
In A Good Way Episode 7 Recap — 35 Comments

  1. It’s the 31 Jan episode that will be pre-empted (for Chinese New Year)! I also mis-read it as 3 Jan at first. So not to worry folks, episode 8 will still be aired next week.

    • Wait. Now I’m confused. Is it next week (Episode 8) or in 4 weeks time (so Episode 12/13) that’s preempted? I can’t handle waiting for this show. They need to air it more than once a week lol.

      • I think it’s the episode on 1/31 that is preempted due to Chinese New Year according to the IAGW Facebook page, so the wait should still be one week for episode 8 next week.

    I love to see Jia En growing up too~ and it seems she’s getting closer to understanding the meaning of freedom

  3. I was surprised she opted to acknowledge the deception and just ask for a return to the status quo…awesome Jia En is awesome.

    Liu Chuan should have just said he was uncomfortable meeting in person and the problem would have been solved anyway

    • Yeah, that was mature of her. I was afraid she’d spend the rest of the series crying over how he’d deceived her and hating him because of it. She surprised me

  4. I loved almost everything in this episode beside one thing that kept bother me. It’s kind of childish, I know, but I think it’s very clear that Ri-Qi have feelings for Xiao Wei. Some of you may say there’s nothing wrong cause she also have some feeling for 3631, but as a friend of Xiao Wei, isn’t she supposed to take a step back or is she that dense? After all, we were all witnesses to his caring gesture toward Xiao Wei with a bottle heater. Oh well, she’s still young and not experienced enough.

    Especially I liked the charming friendship between Ren Wei and Jia Er, and this episode was full of them. How fun to see a true friendship between a man and a woman, in a natural, simple, and its most sincere way. Give me more of those!

    • I personally feel that Jia En does not have romantic feelings towards 3631(especially after she knew it was Ri Qi lol), or rather I don’t think she understands how it actually feels like to have feelings someone, at least up to this point she doesn’t. She is, after all, a very sheltered country-girl, who only started to become more sociable when she entered college. I think the reason why she was so eager to find out the identity of 3631 was due to his sudden disappearance, and also to thank him for his encouragements and the pair of earrings. Which is why she immediately gave up on wanting to “find out” who 3631 is when she knew it was Liu Chuan, because all she wanted was just to have her online friend back, and she knew, thanks to the brawl in episode 5, that if she kept pressing on the matter it would only put a bigger gap in between them. So she chose to step back to give him some space and privacy and let everything fall back to how it was before the whole “let’s all search for 3631” game. I guess her enthusiasm and straight-forward attitude is always causing misunderstandings, like how in the beginning some people thought that she has romantic feelings for Ren Wei when she was only being clingy to him because he was her only friend back then.

      However, I do question the other usually perceptive people like Tracy, Bai Xue and Ah Qing(who claims to be so experienced in the matter of love lol), to be so inattentive to Xiao Wei’s feelings. But I guess I’ll cut them some slack and blame it on it being a spur of the moment reaction, seeing how the ones who started teasing Jia En and Ri Qi turned out to be the forever clueless Jacky and Ah Di, and they do it so blatantly and cheekily it’s hard to not join in with the teasing especially during fun gatherings like this.

      • Ms. Koala explained in her new post what I’ve meant. I LOVE that Jia En made such an HUGE step in her personal and Liu Chuan matters, but I was also wanting her to do the same step as Xiao Wei friend. All in all, I can wait because I believe she’s doing her best to close the gap as someone who all her life had only one friend.

  5. I was a bit frustrated initially when he hid himself.But as the episode enfolded, I was having a fun old time watching him be jealous and unable to say anything.

    Hah. Serves you right boy. You do need that credit in love. I felt more sorry for the girl that liked RI Qi.

  6. What I love is that in 9.9 of shows, the revelation of who 3631 was would be followed by teary accusations, over the top loud declarations of the reasons why the other cannot br trusted et cetera. Love how the revelation is treated and how they show growth in Jia En.

    • THIS! I love how this drama doesn’t have a massive, ridiculously exaggerated fallout like so many other shows. Jia’en absolutely nailed it with her mature reaction upon discovering 3631’s true identity.

      Meanwhile, I am lovin’ lovin’ lovin’ Renwei. Best childhood friend and bumbling romantic idiot evarrr.

    • Exactly! We’ve seen that kind of cliche a million times, it’s so refreshing to see this kind of development unfold (especially from a rather naive character like Jia En). It suits her though, she might be a bit clueless sometimes but she always cherishes the bond she has with people who she cares about and wouldn’t want to risk it for foolish misunderstandings.

