
K-actress Kim Sae Ron Passes Away at 24 Years Old After Being Discovered Deceased in Her Home — 82 Comments

  1. Even if she screwed up here and there…still never would I hope the worst for her…. This is so sad to hear. She was a very good actress from my memory. Where was her guidance and help…I wonder.

  2. Passed away on kim soohyun’s birthday? Are we going to ignore the elephant in the room here?

    She was trying to tell us something since last year and we all played deaf and dumb. Ksh is shady period

      • @rina no one wants to hear the ugly truth but internet has always been a cruel place and it’s a fact she died on his bday. This guy is shady indeed and just using his fame and Status to cover up any bad things about him. Wonder how much money he bribed ksr not to say anything more last year

        Her death on his bday is definitely saying something

    • By the way with your theory song jae rim death also linked to ksh because they have good friend and also your birthday theory do you have any proof or just making imaginary assumption ? Do you have information or chats regarding ksh shady thing then please give dispatch or any new portals so that people get to know truth!is there a rule book were is written any one birthday and some one death should co related just because of rumor and also by kim sae Ron friend what they have read this article

      • @goku, of course Ksh will use money to hide everything that he doesn’t want the public to know. He probably gave ksr a lot of money last year that’s why she remained silent after wards and now she died on his bday also a year after all the media storm of her pic with him.

        He has tons of money to pay dispatch not to release dirty stuff about him otherwise why wouldn’t there be a single pic of him with any girl online for the last 18 years except the one with ksr

      • Doe by the by your money and fame theory should applied all rich actor example lee byung hun,lee Jung jae,kim seon ho who were expose dispatch and regarding ksh I think you should check your fact clear first dispatch exposed ksh 2013 & 2015 regarding smoking and half sister and at time he was highest tax payer and also your doubt of 18 yrs no pic gf his career breakthrough is 2011 when korean industry was that big and also dispatch article of 2019 that they given up on ksh dating life not able to find anything and there many actor has clean sheet what you want assume by that

    • @koalabiased

      That came to my mind right away. It’s sad to see this news and it happened on his bday. I feel like it’s like her revenge and will want him to remember something forever. Whenever he celebrates his bday, some people will think of her death

      Ksh is probably problematic but he just hid it with his money and fame. The last girl linked to Ksh who got a long hate train was late sulli and she passed and now ksr. This guy brings bad luck

      • Millie – Wow what a word revenge and writing theory without any suicide note or evidence to proof the point. She was cancelled for 4 yrs and ban from channel.But Actually she was innocent & no controversy like sulli who whole Wikipedia has filled with details , no bully ,no cancel culture &put the blame on ksh but hater want to put the point without any strong evidence means ksh above korean law , past many actor career has been finished by single statement or court battle let suppose your correct but before her death why she not exposed something hand written note or some time of chats has proof by the way one you forgetting defemeation law in korea is much stronger than rape law if can’t proof then pay price like past many have gone through

    • Elephant in the room? You are absolutely fucked up in the head if you think she planned her suicide on his birthday.

      It’s absolutely disgusting but also ironic that on a post about a celebrity’s death, you are trying to put the blame on another celeb with absolutely zero evidence and all speculation. You should be disgusted with yourself but frankly, people like you have zero conscience or logical thinking for that.

    • It’s rather fascinating how low some people get in the name of gossip and unfounded theories. Message? Revenge? If KSR had something to say, she’d have sent a message to the reporter before she did the deed seeing as to how she pre planned her own suicide on the birthday of KSH apparently. Or she couldve “accidentally” posted something on Instagram seeing as to how today is also the premier of the variety show KSH is starring in. Just to screw him over further. It’s not like he can sue her or pay her off when she’s dead, can he?

      Lay off with the bull and instead of piling bullshit, just wish her family the best. Or you will need to find someone else to blame if tomorrow KSH is the next in line.

    • I can’t help but laugh/cry over these posts about the connection with Kim soo-hyun this is exactly the kind of b******* that leads to people killing themselves. You know NOTHING. You just needlessly accuse people as if your accusations are facts. Then you come here and shake your heads and express sorrow that somebody else was killed off because of pressure from people who expect perfection from everybody but themselves, who see conspiracies everywhere without anything to back it up, and who refuse to show any kind of humanity before throwing up another character assassination. STOP.

