
Love Game in Eastern Fantasy Wraps Its Unexpectedly Successful Run But Viewers Divided on the Ending — 31 Comments

  1. This is my humble advice to all future possible chinese drama adaptations for transmigration or time travel or any modern day or whatever fantasy. Don’t interpret it as such. If the government does not allow accurate interpretation why bother. Not one and I mean it. Not one has been able to successfully make a coherent and satisfying ending. This drama was well done but the draw back I feel they fail to understand is that the main couple deserves a better finish off. In my opinion I highly doubt any future drama will make it so. As long as the government bans it there will continuously be such terrible or bland endings. It’s such a let down. And the main couples lack of skinship besides some hugs and a forehead kiss is so unsatisfying when you get an ending so open ended. It’s not the actors fault… honestly I wonder what they be thinking when they end their dramas in such an annoying way. But again it was a great drama. Just these endings.

    • Even though you are right this is what i think:
      The decision to focus on the ending within the fantasy world rather than exploring their modern life in detail is a creative choice made by the writers. It aligns with the show’s overarching theme of blurring the lines between reality and fiction. The ending provides a meta-narrative where the characters and their world are ultimately products of the author’s imagination. This approach offers a unique and thought-provoking conclusion, leaving room for interpretation and discussion among viewers.

      While some viewers may have preferred a more extended exploration of their modern lives, the chosen ending emphasizes the cyclical nature of storytelling and the power of imagination. It also highlights the impact of the fantasy world on the characters’ real lives, suggesting that their experiences have shaped their perspectives and relationships.

      Ultimately, the decision to prioritize the fantasy world’s conclusion reflects the show’s artistic vision and aims to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

      • Yes I get what you are saying but still I personally just cannot stand open endings no matter the reason. I like conclusive endings and not vague endings that leave me having to interpret or assume what the meaning is. That is just my personal preference but if you or anyone likes it I am not against it. 😊 I know the drama does not follow the novel to a T and I heard the novel has a sad ending so what we got was something a little better than tragic or did we? Cause they did not show his face and he was in the middle of surgery? That kind of stuff makes me feel exhausted.

  2. The ending reminded me of Romance on the Farm… I’ve seen pictures where DYX was actually at the book signing, so I’m not sure why they didn’t just show his face. Am I crazy for holding out hope for a special episode like they did in The Double? I felt like this could’ve used another episode to show them back in the real world. I’m not sure if it’s due to censorship that they have to end it this way? Seems so strange to not put in that final effort.

    While I thought they did explain a lot of loose ends from the first half pretty well… The last 5 episodes were also kind of jam packed with events happening, weird/choppy editing, that I got a bit dizzy. I like the final message and I still enjoyed the drama but I definitely think the first 12 or so episodes had much higher quality/potential.

    • I was hoping Love Game in Eastern Fantasy would do more with their modern-day return ending than copy and paste the Romance on the Farm ending. It had hurt less in RotF since that drama was a bit more cynical and was not a fun commentary on trope and fighting for your happy ending. I’m tired of cdramas saving their happy endings for the “special episode”, which sometimes don’t even appear on streaming services that I’ve paid for.

      I don’t mind “it was all a dream” endings or the lack of kisses and I’m sure it is a happy ending, but not showing the couple together in the modern, real world even for 5 seconds at the end of this drama is a downer.

  3. Censorship invalidates so many Chinese drama’s story because the endings are so nonsensical it makes you question your entire journey with the characters and the characters’ story itself. I just invent my own endings these days. Although, overall in entertainment, season and series finales aren’t what they once were… actually good!

  4. I belong to the “Like it” faction. Probably because I didn’t finish reading the original novel? The drama’s ending is not perfect, but it makes sense to me. Throughout the drama, there were several scenes that gave me flashback memories of other C-dramas which I had loved, notably Chinese Paladin and The Untamed. Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t mean plagiarism, but rather because those scenes are executed very well. For example, Wei Wuxian suddenly popped into my head the first time I saw the closeup shots of Mu Sheng in his vulnerable demon state. The ending of both The Untamed and LGIEF also happened to be closeup shots of the lead hearing his/her name called, turned around and saw the other person. All in all, my rating for LGIEF is still a solid drama and it’s been added to my list of C-dramas to recommend to other people.

    • Microexpressions is the word I am starting to hate. Everyone is suddenly using it and more often than not it is to cover the fact that no, the person can’t act.

      • No. It means the person can convey subtlety and not chew the scenery. Their eyes have emotions and there’s range.

  5. I liked the first half better but overall it’s still good and entertaining. The leads kept me watching and I just love their chemistry and their love story. My favorite part is when he turns into a demon or feels hopeless Miaomiao comforts and accepts him just the way he is.
    Very swoony!!!

    There were some clues there like knowing what a swingchair looks like and the habit of clenching something in his pocket when he is nervous that were signs that he is actually the author. I only understood that part cos of the last episode.

    I just want to see them together at the last scene. I was like That’s it?!? when the credits rolled in.

    I’m gonna watch Moonlight cos I want to see them together again!!!

