
Dylan Wang Gambles Potentially Vaulting to the Top of His Age Group Actors with Upcoming Guardians of the Dafeng — 13 Comments

  1. Well, the trailer looked rather boring…
    I think it will need a bit more than Dylan’s “resting devil face” (on which he seems to rely a lot) to keep viewers interested for 30+ episodes.

    And before anyone asks, no, I’m not a fan of any of his competitors, just someone who loves a good plot and strong acting skills.

  2. There’s always some dramatic person on the internet making these hyperbolic statements. Even if he fails he’ll be fine. Look at the dud after dud Gong Jun has been serving, and he’s still getting lead roles in decent budget productions. Call me suspicious but it almost seems like something his own team would release, just so that if he does get critiqued, they can point to the so called “preplanned smear campaign”.

  3. Well, his latest song “Burn” is about him dissing his haters. Hopes he proves them right, otherwise… Like everything else in China, competition is fierce, there are hundreds, maybe hundreds of thousands, of people competing for the same jobs.

  4. Who are his rivals of the same age group? Plenty I think. There are quite a few up and coming actors with at least one hit dramas under their belts. Wang Xingyue, Ding Yuxi, and now Li Yunrui, are on their way to next-level stardom, just to name a few. And these actors do not only have visuals, but also have very charismatic on-screen presence and potential to expand their acting range. The competition is fierce given these few foregoing rising stars besides those plenty still stuck in the pedestrian league in terms of either acting or on-screen charm. You’d never know when those who have been doing boring drama after drama will breakout and threaten Dylan’s quest for the dominance. LOL. Such competition is Good for C-ent though. Fans should stop playing dirty and toxic tricks against other actors who are not their faves. If their faves aren’t up to par to survive such competition, running dirty campaigns against rival actors is useless and only short lived. Those who have talent to shine will find their niches anyway. It’s all about who can bring viewership and followers to make money for investors. Xiao Zhan is the best example to teach rabid antis good lessons.

  5. We shall see what kind of major campaigns will be launched. Will it rival Xiao Zhan’s Douluo Continent where Douban groups deleted every single post about the drama and even kicked out the users who made those posts? And the charts even manipulated the data until it shows -1 danmaku, which is simply ridiculous.

  6. Chinese media and netizen will be as usual praise the 2nd male/ female lead and trash the main actor/actress if the drama failed to make them happy

  7. The other rivals wud be Wang Xinyue (The Double), Ding Yuxi( LGoEF), Li Yunrui( Blossom). Xinyue is just 22, though not very versatile, Yuxi and Yunrui are better at acting. Other rivals wud be Tian JanCi but he is way better in terms of acting, singing, dancing and being an overall performer. Problem with Dylan is, he is a one trick pony. Two left feet in dance, can’t sing two lines to save his life. We really did not get any true A listers after Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. They both are way ahead in the game from other recent actors. Yu Shi had potential but seriously what a third rate cheap character he turned out to be…

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