  3. Suicide news are always sickening (if it was suicide and not a previously undiscovered medical condition). I had hoped taking a break would do her well and I was looking forward to hearing positive news from her in the future, I never thought this was where she was headed. May she now find the peace and happiness she apparently couldn’t in life.

  4. This just breaks my heart! O God! I wish the public, media and online commenters can be kinder to celebrities. No one is perfect. We should be more empathetic and not reserve our kindness for only when the celebrity is dead.

    RIP dear girl. You had your whole life ahead of you…
    This is just so sad.

  5. Rip, it feels so hopeless right now. The audience and the industry are hard on people, people aren’t perfect. People make mistakes, system for helping them is needed.

    Now isn’t the time to share unconfirmed and heinous rumours. Don’t join the hate train, we don’t know celebrities. You aren’t helping Saeron or anyone else by attacking someone else.

  6. @rina ignore Ksh solo fans here. They’re toxic and always spread hate and they don’t want to know the truth how bad their oppa is

  7. RIP, Kim Sae Ron.

    She needed help and counselling and it was really obvious for the past two years. She made mistakes, and her death doesn’t erase any of it. However, it’s really sad that she couldn’t get the support she needed and it came to this. I wish strength tho those who loved her in this difficult time.

  8. I’m not sure if it’s shocking news, but it’s incredibly sad. I never expected she’d be able to mount a come back, but I hoped she would get her life together eventually.

  9. RIP. I hope she is in a happier place now.

    (And I’m going to say this once but will not engage with lowlifes. It’s very clear some here are using KSR’s death as a way to hate on another celebrity. And it’s entirely clear whose fan those are. Literally the person who started it was swooning over her unnie in just the post previous to this. And the other one is die hard fan of his previous FL. There is obviously beef amongst fandoms but please, have a modicum of shame ffs. I have zero interest in KSH and give no shits about his personal life but I do have a lot to say to bullies online who has the balls to use someone’s death to drive home their shipping war agendas. You guys are the epitome of nasty pieces of work and huge part of the reason why suicides are so rampant in South Korea. Know that every time you write a hate comment anonymously, you may be driving someone to their death. Today it’s KSR, tomorrow it could be someone you actually like.)

    @Koala – please consider at least for such a delicate and non-gossip related article to please delete or restrict comments. As much as I love this site, this is another level nasty.

  10. Now that some of you mentioned, Ksh does brings bad luck to his females around him. I hope my dear Seo ya ji won’t do anything crazy because she also got a lot of haters.

    • With your logic, what about female co star Suzy, iu ,Jun ji hyun ,park eun bin,park bo gum,han ga in etc are they also having bad luck😂

    • Just when I thought Seo Ye Ji deranged stans couldn’t get any worse lol. Imagine making someone’s death all about your precious SYJ. VILE.

      Can y’all please be normal for a moment and stop making someone’s death fanwar fodder? 🤦🏻‍♀️

      • RIP KSR

        Also KSH fans talk as if their oppa is clean but in reality he is one actor that has the most swept rumours under the rug. Gutfeel says one day, it will all come out. Koreans dont link them? Didnt check the top news in Naver with his name on it? Just pray hard now he doesnt get exposed.

      • @pedooo – how appropriate a name you gave yourself.

        “Actor with most swept rumors under the rug”

        Source: Gutfeel

        Naver’s front page does indeed have KSH all over it. So does TheQoo HOT page and Instiz trending topics. Unfortunately for you, it’s ALL related to his guesting in G-Dragon’s variety. Trending Articles? Everything is again – related to Good Day. It’s howlarious that you think Koreans are going to jump on the hate train you’re driving. Time to wake up from the dream. I dare you to find a single TQ or Instiz trending topic where KSH is blamed in context to KSR’s death. Good luck with that bytheby. Here are my sources to HOT topics related to KSH – because I don’t talk based on “gutferl” and you clearly need a reality slap. Comments were all made after the tragedy btw.

        And I’m sorry @all those who are trying to dissuade everyone from bringing up other topics here. And sorry to late KSR as well. I initially said I won’t engage but if select losers are going to spread lies, I will be correcting them with actual sources instead of “gutfeel”. We all need to do our part in stopping the hate train. I don’t claim to know KSH or who he is irl but I would jump to defend anyone being hunted based on “gutfeel”. There is enough suicides in SK, no need for anymore.

