Yu Shu Xin and He Yu’s Just Started Filming Modern C-drama Star Trails Hit Snag with Director Leaving
So there is already drama on the set of just started filming C-drama Star Trails (Xuang Gui 双轨 or Double Track). And this time it’s not on the billing order lol. The leads are Yu Shu Xin with He Yu but word from the set is that the director abruptly left and a new director has been hastily brought in. No clue if this is disagreement related or the director just didn’t feel good about the project. This stuff happens and this early on it’s even better with the new director getting to set a cohesive vision.

The director is also the script writer so a new director was bought in to help her since the filming progress was apparently too slow.
That’s actually good news, so the scriptwriter can focus on writing a good script. Though I tend to think it’s better if scriptwriters are also the directors since they have the holistic view of the entire project. Otoh, you also have fails when writers are too involved with film projects and the results become nonsense. It’s hard to say. But it’s good they’re catching problems early on.
The old director became an assistant director. He didn’t abruptly leave.
That drama is going to be released due to 50th years of China-Thailand relations in November next year, so they accelerated the process by hiring the director, who is more experienced.
Nice to know there isn’t any real drama here! The leads look good together.
I love both of them and i have a good feeling ab this drama
Based on what I’ve seen of the BTS till now He Yu is gonna be quite the angsty bad boy. His visuals and styling are crazy. The chemistry is already oozing and giving very Lighter and Princess vibes. Super excited.
The filming reuters are on fire! The chemistry is visible even in the LQ fan pics its insane. He Yu is HOT! This could be his big breakout drama and Esther looks ethereal in every outfit till now. This drama vibes are good!
I just read Ding Yuxi is also in his first Republican drama. His works in Love Game in Eastern Fantasy is really gaining him lots of fans.
I will look forward to watching Yu Shu Xin in modern drama..
I can’t wait to see him in Republic era styling.
I hope all three have a great successful drama.
I also hope Esther Yu and Ding yuxin, Zhang linghe have a third collaboration soon, love their chemistry and acting together