  6. Started good, but went downhill very fast. I fast forwarded most of the episodes after they went on the trip and kept tabs on the main couple only and just wanted to see how it ends. No kiss scene and unsatisfactory ending… sigh…

  7. One episode of them together in the real world or even a pan towards him at the end of the episode would have done wonders. The drama was good but I can’t say the last episode made me happy but transmigrations stories in Cdramas are always a hit or miss.

  8. I like the ending and I dont see it “open ending” like many ppl say, they show what they they needed to show and a whole episode of their modern days, for the lack of kissing/intimate scenes,if you don’t see anything by ep20 then there are prb none, it’s kind of rule in Cdrama land, amazing drama I love it so much, it came just in the right time for me I was so bored lol.

  9. I love the drama. Great performance by all cast and main leads had great chemistry. Regardless of no kissing scene, just their interactions was more than enough to know how much they loved each other! I hope for more projects together from these two! Let’s continue to support them!!! The ending…..go watch “Moonlight” Hahhaha

  10. I like it. the ending kinda rush but they tied all the question in drama pretty well.
    the rushing plot in the last 2 eps could be extend for another 2-3 eps. They still have 8 eps quota for that.
    well, hoping their var show will salve the happy ending lackness that many viewers feels. I’m personally quite satisfied with the ending.
    funny thing is, even dyx isn’t satisfied with the lack of kisses for main couple XDDD, understandable tho, fuzhao wrote it when he’s in middle school.
    Best xianxia cdrama after shenli for me, hoping for 3rd cooperation between esther and ryan <33

  11. Have been looking forward for the broadcast since they started filming as both are my favorite actors since Moonlight…the ending was generally okay for me as most of the loose ends in story is explained in the last few episodes…abit disappointed with the ending scene but overall the story has been changed into a more suitable plot for broadcast I think (as it’s way different from the novel story) they kept some of the main scenes represented in a different way…but I give credits to the director who managed to capture them beautifully…
    No kissing scenes for the main leads here was disappointing but the co-leads had 2 scenes (which in Miaomiao’s viewpoint are the main leads of the story she read…) gives me an idea that we’re seeing this story from her viewpoint😄

  12. I just wanted maybe 5 seconds of them reunited in the real world tbh. And I was disappointed with how they ended that bit in the fictional world. All that buildup and story foundation, we don’t even get a conclusion? What happened to that literal stairway to heaven everyone built?? Just zipped straight to the modern world?? =/ I sound dissatisfied but I really liked the drama until ep 31 and then 32 just felt disconnected somehow.. Hoping there some sort of SP but maybe not c9nsidering this thing had to have a distribution license for a reason..

  13. Don’t mind the no kiss aspect. That gives it a very chaste and wholesome feel, and the vibe is very positive.

    As a drama, it kept me entertained and I chased for its daily update. Romance-wise, it definitely had its intense moments, but overall, I felt the passion was relatively tame. The angst wasn’t strong, which is good and bad. Good, because who wants to sit thru suffering. Bad, because less angst means less intensity, which I understand is difficult to do when there are side couples’ stories to be told, but it increases a couple’s appeal, e.g. LBFAD.

    The chemistry between all leads were there. They were supportive and camaraderie felt genuine.

    I’m not sure how to describe the main leads’ relationship. I can obviously tell there’s chemistry, but I have a hard time seeing why Esther would fall for Ryan. She was kinda forced into it initially, sort of like Stockholm syndrome. She had to hypnotize herself to get him to like her and inadvertently, fell for him, but it never really clicked on why. Yes, he saved her a few times and yes, he’s very tsundere, but what is it about him with all his prickliness that made her fall for him? On his side, it’s obvious since she did everything to attract him.

    As to the 2nd couple, they were more or less the boring tame couple who were only there to prop the main couple up. Mature, sweet, boring, but lovable. Their steadfastness is a soothing balm against the turbulent nature of main leads’ relationship and provided a nice contrast. I’m still not a fan of the 2nd FL lead’s looks, but she was serviceable here and did her job dutifully. Not a lot of chances for 2nd ML to portray sophistication in his acting, but he was also dutiful.

    Finally, I felt the supporting actors and actresses were great – particularly the younger ones, like the bamboo shoot spirit, the evil green ‘spidery’ spirit, and little DYX.

  14. This is the best drama I have watched so far thanks for happy ending I loved the show and satisfied with my duo couple together so thanks ☺️

  15. This drama do has a very good story line, plot, amazing characters, coordination etc like a whole fantastic fantasy drama but I think according to my opinion the ending was something I didn’t expect like I really wanted them to be together. I don’t know but ending didn’t satisfied me. Literally in the last scene I cried 😢😢 thinking about the ending scene.

  16. Loved LGIEF. I loved the ending although I wanted more that’s just how good it was. From the wonderful story, visuals and OST the crew did an amazing job.

  17. I did not like the ending of cdrama love game in eastern fantasy. It made me cry 😭. After all those episodes it was just a dream.😭😭😭😭

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