Moon Geun Young Guest Stars on Variety Show Running Man
It’s really a flashing red neon sign that an entertainer is back in business after a hiatus when he or she starts showing up on red carpets and variety shows. It’s been nearly two years since Moon Geun Young wrapped Mary Stayed Out All Night, and she’s been a full-time student at Sungkyunkwan University during her time away from acting. She confirmed her return to drama last month by signing on as the female lead for the weekend series Alice in Cheongdamdong, which has now confirmed its full cast of Park Shi Hoo, Kim Ji Seok, and So Yi Hyun. It’s my most anticipated drama from the upcoming batch and likely the last new one to debut before the end of the year. This weekend Moon Geun Young showed up as a guest on the variety show Running Man, and despite hearing good things about the show, I confess to having never watched a single episode and have no clue whatsoever what this show is about. When I think Running Man I think Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I doubt anyone is a convict on that show looking to entertain the jaded masses with a game of life and death. Because my Geun Young is on this show now imma going to watch it for the first time, especially since I totally LOL’d when I saw a picture of Kwang Soo and immediately thought “what is Jae Gil doing on RM?” I love when dramas messes with our minds even in real life. Geun Young looks beyond adorable on the news stills released from the show and I’m sure she’s just getting her feet wet again with television filming and will be super stoked to dive into Alice come November when the drama starts filming.
[Credit: all pictures as marked of the respective news agency]
Haha. This show’ subtext could be “All about betrayal” and Jae Gil aka Giraffe Kwangvatar is a champ who always fails esp opposite Spartakook. Have fun watching and trying to understand the rules.
I am so excited for AIC. MGY and PSH – awesome!!!
and KJS! I seriously cannot wait. Anyhow, I have only actually seen RM twice (the JJH one) and one other one. I do find it a little confusing even though I’ve had recaps. But for MGY, I may have to find it online.
She is too cute and adorable!! She looks really young (I mean younger than she actually is, since she’s still young).
omoooo! I gotta watch this!
Miss Koala, you should definitely watch Running Man too, it’s so funny!
Running Man is the best Korean variety show I’d ever watched. Hopefully MGY perform well since quite a number of guests just using the show as a platform to promote themselves and not doing their best on the show. Still and since she confessed how much she loves and enjoys the show, I believe she will definitely do her best
It’s funny because the theme for this episode is Xman, which Yoon Eun Hye (another of your favorites and my ultimate bias) was a regular for so they kept mentioning her. Well, that and her “connection” with Kim Jong Kook…. And since she’s been gone for so long, I sometimes just watch this to see if they mention her again… Well, I’m not a KJK-YEH shipper but I do want her to guest on the show, solely because she was such a gem on variety shows.
I love Running Man! It’s soo much fun that I wish I could go and play with the cast. haha. Can’t wait for next week to watch her again!
You can watch all subbed running man episodes from this website below….
This has been my source of entertainment when I needs good laugh!
I can never ever forget that scene in Cindrella’s Sister ( the drama fell apart after half way thru) when MGY’s character runs away from CJM…The intensity of her face, the equal intensity on his, the long black hair, the music, the close ups. then the last shot of him chasing her thru the trees and she running like a gazelle. I still go back to youtube to watch it. Wow. One of the most beautifully shot scene in the history of Kdramas and the actors burning up the screen.
MGY can be cute and adorable….But she can be terrifying. ….
Mrs. K, you are simply the best. I watched this episode last night even if it is raw and I only understand snippets of what they are saying. It is my first time to watch running man, and only because of MGY. I’m only familiar of it because it’s being recapped in another blog. I know that this will not get passed by you. Our Geun Young really has a talent for eveything. When God showered talent, she was given a bath.
Dear Koala, she’ll be a guest again in the next ep. of Running Man as well, so keep watching if you have time! So good to see her having fun with the cast! I love this show!
Oh, this show looks awesome. Ok, I am sold! @Tri, thanks for the link. Later, guys! *runs off to watch…
Oh Ms Koala, you really need to watch Running Man! It is such a hoot! (of course, I’m being biased as I’ve been watching it regularly for the past 1.5 years) but I think that you would absolutely love it!
THIS IS FUN!!!! hahaha good reality show!
I used to watch RM but it quickly became formulaic and redundant. LOVE the cast…they’re all hysterical esp. Kwang Soo, HaHa, & Gary (=<3). No mention of RM should go w/o mentioning Ji Hyo (so badass, save for KJK those boys don't hold a candle to her awesomeness). Excited to see MGY since I've only seen her in My Little Bride and that was waaay before I got into K-dramas.
Mgy is really a fan of RM, at the blue carpet she was with her nametag on her back and let the fans tear off her nametag (They have missions and nametag on their backs on RM) that also had her sign, awn.
He-he, poor bodyguard didn’t know their intention!
mgy is so lovely and cute!!!!! she’s one actress that you cant resist to look at…
have fun watching koala sis… i just downloaded. i don’t watch it everytime, only when people i like appear as guests like KSH, Big Bang ang Gong Hyo Jin and now MGY.
it’s really a good variety/game show. Jae Gil is super fun there too.
I missed her to the extent that I began to kinda ‘resent’ her.
Sometimes , I think “MGY !You’ll lost hordes of fans, you will!” followed by a train of other strange thoughts on her total blockout absence.Yes, we knew she was in SKK Uni, still…
Now , I’m just over the moon with her being here, there, everywhere!! AHHH !! Welcome Back , my darling Geun Young , you’ve been sorely missed. Alice in C, sounds like a run-o-the-mill drama.I’m looking forward to be see GY’s special branding on it.
i just finished watching the MGY in Running Man .She was awesome and the chemistry btwn KJK n her is hot…hehe..