearl Girl i have another cdrama nxt to watch thank u for ur update
I am sincerely looking forward to this…
Hope this is good. Really like both the fl and ml and missed seeing them in dramas recently.
Finally it is here. I love her acting. Can’t Wait. Ty
I don’t care much for this supposed “empowerment” plot type. There’s been too many dramas either about female revenge or women starting a business. It’s getting really boring!
However, I’m very much looking forward to seeing Zheng Yecheng in a drama again. It has been a while!
I hope his role will have a bit more substance than just being the FL’s adoring male servant (this type of whimpy male role is also getting really, really boring).
Zheng Ye Cheng! Missed him so I’ll definitely tune in to see how this drama is.
She is one of the rare C-actress I like to watch in costume & modern dramas. I hope script will be good enough to not watch in 2xspeed thou..
Im also very glad to see Zheng Ye Cheng’s getting a worthy partner beside him.Its been long enoughhh
Pearl Girl sucks so I hope this is better. Tan Songyun is always lovable. Loved her in Under the Power and Go Ahead.
I can watch her in modern dramas but she is absolutely not right for costumes. Considering that the chances for something new here is about 1% and it’s more than likely the same old we have seen a good dozen times recently, it’s an easy pass.
TSY her acting is really superb and addictive,
Since the announcement of this drama I waited it forever, I’m reading its original novel before her drama starts, it’s so exciting to visualize her and ML in the book. Love all her dramas as well as movies. She carefully chooses her project & never disappoints, lifting up her Male leads captures the most genuine chemistry in the character developments, they are only few actresses in Cdrama who can show you the real immersion in the characters. Tan Songyun is an actress who can perfectly control various roles. Her performance is not only delicate, but also very explosive, which can easily resonate with the audience.
I’m a die hard fan of Tan Songyun! She is so very talented and so versatile in her roles. It’s my opinion, she is the best of the best. All of the male leads have been so complimentary in the dramas and movies. Waiting with anticipation for this drama Aldo. Best wishes to all involved in this production. Following from the USA
. Thank you for the update.
I’m excited for this! I really enjoy Tan Song-yun’s acting. She gets overlooked because she isn’t considered beautiful, but I feel like that just means she doesn’t get as many crazy fans and we can enjoy her work without all the extra noise. She always feels so warm and relatable even when being low-key badass.
Yup, definitely the drama I am looking forward.