  7. haha. Jia En was reading a code book and then she sees Liu Chuan’s name! 刘川! 36=Liu and 31 (Chuan)! When you look at his handwriting, how he writes the Liu is very similar to 36. I didn’t really think much about it before either until Ri Qi asked him and he wrote out the answer with Ri Qi responding that it is just like him. LOL.

    • The Liu that his nickname uses is actually 流 (流川) so it makes even more sense (the 3 dots looking like 3/being 3, and him being lazy and making the right part look like a 6).

      • Ohhh.. Thanks for the correction! (= Definitely makes a lot more sense now. I was just looking at how he wrote his name and just assumed that it was the surname Liu. I wonder why he has that nickname. Did they ever mention the reason why?

      • @xiaoyi – they didn’t mentioned why Liu Chuan is Liu Shan Feng’s nickname, but c_gunawan541 at soompi did. She explained: “To answer your question, Slam Dunk (Japanese manga) was really super popular back then in the late 90s (Even until now it’s still very popular and considered a classic manga) and one of the most popular character in the manga is Kaede Rukawa (流川 楓) – his Chinese character name will be “Liu Chuan Feng”, sounds like Liu Chuan’s real name right? Liu Chuan’s real name is “Liu Shan Feng (劉杉峰)”, plus he’s like Rukawa, very popular and good in sports, thus his nickname comes from that…
        PS: If you notice in the opening theme video, there’s a small rukawa figurine in Liu Chuan’s car..”

      • i’m not sure if i see it. plus ri qi gave codebooks to jia en to help her figure it out so i think there’s more to it than just because it looks like the written form of ‘liu chan’.

  8. damn this is the only show i would wait for every friday to watch and read your recaps the next day! thanks for introducing me this show

  9. koala unnie, thanks for the recap. this is my first time to leave a post at any website (well, aside from my fb). this drama is so amazing, it is my first drama that makes me to watch it live (not even kdramas can make me do this!) eventho i dont understand chinese language, hehehe~anyway,just wanna say thank you so much for the recap, stay healthy, fighting~

    *sorry, my english is not perfect T__T

  10. JE rocks! What a smart and considerate girl.

    LC conveyed and hid so much in his silence after realizing how his cover was blown. Her decision to carry on the secret for him is awesome, and he knows it.

    We have to wait two weeks to find out how he will show his appreciation to her?

    • I’m actually kind of hoping he’ll stay in denial (i.e. in assuming that Jia En is gullible enough to believe that it’s someone else). It’d be interesting to see him open himself up to her as 3631, only this time with her knowing that it’s him while he remains clueless

    • Oh, and Chinese New Year is on January 31st, not January 1st. Don’t worry, we’re getting an episode next week as per usual 😀

  11. Thanks, Koala, for the super fast and awesome recap! I would have been somewhat lost without your recaps. Can’t wait to see further interactions between our lovebirds. Happy Holidays to all!

  12. Lego Li says so much just with his eyes and facial expression. You can feel LC’s massive JE crush, disappointment, awkwardness, tightly-guarded happiness, and in that last scene when his cover was blown, his ‘oh-snap-she-got-me’ moment (that scene was so well done! JE’s unusually calm demeanor, LC’s expression and then silently sitting down, such a big moment done with minimum dialogue effectively!). Silent LC is my favorite moments, because sometimes I find Lego’s line delivery very stiff – maybe it’s in character but there’s something awkward about it. Still adorable though! <3 LC

    And Ren Wei continues to be amazing! He is the kind of boy BFF that girls love to have around. He's considerate (when he berates Jacky for teasing JE, tucking JE's sleeping bag so she won't catch a cold – he was SUCH a Da Ge at that moment omg), laid back (when he just plops down next to Mary jie2 and JE discussing love life, or when he casually enters JE room to borrow shojo manga presumably to learn about girls lol) and so silly that all the girls comfortably scold him. But I'm actually hoping he'll get over BX and find happiness elsewhere. It's just that I like both separately but not together somehow.

  13. Wow! Not since the Great Depression of 1929 have stocks crashed so badly! You said you were mad at Liu Chan for the greater part of the episode, but I was STILL furious with him at the end – even more so BECAUSE of Jia En’s understanding forgiveness. He was a snivelling, selfish coward throughout the whole deceitful mess AND got away with it. I thought his craven cowardice was bad enough, but when it became clear how much his selfishness was hurting Xiao Wei, that just made it so much worse.

    You talk about a return to normalcy between him and Jia En, but the fact that he could be so contemptibly weak and resort to ever more desperate acts of deception is a very bad sign for the future. His conduct flies in the face of everything he’s ever said to Jia En, and he’s doing it for ignoble reasons too. He damn well better atone himself SPECTACULARLY after this disgraceful behaviour. The only conclusion that could be drawn from the climax of the episode is that SHE could do WAAAAY better.

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