
C-drama Adaptation of Period Novel Ask Zhu Dan in Talks with Zhao Lu Si for Female Lead — 8 Comments

  1. I did enjoy watching Jun Jiu Ling. Oh, it was a flop? It wasnt bad. Really. Just dont really like the ML.

    Havent read the novel yet. But Zhao Lusi really needs some times to rest.

  2. Why do i feel like this is a publicity stunt? Clearly, she barely can walk yet and is in no way ready to commit to any project at the moment. Also it seems her last project wasn’t fully finished yet before her illness kicked it.

    Just let this girl rest for a good year or so. It’s gonna be a long batter w/ mental illness.

    • something smells fishy with all that has gone down for her. I’m not doubting her health but it almost feels like she is a commodity for her agency and her health so to speak is not being taken seriously enough with how fast she is walking and showcasing herself so soon or she herself is scared to take a true break and losing her career she has established so far. But signing contracts and gigs means she has to fulfill them. Can’t be easy. Hope they and herself are taking care.

  3. So soon, a script is offered. But I do not know what is the lead time from actual contracting sign and then filming… Maybe months.

    I am sure she will put her life and health first as her collapse was very serious, she is still rehabilitating now. She only recently started getting strength to speak, her movements still needs aid and she is still very frail.

    I really doubt her family, love ones and loving fans will allow her agency to pressure her ahead of time. They will be stupid if they do too.

  4. Let the girl rest and recover and then they can talk about shooting dramas much later. The agency should put her on a break instead of floating around rumors like this. She’s more than a cash cow or do they want her to breakdown again? Which will surely happen if she doesn’t get the rest she deserves. What a crazy system! If they are trying to recoup their losses from the last drama, this is an insane way to do it.

  5. Common why would sick girl go back to work ,I know celebrities worst nightmare is get fade away from the spot light, but seriously it would look more ridiculous to start working now and she one of top actresses six months of resting won’t hurt her career that much.

  6. I have a hard time imagining any investors offering Zhao Lusi a script so soon after her hospitalization, given the investors of her previous unfinished drama have lost their money on that drama. Though, I’ve no doubt her agency wants her back working immediately.

    • This! It feels like this rumor is either a PR piece by the production to get more interest in this drama or by ZLS team to make it seem like big productions are not hesitating to cast her. She honestly seems like a pretty risky choice as lead actress now. It won’t be easy to cast the ML either. Nobody wants to have to reshuffle months of their schedule if she relapses. That’s alot of $$ on the line.

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