      • Pedoo – what gutfeeling you have.. according to you article with no evidence, ksh rumours are with Suzy, iu,& many more so you want me belive that things also.i just want to ask dispatch can expose about ksh smoking,half sister, parents divorce but they can’t find ksh gf but these doesn’t make any sense😅 simply you want to put all the blame on ksh😂you will not speak about kar past controversy and cancel culture but you need your scapegoat to prove your point. Let give an example park bom constant making headlines with lmh regarding instagram if she kill her self like ksr then you will make new theory putting blame game what you want to expose ksh for dating 😮 were already 18 yrs and after sometime he will settle down you keep dreaming by they this not first time any actor has died nor not last one keeping in mind bully culture, cancel culture exist your next victim who knows?

  11. That’s so sad. RIP.

    It’s a men’s world. It so much stricter on women than men. I bet a man would have recovered from the scandal eventually. Never believed she would, though. Such a talented young woman. Such a pity.
    Additionally,I can’t wrapp my head around the drinking culture in South Korea, where you are regularly forced to drink and be encouraged to drink even heavy liquor by your senior and still are expected to be acting as a demure grown-up even while completely wasted.

  12. I cannot actually believe that on a day of a former child actresses’ death, on a post mourning her, instead of saying Rest in Peace, ya’ll are speculating brazenly. Where do ya’ll get the audacity from?! Last month she posted a picture of herself with a man’s blurred face on instragram with the caption “marry”. She then deleted it immediately. Reminiscent of what she did last year to ksh in fact. But ofc ya’ll conveniently forgot that. Ya’ll need a really good therapist. Your hate is eating what’s left of your brains.

    Im not a #solofan btw so if ksh is revealed to the world as some monster I’d say good riddance. But for now I hope he sues anyone who links him to this situation. Then again, I haven’t seen any of that in korean sns. Guess knetz aren’t as desperate as koalas readers to use the death of an actress to hate on someone.

    On another note, I have been a ksr fan for many years and expected her to be the most successful amongst the kims. Heartbreaking situation but hope she knew there were many who were rooting for her. May she rest in peace.

    • Yeah you are only one speaking logically the haters are full on fire 🔥 they are not talking about cancel culture & female actress not getting second chance as compared to male actors who are involved in sexual assault but they making assumptions without evidence .one user logic ksh given money to ksr but then why she was working for movie guitar man and want open cafe, changing name to comeback industry if she want,then she should enjoyed and blackmail more amount money to hide the truth but big question what was her parents and love ones doing in her difficult situation when she was lot pressure in his life

      • @anon and goku, no need to post trending articles of Ksh here. Knetz is blinded and so are you and they only will report the good side of this pedo.

        Don’t forget Korea is a misogynistic society and guys get the pass on every thing and the top actors always get away. Even if ksr exposed shit on Ksh, he will have the money to not let it leaked

      • Tangerine – I’ll post whatever links I want, whenever and wherever I want. Who’s gonna stop me?
        I’ve proven my point. KSH is untouchable where it matters. Now onto the next -in that empty space where your brain should have been, seems like your logic is KSH’s money also controlled KSR’s ability to post on her own instragram account before her death. Bet you think KSH is buddies with Zuckerberg.

      • Tangerine By the way I am not blinded I want some proof that make someone guilty not assumption.facts and assumption, believe are two different thing you just want believe he is guilty because you don’t like him but what about ksr father who is blaming korean youtuber for damaging the ksr privacy of life. But your blame game will never stop.sometime you want portray ksh is a God or above korean law that is untouchable that every thing happened anywere he control easily.That doesn’t make any logic

    • That kind of speculative behavior is gross and disgusting. It’s like they never learn and continue to want to cyber bully people, creating conspiracy theories with zero proof, until another celebrity commits the su*cide then they’ll shut up. KSR has obviously gone through a lot. I wish people were more gracious and less judgy of her when she was alive as well, but it’s all too late.

  13. So SAD. I think her troubles were directly related to her experience as a child actor. She, like so many young stars, was likely exposed to horrors during her youth. I said it in a past post, but there’s no way the plot of “Ahjussi” didn’t mess with her psyche all these years. Whether she actually had a relationship with KSH, or just a crush on a colleague, that ended in heartbreak, her death on his birthday, if it was a suicide, does seem deliberate. Korean society is too harsh. It is truly unforgiving. I, personally, think the decline in K-ent productions is because they’re swimming in too much real life dysfunction as a nation to properly write dramas to reflect the horrors of their society and/or escape them. Just like the U.S. right now. Siiiigh for the brokenness of humanity.

  14. When a celebrity dies through suicide, the immediate response for some is to find someone to blame.

    KSR has made many mistakes including DUI, lying, and being a nuisance to others including KSH who she posted a picture of in a company event together years ago in the middle of his drama’s airing. She then deleted the post, dragged on her statement for days, had friends talk about her struggles, tease a statement and eventually never give it. In January, she was in NYC and posted a picture with her arms around a blurred man’s face, her hand with a ring and captioned it as ~marry~. She immediately deleted this post like she had last year with KSH and when the media asked if she was getting married, she said no. They then asked why she posted and deleted it and her response was ~it’s hard to say~. All of these are FACTS. Her suicide doesn’t change what happened.

    And here’s another FACT: KSR did not have the proper guidance and help needed for someone who was going through so much criticism. She was young, and has been a part of the industry for over a decade. She has always been loved so to then have to deal with so much backlash would’ve been immensely hard. She did not have the guidance to work through that.

    And then, here’s FICTION: that she was leaving some message behind – whether towards KSH, the guy she is in NYC with, or someone else. She has social media at the tip of her hands and she never hesitated to use it in the past. She could have left a note damning anyone who has ever wronged her. She could have contacted someone from the media – they would be salivating for something like this. If her suicide was premeditated to be on KSH’s birthday and she did that, it would be very impactful and he would ~remember her~ no just for what she did but what she made of his career. If her suicide was not premeditated, the date just doesn’t matter as it wasn’t pre planned.

    I feel like I am contributing to the problem by writing this comment tbh. And I hate that I need to but it’s throwing me off how absolutely psychotic some of the commenters here are acting. Based on feelingggsss, saying things like ~he’s shady~, ~he must’ve paid her~, ~she wanted revenge~, are all just a. From people who either already hates KSH and just wants a reason to express it by using someone’s suicide; b. are guilty for their hand in KSR’s death. You guys are sums and the very reason why we have so many suicides in K-ent. Please. Stop. If not for the fear of Karma, at least to respect someone who died because of this very reason less than 24 hours ago.

  15. Annoying fakes trying to be me, this speculation is disgusting, Rip saeron, she’s been troubled since her teen years. And leave KSH and yeaji out of this, all were once agency mates and probably friendly. This is sad news all round. Disgusting Qot shippers and some toxic solo oppa fans should feel shameful for contributing to the cyber bullying.

  16. May she RIP, only after something tragic happens that people comes with the condolences . Not only Knetizens are harsh but they don’t forgive either when a celebrity sometimes deviate from the “right path “, they rarely give a second chance and even more when it’s a woman . As a former child actor she may have mental issues but it seems that seeking for help is not easy ! An artist is supposed to be more emotionally sensitive to be able to convey all kind of emotions in acting but at the same time he has to form a carapace to be able to protect himself from all the negative sides of the career . Some aren’t armed for that .Sad .

    • Tough industry, especially if they are not properly protected as young artistes. I always feel very sad for those who feel death was their only solution.

      • I’ll even say tough and harsh society . One of the countries with the highest rate of suicide , it speaks a lot . I’m not saying that KSR took her own life , …

  17. Has it been confirmed it was suicide? Most reports are saying she was found dead by a friend who she was supposed to meet that day. One report on Naver said she was in cardiac arrest. Please refrain from speculations and respect the deceased.

  18. 24 and suicide is too young to say RIP. The obvious happened. As with most sk celeb deaths, she was driven to death. Bullied. Pushed. Whatever you call it. But hypocritical sk media and knetz will say oh she was so.young, she had so much potential etc etc but you and I know why she felt so despondent she had to kll herself in a nation where mental health is already non existent. I’m sickened by the society there.

  19. The elephant in the room? She killed herself in korea. So basically she was impyimg the entire Korean people killed her? Bullied her to her death? I mean I believe that more than the ksh nonsense. It was a coincidence unless there’s a suicide note specifying that.

  20. So sad and so many lives lost to suicide. I am still reeling over Song Jaerim just 3 months ago and now Kim Saeron. This is so tragic, may she rest in peace.

    I dont like engaging with idiots but seriously?!?!?! Gossiping and blaming Kim Soohyun for you own entertainment without any basis whatsoever other than yesterday being his birthday,,, one day I hope you learn just how fckn gross of a human being you are. You are all mentally SICK. Falsifying known haters on this blog and dragging other actresses, writing deranged fan fictions, speculating cause without basis, throwing hate on an actor just to elicit gossip,,, The bar of humanity is truly in hell. Jesus. Fckn. Christ.

  21. Yeah, I believe the KSH angle. If there was a suicide note or anything incriminating, someone did some cleanup. If you know what I mean. And like ksh/qot/former fl shipper stans didn’t bully her when she posted that pic of both her and ksh looking wasted. They are being defensive now as if they weren’t part of the problem in the 1st place.

    • When see did dui scandal then who were cancelling her ksh Stan’s or kntz you are just ksh hater who pretend to be saint of justice if see has anything with ksh then she should have post something on instagram regarding her issue before her death so that hater like you have some evidence to put blame on ksh😅

  22. Sigh another bad news. It is sad that she had stage parent(s) who threw her into show-biz at such a young age and didn’t give her proper guidance. RIP.

  23. So many Ksh toxic fans coming in to speak just to show they don’t want to accept the fact that even on the day ksr passed, she’s still linked to him because she coincidentally passed or reported on the day of his bday. That’s the truth that will not be erased. She came out to expose him as a pedophile but no one wanted to believe it

    • @doe, People forget that he was the one who said who wanted to date a girl around 20 when he was close to 40.

      By the way, why are some of you oppa fans so worked up? No one blaming Ksh for ksr death. People are just saying how he brings bad luck to some of the girls he crossed path like late sulli and now ksr. And yes his fans also brought a lot of fan wars on jjh and kjw too. But, oppa fans will only think one side and say he’s the one who made them all shined blah blah blah.

      • @Maximize- according to you ksh will say in one interview that he has meet usa president Trump then everyone should believe that everyone knows that every idols and actor change statement regarding dating every now and then but you will ignore.. according his statement his 40s yr old but now he 37 yr wait for 3yr so that I will who his that the 20’s old but in that interview he said as many dramas he can but reality he take much Break of 2-3yrs but whole interview just for fun not a viva and another interview statement if he have gf he announce to world but in sk people giving condolences to ksr but no one one even talking about ksh but your keep running your theories but keep running 😂by the way please go check your facts and the interview carefully again he told marriage in 40′ in joking way don’t spread false theory with proper knowledge and please wait for action because actions speaks louder then your voice & please remember defemation law in sk example iu case so before till anything not proven does not make any guilty

  24. @goku, dispatch not finding shit on Ksh because he used money to bribe dispatch. Wake up. And stop worshipping your oppa like he’s a god.

    I’m so glad none of his costars date him because his image is shit but his toxic fans sugar coat and always come to his defense and blame on his costars and start fan wars.

  25. @mask talk all you want. Must be either his delusional oppa solo fan or former shipper fan talking here and trying to defend him again. You don’t know the dark side of the show biz and pedophile ksh can use money and fame to cover up his bad deeds and any girl he is with or sleep with that is why dispatch has nothing on him for the last 18 years. Of course that guy dated before. Only ksr dared to expose him (as a pedophile). And coincidentally her death on his bday whether planned or unintended still will make people link her to ksh. Not just me but I have seen it on other platforms

    Thank god syj is not being shipped with him now

    • Nothing going to happen to ksh with your stupid theory ksr past controversy are well known but why didn’t tell ksr has pulled same stunt with photoshoot guy with marry title on instagram and then delete but you will not discuss and your birthday theory can be something illogical as if he only guy who born on that date and last your syj scandal is well know and recently 105 malicious hate comments were reported on syj but your syj scandal ksh daating angle syj was dragged in without any evidence and blame game start for 2-3 months you can check tvn comments section of itob but at that time you didn’t come with your theory defend your favourite yeah but should happy now and curse as much as you want nothing gone change hater want ksh downfall but remember one thing without any evidence you will not prove anything but syj dating scandal has been proven

    • Back then the one who bullied her intensely is the fan of kim soohyun and those who ship QOT CP i guess this is her payback (delusional fans) not kim soohyun himself.besides her father already put the blame squarely on YouTuber A.

  26. RIP pretty child. The world was too harsh for her. I enjoyed her acting. Glad in her short life, she managed to share her talents. If only people had been kinder to her..

  27. This blog is so messed up. Came in expecting to see lots of condolences and RIP messages for someone who tragically passed away at such a young age and instead see 1-2 commenters with obvious writing style and the same arguments using different IDs to shade or straight up blame KSH for KSR’s death. The guy is an overrated af actor and he is not half as funny or charming as k-netizens seem to think he is, but damn its quite clear which 2 fandoms are desperately fighting for him to be cancelled and failing rather miserably LOL. KSH lives in these unnie stans mind rent free 24×7 and still they cant find a way to get k-netizens to shop worshiping the ground he walks on.

    RIP Kim SaeRon. I wont pretend like I did not criticize her for the choices she made, but I always wished she would mature and figure out a better way to live life. I will always remember her for Mirror of the Witch and Ahjussi. May she rest in peace.

  28. Even in her death some are trying to make it about their ridiculous theories. Truly unfreakinbelievable.

    RIP Sae-ron and I genuinely hope you are in a better place now.

    • After qot success ksh hater has been multiple you don’t like her okay but putting same bully hatred cycle without evidence trigger fans and blaming solo fans giving as if she has been cancelled by some solo fans but she can post photos but she will not anything before her death if she want to expose someone ,but be something logical

      • Who are you even responding to and what are you even saying?

        You know what? Never mind. The sheer and utter stupidity of some of the comments on this site (whether from desperate haters or fans going off the rails) its completely mind boggling.

  29. Doe hater 😂 putting theory of bribes and money theory of dispatch then why lmh,lee byung hun,lee Jung jae many other actor are exposed of gf by dispatch are they not equal rich to ksh but they can’t expose ksh love life but this hater forget that dispatch work with evidence to proof something against anyone but this person forget defamation law in sk stronger if try something without evidence then consequences will much greater and last I am not defending anyone here not interested but only you don’t have point like suicide note or some strong evidence your claim using someone death as tool bring down hate against someone with theory

  30. @Ohplease Shut up for crying out loud! You know Doe is a god damn SYJ anti! The response you gave is so typical followed by a goodwill gesture request asking everyone to be normal after your tantrum. For your information, it was SYJ fans that were leaving supportive comments and defending her when it turned nasty! KP blog during that time was in the thick of it like hyenas in a feeding frenzy criticizing and judging KSR; there was no mercy shown but a whole lotta fake faux concern now. The girl was vilified and cancelled by the dumb dumb toxic K netizens and international netizens as well. She didn’t stand a chance yet somehow the commentators here are all of a sudden sending their condolences and yeah just save it! Your 2 face reactions are laughable. I just hope the wind doesn’t change when your smiling.

    Rest in peace baby girl you will be missed!

    • “Shut up” lol make me 🙂

      Your comment is also typical SYJ deranged fan comment. You only care when you see people here criticizing your toxic AF fandom, but you never call out your fandom’s toxicity. Literally your fellow SYJ fans are here making someone’s DEATH all about SYJ and making up fanfictions to hate on a random actor who isn’t proven to have anything to do with her death.

      What now, are you going to defend that behavior? You getting all worked up because people are calling out how toxic your fandom is shows that you agree with their actions and YOU are equally toxic yourself.

      Stop acting all high and mighty. You can’t even call out your fellow fans’ deplorable behavior. Me, at least, even tho I hate your fandom, I can at least proudly say that I never wrote any ha*te comments about your precious SYJ. Or any actors/actresses. Can’t say the same about your toxic fandom.

      But yeah, go ahead and defend your fellow fans’ behavior. Very predictable of the likes of you 👏🏻

      • @oh please – No one is defending anyone’s behaviour – I called out DOE for being an anti pure and simple. One individual and yet you accuse an entire fandom of creating fanfics etc etc etc. Your intentions are admirable saying you hate the SYJ fandom however I admire your honesty but whoopie do, true story and standing ovation but I think you need to seriously get over it. This gravey train of you brow beating about SYJ this and her fans are that; are you seriously writing this still in Feb 2025? I mean normal people read and move on but no ‘Oh please’ just had to write an entire paragraph accusing me of being a deranged fan. Okay we’ll be equal if you claim the dumb and dumber tag. There, sorted, happy now? We’re even. Laters and please don’t lose sleep over this it ain’t worth it.

    • @mumma sh*t interesting that you’d rather fight with the reasonable people here who are calling out your fandom for making it about seo ye ji instead of calling out your fandom for their behavior. interesting indeed. you are the one with faux concern. because if your concern and “rest in peace baby girl” is truly genuine, then you’d be disgusted by your fandom’s behavior in this comment section. but you’re just like them who’s using this news to spread hate. whatever. glad that the majority of people on here are reasonable and you toxic seo ye ji stans are the minority lmao

      • @mummabearissh*t – Run along “miss change your user name because you want to reply back to me” I said that Doe was an anti and that she does drop SYJ name so beats getting off like you do whenever SYJ name is mentioned you just have to comment. No one made it about SYJ except for Doe however that gives you licence to vent your angst? Who’s spreading hate? This entire blog survives on that premise so don’t teach me how to suck eggs. Do better and be honest next time you want to reply and just use your real user name okay? Your cowerdice reeks from your hibernation spot or is that just because you haven’t washed for the last 6 months…Bye bye

    • How about focusing your anger on these syj fans making things up while using someone’s death to do so? how about that? but pf course you won’t do that because you probably secretly agree with them 😂

  31. Folks, sorry to have to step in but there is one commentator who is the same person (same IP address): Millie, Leehom, Money Talks, Doe (or fake Doe, lol), Tangerine, Apple, Master’s Sun, and Maximize.

    I think a point of view or even an allegation loses all credibility when the commentator feels the needs to create sock puppets to respond to one’s self or add on the same validation, IMO. It’s also very disappointing to see that even a passing can be used to attack another still alive person without any regard for facts or evidence beyond conjecture.

    • I wonder if your web design for user interface has a function to block the same names being used if coming from different email addresses or IP. It’s something similar to Google accounts that no people can share the same user names. Otherwise, ppl faking multiple users is bound to happen again and over again as long as they are thirsty for fanwars.

      • @Somebody, I think Koala is likely busy trying to sort out current interface issues.. best leave new task later… Poor Koala.

    • Wow, the puppets are lot more than I thought. There is a regular Millie who makes sensible comments but this impersonator use the same name. Thus I was confused. I suspect there are others.

      • lol that’s me (the regular)

        Thanks for the comment lol, I was almost collateral damage for a second there 😅 I actually responded to the impersonator albeit indirectly. On the second post on this topic someone had called it out saying the writing style was the same and I also commented on that. The lengths some go to for someone they hate is mind blowing.

      • @Millie, I had to take double/triple takes. As both Millie’s comments were contradicting. Then I suspect one was ‘fake’. I know the style of ‘real’ Millie. Koala’s comments really cleared the suspicious for me.
        Now, we can focus on KSR’s death. As for whoever she had been with, I am not interested. RIP.

  32. I was one of the very few who defended this girl and Suga (of BtS) and others of similar situation. Even if we go back to Koalas’ post of this actress, we can see all the people who never gave her a 2nd chance. Even if her career as an actress is dead and she paid her fines, the press and people on social media berated her.

    Perhaps because I’m an American and we believe in 2nd chance. I rooted for Robert Downey , Winona Ryder, and I always have a soft spot for her. Such a young girl who had no other clue at life outside of the entertainment. Whatever her pressure was (including being financially responsible for her family) she was pushed to death. She never had a chances to grow as a person. Everything about her was she could have killed someone.

    • You’re not alone here. There were a few although not many regular visitors of Koala’s blogs that also showed empathy to those who made mistakes. Americans believe in 2nd chance thanks to Christianity as the foundation to build their values and the mainstream culture. There are no such concepts as to forgiveness and 2nd chance in Asian culture, however, at least not found in any traditional values I was taught and grew up with. Therefore, Asian fans are less tolerant of what they believe is wayward and would become very sententious or pompous. There is a deep cultural root underneath the facade that Asian fans like to hold celebs on moral high ground and be very critical of their “wrong doings.”

  33. Post with a heavy heart all you want, but when she was alive you were happy to write the words “digging her own grave.” You’re part of the problem and you killed her as much as anyone. Do better

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